Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
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Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
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Ego Filters and Mind Locks

It is important to understand as “real” as the ego personality may feel as a part of our human identity; it is a false or dual identity that is a “Dead Energy” structure. Continual use of a dead energy structure to focus our Consciousness and personal vital energies through deplete all of our multidimensional bodies, and eventually deplete one’s life force. When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul.

When the Negative Ego is not corrected it creates soul damage and disconnection which allows that portion of one’s life force and body to be misdirected, abused or used by someone or something else. When we consistently think with the Houses of Ego we are using the Negative Ego which requires to consume energy from the external world and from others that we have developed Attachments. This is called the Consumptive Modeling of the Imposter Spirit and related forces.

Ego Filters

Ego Filters are dead energy mind control structures. We have become accustomed to the Negative Ego identity as a (supposedly normal) part of being incarnated on the 3D earth. These Mind Control structures (also used in companion with alien mind control implants) were inserted into the physical elemental bodies of human beings. This aggressively commenced as a hybridization and complete planetary infiltration of the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) approximately 5,500 years ago.

At which time this structure began a systematic DNA fragmentation and deterioration of the collective mental bodies. This obfuscated the individual’s mental body function relating to the control and awareness of one’s physical body and spiritual-energetic bodies. This collective race mental body and its “individual ego filters” is that which has interfered with the capacity to access higher spiritual-energetic intelligences. There will be further discussion on how the spiritual bodies were blocked by the ego’s filter in the mental body and how this has been accomplished by the NAA. It is important to understand as “real” as the Ego/Personality may feel as a part of our human identity; it is a “Dead Energy” structure of the Predator Mind. Continual use of a dead energy structure to focus your consciousness and personal energies through deplete all of your multidimensional bodies, and eventually deplete one’s life force. When not corrected it creates Soul Fragmentation damage and disconnection which allows that portion of one’s life force and body to be misdirected, abused or used by someone or something else.

Mind Locks

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