Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process

March 2009

Lisa Renee


Dear Family,

We are at an Entry Point of the Ascension Timeline that is sliding us onto a new platform of energetic architecture, which is beginning to support our new consciousness reality.
This is a phase of our development where we are experiencing ourselves and our orientation to the world in a completely different way. Our emotional, our perceptional, our physical senses, our feeling responses to external stimuli in our daily reality, are in many cases not registering any familiar reactions or charge. Many of us now are experiencing no direction, no desire, no ambition, no sensation of movement or momentum, the complete experience IS in the moment. If the observing watcher does begin to focus on a past memory or future event, the energy for holding that image drains quickly and the focus is returned immediately back into the perfect stillness that exists within the exacting moment. There is no space for anything that is not aligned and allocated for expression in the divine timing held within your being. We are being re-educated to continually be brought back into the pristine quality of the perfect now focus. 

It can be a surreal experience as the now observer does sense the physical body, does sense the external events. Yet it is existing from another place entirely, a place of total silence and stillness. It can be felt as being One with your physical self and yet as if your physical self is at another level of intelligence that is being operated, from another dimensional consciousness level of yourself. Prior to this Galactic Activation cycle, we were still more subject to wearing our body as a full identity mask, as something that we perceived ourselves to be. This identification with our body suit has changed dramatically, it can surprise you when you look in the mirror or see a picture of your image, and attempt to figure out who that IS reflecting back. It can be compared to the metaphor of You just do not Know what You do not Know, until you actually have the Experience of knowing it as a reality of the self. Now we can talk to our body, talk to our organs, as if it is us and not us in simultaneous time.

No Value Assigned to 3D

We are starting to exist in Total Being-ness, noting that the external influence present with the amplified density and gravitational pull of the 3D polarity matrix does not register or elicit an assigned value. Many things we have feared would happen in our past have come to us to be confronted and now that we have faced them, we really could care less. Whatever. The things that used to really bother us seem like a lifetime ago. Somehow, we have realized what is just IS and that has given us greater acceptance and strength to encounter solutions to what may have seemed daunting to us at one time. We have built a core energy inside that has become an incredible foundational strength of our embodied spirit. Many of us can feel a quantifiable core strength inside of us that we have never felt before, even when faced with external events that appear quite challenging. This strength amplifies our faith in ourselves and our acceptance to be God's will in action. As We Let Go, We Let God.

Along with no value being assigned to the 3D structures, we have absolutely no interest in contributing or collaborating with that old matrix either; it feels as dead as dead can be. We are holding LIFE codes or Living Light Matrix and we are not able to hold or be in death code or Anti-Life Matrix any longer.

Some of our Family holding the Light Codes are the Mapmakers and are sent into the old 3D structures to hold God witness and contribute to the structure's energetic collapse, like corporations etc. If this is You, almost always you will find yourself in an old decrepit structure yet somehow you are able to infuse your Light Code in the environment, or inspire the surrounding employees in order to influence and support their own expanding consciousness. As power struggles and chaos may ensue as the anti-life and life force have conflict, you are developing the strength of your personal God Power to hold the Light in any circumstance. This is almost always a part of our God Consciousness Training, so do not be discouraged. You are here to master the 3D Matrix and understand the energetic dynamic behind the forms. The 12D Light Vortex and Codes are extremely powerful to bring into these environments. Open a field and just watch what happens! 

We have come a long, long way to be able to hold stillness at this level with the external chaos of change, within a collapsing structure. This is the core essence of the role that we have agreed to for this planet. To Be the Living Light holders and the Agents of Transformation, the collective Phoenix that rises from the Ashes. There is much emotional freedom in reaching this level when the 3D attachments have been pulled out of our Living Light Matrix, our holographic light body. We are progressively in waves, being released from these energetic structures of attachment in order to reach a new state of consciousness, like achieving a Blank Slate. There is no Identity Past or Identity Future recorded in our cellular or energetic matrix. We have a memory tape we can access but there is no feeling sensation when recalling it. This is the End of all Time as we have known it, which many prophets over the cycle have attempted to memorialize and describe.

A question of self inquiry may arise of whether you have reached a new state of neutrality or emotional numbness. This is a most profound sign of the state of emptiness that signifies we have reached the time of the Blank Slate. There is simply nothingness and emptiness within the silent spaces between the stillness of being.

We may feel stymied during this time as we are existing in between these worlds and as the structure collapses, we are confronted with tasks we must navigate that require new solutions. The solution is to embody our Full Presence and dissolve resistances with perfect neutrality. We are still practicing how we apply that state of presence to a variety of these 3D issues. How do we bring the Light of Consciousness to bear upon the Contemporary World, one that is further descending into a more exaggerated distortion of itself?

As we become more congruent with our inner spirit, as our daily actions and thoughts reflect our spirit, we become a walking example of inner sustainability connected to the source. At this point of our evolution we do not need to externally siphon energies from people, places or things. Our cultivated mental discipline and emotional focus is to be subservient to God's will. The ability to surrender and to be in engaged non-attachment allows the strength of God to Illuminate the way. As you allow more and more of your divinity to be embodied, it will reflect the degree to which you can maintain the Full Presence of witness consciousness.

With levity I admit in the most intense meditative moments of this vast emptiness of being, my mind thought to check my pulse and put a mirror in front of my mouth to make sure I was still breathing. This is the deepest experience of void we have ever reached this is the space where the stillness is existing before the birth of a new creation.  Just before it is being expelled as The Out breath of God.

This experience of the Blank Slate is being anchored within the first waves of those on the Galactic Activation cycle and will extend outward to encircle more and more of our Ascension Wayshower families in the coming months.

This is also relative to how you will experience your own emotional body sensations and is a direct result of the Astral Body reconfiguration planetary project. This is a primary planetary and human healing project that began aggressively in 2008, to prepare for the global magnetic field changes and is still underway. As we heal the planet's Light body field as in planetary gridwork, we heal our collective and personal field. This is exciting as we have reached a critical mass in the Astral Body healing and those of us ready to embody the new configuration are doing so now. Since our human 2D desire body had so many addictive embedded distortions, with this upgrade many of us feel so desire-less right now as our addictive matrix within the emotional body has been removed.

This is the state reached that is transcendent of the old incarnation blueprint, from the nothingness into the zero point we can emerge beyond polarity to test our new creations. This is the first time a non-polarity energetic architecture for creation has been this close to this level of physical density. This Blank Slate is the Gift of God, a Consciousness Palette with Unlimited Potentialities of Gods Crayons or ray spectrums to be Colored. It is freed of the confines of the duality matrix which contain anti-life force, as the necessary elemental base of alchemical form manifestation. The density of this 3D reality was elementally comprised and physically manifested of Anti-Life force, a form which is finite, deteriorates and eventually dies. Biological Ascension is about resurrecting the Anti-Life Force form into the Living Light Code of the Eternal Living Light of God. This is one of the group projects of the Starseed consciousness on the Earth.

The Conflict of Consciousness - Anti-Life and Eternal Life

As the Galactic Frequencies are continually opening up many dimensional doorways, it has begun a systematic layered reconnection to the Galactic Time Continuums or Galactic Dimensions. Those of us working with the energetic architecture of dismantling the old and building the new energy reality systems, have been mediating some incredibly intense polarities between the Anti-Life and Life Force, to be synthesized. Many of our Galactic Activators have begun to find the still point, which allows the ability to shift into the transparency that exists when we are the Full Embodied Presence, and to realize in many cases we are the rehabilitation force that releases these beings from their enslavement matrix. This means we are returning these energies/entities back into the Living Source Light or to the Time Space Continuum of their Origination.

The epicenter of the seed conflict between the Anti-Life and Eternal Life forces began at the 11D Galactic timelines of Human History eons ago. As these timelines reconnect to the cellular memory matrix of our planet in this density, these archetypal patterns and creational myths begin to exhibit themselves in physical matter. This is being more physicalized now in humanity at this time, as this is the playing field for reconciliation and is the final cycle of resolution in this density. The physical 11D Stargate area on our planet is centered in the United Kingdom and the Stonehenge area. However, the impact and effects of this energetic memory matrix is sweeping the planet and amplifying its effect upon some of those in the consciousness space.

What you may notice is that where ever this archetypal patterning is playing out, you will be able to identify the existing conflict as that which is threatening the old structure of anti-life forces. Therefore, you may note the exaggerated surreal effect or a level of consciousness seemingly fighting for its life, in the last gasps of its death blow. These power struggles are amplified in an extreme level of resistance and so it is important you find transparency or neutrality as best you can in these situations. You cannot engage in a battle even when being attacked. What is most effective is to learn to be a Defender of the Truth and to be a Commander of your Space in the Authority of Gods Light. We suggest the Psychic Self Defense Audio Courses and ES Community membership to have access to the audio library and tools to learn how to command your space and spiritually clear yourself. (see Commanding Personal Space on the site).

There are those beings existing in reality bubbles which behave in vampiric and parasitic ways, existing within the old context of the anti-life force of the 3D reality. These reality bubbles are like containers, they exist at every level and can be corporations, organizations, communities, entities and individual interpersonal relationships. Beyond this density the same principal of energy exists and is applied at many other levels of the Inter-dimensional planes. One that is not inner sustained from God's light will need to gather, absorb or steal energy, through direct manipulation or by hidden ritual or sacrifice from another in order to manifest their personal will or agenda. This is the Anti-Life Force principle and it is parasitic in nature. The Life Force Principle, 12D or Cosmic Christ Principle is sustained in the authority of God's Light and does not need to extract, manipulate or parasitize another in order to exist or to manifest its creational desires.

So what we are witnessing now in so many life situations is that Final Conflict pattern, between that which is moving to evolve into a fully sustainable and God empowered model versus the sacrificial model and energetic parasitism. This was highlighted in the January newsletter as we leave the Redeemer consciousness of being the sacrifice, to become the Revealer of God Consciousness. This energetic pattern is observed across the board in power struggles existing from dueling corporations with old competition models, to guru and disciple relationships gone awry, to metaphysical leaders and group modalities, to energetic attacking of those that represent that New Energetic Reality of Empowered Sustainability. There has been a long history on this planet of persecution or crucifixion of the Christ or Eternal Life force principle.

The first step is to be aware of these dynamics playing out around you and to not engage with dramas or take them personally. Build your own personal platinum 12D shield and then learn to expand it to create group pillars at community levels, planetary levels and so forth. Your body is a God Technology that can impact larger planetary fields by stabilizing disharmonic environments or surface grids. Consciously utilize your 12D sphere of influence to command your space in the sovereign freedom of God's Living Light. The suggested affirmation is; I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.

Meeting the Timeline with a Task at Hand

In regard to meeting the timeline of an appointed task or project: the time and space for your appointed task will appear in the exact moment that the space and energy are divinely created to apply to the exchange of that task. When it comes into your immediate view from a natural progression of meeting the timeline - it has entered your energetic field and consciousness perception. It is at this point that an action or choice may be required, which will happen in a natural unforced state of being. Even if the task is not something entirely pleasant you will feel the opening for it to be completed in that moment, which means it will be the most effortless time to apply your energy to complete the task. When the space has been made for it, is when it is the easiest to complete with a minimum of obstacles or sticky energies. Obstacles can be exacerbated when you push for an outcome to soothe your mind. Or another person playing the opposite side of the game will push resistance energies to play their part in the exchange. The person felt your resistance and energetic pushing and then promptly pushed you back in response. Most people exist as identity archetypes and when their identity is threatened, they will subvert and strangulate the energy out of a situation in order to reassert their identity role. If you are aware this is how the game works, you can be more fully aware and cooperate with non-resistance to the energies. This is cultivating more transparency to be ultimately invisible to resistances, and with the 12D codes progressing onto this planet this state of transparency will become easier to achieve.

Going into the future with your mind; using pushing or insisting energies, or using fear energies to manipulate outcomes will descend you into a pocket of unbearable density or discord. This is instant karma, cause and effect and the backlash is extremely uncomfortable. Cooperate with the energies as they appear in the moment and you will have much greater ease.

Divine Collaboration and Partnerships

Recently it has been noted that within this new energetic platform of the blank slate, that there is a new template of collaboration and divine unions emerging. This is a part of the new paradigm of relationship architecture and is observed as patterns being created unilaterally as the multiple dimensional layers are collapsing. As a part of the Ascension, we are collapsing the dimensional planes and the timelines into the singularity point of One. Unilaterally means these templates have only one side or surface, without a reverse side or inside, like a Möbius strip.

Here is information on a Mobius strip pattern.

We are at the threshold of new creations, to be built upon the new energetic architecture that is transcendent of the old 3D polarity structures, those which had included the projection of its negative form. The negative form was a byproduct of the old polarity and duality matrix, where the exact opposite or negative of a blueprint's creation was projected into the antiparticle layers and created an antiparticle double. This negative form siphoned energy and dispersed the planetary kundalini energies; becoming extremely distorted, fragmented and absorbed into our Astral emotional body layers. The negative form and antiparticle double have been and are, parasitized by many forces without our known consent.

In order for the anti-life force system to be energized and manifested within the old 3D architecture, this projection of its negative was a necessary part of the elemental form manifestation. Our human physical body is an elemental vehicle and is comprised of the elementals of the planet. This created a lot of genetic damage to the original divine crystal blueprint and the physical body, as it manifested accumulated frozen karmic crystals and miasma. This is where human behavioral dysfunction, distortion and disease became manifested realities and cut off the higher DNA potentials. This also contributed to the many distortions existing in the pairs of opposites or polarity in the gender male/female principles. This further separated the male and female consciousness experience making divine union rare and almost impossible to achieve. Something huge is happening in this arena around relationships now. With this new unilateral architecture it appears that many of us will begin to phase in our Galactic friends and non karmic relationships, ones with no negative form projection to collaborate and have partnerships with. Many of us are greatly looking forward to this.

Brief Gridkeeper Update

In mid February, a Galactic memory layer of the primarily Lemurian/Mu timelines began to intersect in the 12th Stargate on the Island of Kauai. This is a huge occasion as this is the first level of our 12D hub connectors that many of us have been holding space for and building the strength of within the container, which brings a huge influx and larger field of the 12D frequencies into our planetary grid. This Stargate, when opened into its Galactic SG levels is the connector to the Great Central Sun, which is an extension of our Sun that is controlled through the 4D Gates in Giza. This 12D Galactic Gate opening overrides the controls in the 4D Astral planetary level system, meaning that those in the 4D planes with methods of controlling the sun's relationship to the earth, such as the memory of pole-shift and other trajectory field manipulations, are stabilized and unable to be operational at the 4D Giza Stargate. Honestly with levity I can now say, No wonder some of the resistance crew have been acting up and are as mad as hornets. This is a major loss of territory for them.

We also have been informed that Inner Earth timelines through Mount Shasta have also opened a new bandwidth of exchange between earth surface dwellers and inner earth dwellers. Apparently our human Lemurian Ancestors had taken refuge within these layers, opening into and through Mount Shasta and are beginning to contact more of us on the surface to heal the Lemurian Holocaust Trauma memories. This Lemurian History was also the original seed memory of the schism between the masculine and feminine which created a monadic rift and reversals of the consciousness. This energetically and archetypally contributed to the other holocausts and episodes in the experience of human consciousness throughout the evolutionary cycle. Much of this new intersection of support involves the recoding of the Divine Feminine Principle in its 7th Ray Violet Flame Emanation, which seems to be a project that mostly the souls in Female Bodies are anchoring through the embodiment of the Violet Flame at this time. Also, this feels to be a mutual collaboration as the human being is the physicalized singularity point of bringing this timeline into a healing completion, between our Cosmic Consciousness and that which has resided in a space referred to as the Inner Hub Worlds or the Inner Earth. This ought to be quite intriguing in its manifestation. Our ES friend, fellow Gridkeeper and Guardian Suzanna Kennedy, (the facilitator of sacred union and reality crafting) who lives on Kauai has been directed to hold the space for this project. This is just the beginning, so we shall see how it unravels as it continues into the summer months.

Additionally, the Alpha Centauri's have begun a connector or communicator link through us within the expanding planetary 3D Stargate System as these Galactic Levels come in and activate. An introduction and dialogue with this planetary system, being very similar to the earth's system was made today. Our planet has a treaty or agreement exchange for support of 3D human beings that require a transitional gateway of acclimation and re-education. The 3D Gate being an area of the old Atlantian continent and Bermuda Islands area, has stabilized a galactic opening of the SG system. Some of the Galactic Emissary's have this role in assisting these exchanges as a contingency or alternative route access, for those beings not mentally or emotionally prepared to handle the impacts of the vibrational choices being made now during the Ascension Cycle. It was nice to see contingency plans and alternative routes being set up for those that are not consciously participating with their personal evolution process.

Incredible support is coming in ways not previously imagined. Additionally, we will emerge into March feeling much easier, as we will begin to feel supported in this greater peace and ease becoming available as the 12D frequency code is more available. Then on to the 13th Stargate alignment.

That is all we have room for in this news installment. In deep love and gratitude for our Galactic Families.

Stay in the luminosity of your Heart and God Path. We are here as One.

With love, Lisa

Suggested For You

Soul Psychology

June 2016

Soul Psychology

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
 ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

The Controllers desperately want us to forget that we have Souls.  Even though we exist in a material world filled to the brim with many different kinds of Souls, Spirits and Consciousness they would like us to forget our Soul. Tyrants cannot control our mind as easily, if we know how to connect with our Soul.

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