Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
Connect with your Heart and practice Loving Kindness every day!
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Why is understanding Ascension important?

To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with the soul purpose and true divine essence. “Surrender” and “Acceptance” are two main characteristics we will need to allow to permeate through us to facilitate an easier time. In order to shift the old behaviors and thought patterns not serving the soul purpose, we will become aware of the beliefs and behaviors that exist as imbalances within us and we must take the appropriate steps to integrate or clear them. This process will bring our deepest fears, beliefs of limitation and old pain patterns to the surface through events that trigger them into our awareness so that we can consciously acknowledge, resolve and heal them. Some of these issues are ancestral or inherited in their nature and may feel rather odd yet familiar when they are is brought to your awareness. It is important to remember that we are not only clearing our own individual “mind” grid, but also the karmic mind implications and collective (un)consciousness implications on this planet from the last evolutionary cycle. This way you can reframe the circumstance in your mind to be that which is impersonal and detached from identifying with the specific issue that has risen to the surface to be cleared within your bodies. Appreciate and acknowledge your light being for accepting the assignment for this clearing rather than claiming it as belonging to “you”.

By doing this repeatedly, we clear our emotional and energy bodies of the long held traumas, beliefs and fears that have impeded our ability to experience our true “being” and bring more peace into our lives. Once the emotional body is resolved and cleared of an old pain or trauma, the physical body then is enabled to clear its equivalent of that energy block. When that energy blockage is released and removed it also impacts the cellular memories held within the body that clears family of origin and/or other blockages that have resulted from trauma memories or unhealed conflicts in the past, present and future memory timelines.

All of this happens simultaneously within all of the layers of the bio-energetic field when each healing is cleared. In effect, it is a full clearing and release of these painful events held as patterns in the bodies from the soul’s record and cellular memory. And that is pretty awe inspiring when you realize how this will impact the human experience as we move forward!

Surrender to Now

Everything is in the now moment. When our core existence is challenged during such immense levels of transformation, we may feel the magnification of the smallest issue be amplified so that it feels like a life or death matter. This may feel scary, we can feel threatened by being forced to change. This is why knowing these changes are critical for our evolution and trying to surrender to them without fighting it, lashing out or becoming angry will make the process easier. Greater acceptance is required now, learning how to surrender is a daily practice. Problems we used to obsess about or believe they were a “big deal”, are losing their importance in our lives. There is something so much larger happening here. There is nothing to hold onto any longer. We must become less attached to things and be willing to “let go” of spiritually bankrupt values in order to survive the transformation required to become more balanced with our own sense being a true human being. So what does it mean for us to be in alignment to the God Source and Law of One, which is the same as asking; what does it mean to be a true humanitarian? 

In the process of our unraveling consciousness in this human drama setting, this is one of the experiences that we have set up as "spirit" to create the experience of learning to FULLY Surrender to divine forces. It is a complete dismantling of our ego and Ego Defense Mechanism. This is the crossroads where we start to leave the world of human order and align to the Divine Order. To many of our earthly cohorts, biological families and old energy friends, it will appear as if we have stepped off the edge of a chasm into a realm of insanity.

This is the aspect of higher mind which holds access to a threshold of consciousness that is devoid of deep heart based Compassion and true empathy. It hangs on to the edge of the Consciousness abyss until it can fully let go and surrender, dissolving into the oceanic field of loving compassion. Jumping over the Luciferian Abyss is the final point of surrender where we may feel fear we will be swallowed into the black hole of nothingness.At this point we stand at the edge of the abyss over the massive void. We must Surrender to God to make the leap of faith and jump over to the other side into the arms of our Mother. This is why after achieving the Observer Point if feelings of Compassion do not naturally follow through an open heart, intentional effort to open the heart, commune with Mother and heal the inner child will be required to access the higher heart principle.