Shifting Timelines

This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group.
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Time Shift Blog

Lisa regularly publishes a blog discussing the current issues at hand.
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ES Podcast

Listen as Lisa reads her monthly newsletters.

cosmicunityTuesday September 11th at 9:00 am PT /12:00 (Noon) ET 

On this page you can listen to the Group Peace Prayer. When we're live the play button below will become active. We'll play music about 30 minutes befire the start time. Click the play button below to hear the WEB CAST. 

— We will have meditations every hour on the hour.  
— Remember that you must be logged on to read and submit comments.

Thank you. Enjoy the Group Meditation! ♥




Use the player below to replay our meditation in your own time.