Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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December 2010

The Fine Print

Lisa Renee

Dear Family,

Well just about now we need all the humor and levity we can muster.
If you are an Awakened Indigo or Starseed, what has been showing up in your personal life makes you think you are living the next galactic generation of the Harry Potter storyline.

Given what is thrown at you daily, you may have been busy sending several emphatic appeals to the Celestial Management Structure asking for an Earth Mission contract renegotiation. As all your technological gadgets are either drained, dead or working intermittently, you may have resorted to smoke signals to get some attention down here. As you throw your arms up to the heavens begging for a direct intervention for more clarity in your purposes, you see a rolled-up parchment labeled Starseed Mission Upgrade. Note: See Appendix with Clause descending in your Crown chakra. With voracious excitement as you sense the new information download being fired into the neural synapses of your brain, you pass out on the couch or floor to integrate. Days later, or weeks, when you are able to stand upright for a few hours to gain some coherency, you begin to have realization as to the actual content. And you exclaim out loud: “You want me to do WHAT???” 

We have entered a phase of evolution on the planet the Guardians refer to as the time of the Restoration. (See last month’s newsletter here.) We are becoming a whole new creature as we embody the Christ Intelligence field by putting our authority in God Source first, and eliminating all fear and ego self promotion. This time is about being delivered from the bondage of lies and deception, and restored by the Light of Truth. Meanwhile this is being evidenced with a plethora of new spiritual tools and sensory abilities coming online. We are in a fast learning curve at the moment to prepare for the next huge intersection coming in March 2011. Massive reconnection and spiritual body activations, such as monadic merging in the Starseed or Indigo family, are happening very spontaneously and very fast.

I know we are in December and it’s the Season to be Jolly my dear ones, but Santa Claus is not what they are talking about. It’s time to read The Fine Print.

The Fine Print:

I. Divine Will is Service to Others orientation and is the New Plan and Law for the Changing of the Guard being positioned now.

II. It was never about You. You just thought so for a while. Your body belongs to God Source and is a vehicle of Christ Intelligence. You are the returning embodiment of the Christ Intelligence to the Earth.

III. As a Vehicle of Christ Intelligence, you will be required to do things your ego personality does not want to do. You will deliver Group Souls by releasing their bondage to the dark by Power in the Truth of the Light. You are an Emissary and Protector of the Divine Plan and Logos, the Word of God.

IV. You are to learn perfect Service to Others orientation without imposing your personal will. You are required to have no attachment to the outcome or to the result of your service. Self interest is now taken to the back seat in order to serve the greater Whole.

V. You will be penalized energetically if you persist in manifestation via the manipulation of forces to superimpose your personal agenda or ego will desire. You must master forces of Divine Inspiration over Personal Aspiration. You are being tested heavily to build this discernment through Dark Arts Training happening now.

VI. Consumptive Modeling is completed as Law on this Planet, therefore all energies or spirit bodies that have been misdirected or used at the expense of another will be balanced back into a perfect equilibrium of the Forces. Return to the Rightful Owner is in effect, however must be claimed in the authority of the Embodied Christ in God.

VII. You have accepted this Clause through being physically embodied at this time of the Ascension. You will either leave your body to continue this school or stay to Serve the Others. Mission briefing complete.

Mission Update Positions Recruiting Now

At this point we are merging the forces of polarity into Unity code patterns in every conceivable and inconceivable way to prototype the new intelligence fields, to bridge safe zones and connect into Transharmonic gateways or create Trinitized Forms on the planet. Mother Arc frequency and the Arc Hub gateway Systems activation are a part of the hosting support of the planet’s new God Link-Up technology, to create the Tri-Wave field necessary to exchange with Source supply. This is happening in the assignment of new relationships for masculine or feminine recoding, Rod and Staff work with the Shield of Solomon, planetary gridwork, retrieving souls, reconnecting and resetting the polarity split for monadic reversals, unplugging and destroying various circulatory systems used to trap soul bodies, dismantling reversal and alien torture devices such as mind control programs, removing dead or negative form bodies from alien feedlines, removing transposition harnesses, removing crucifixion implants through Monadic Merge and Violet Ray recoding, and a million other things all happening at the same time. We are extremely busy!

The Hungry Ghosts of the Phantom Fallen

At the same time we have another timeline advancing, of Fallen Parallel Earth, that has created a lot of challenges navigating the current energies as the pressure of the collective planetary field has been immense. These energies create a lot of chaos, disruption, congestion and interference. It adds a whole other wild card element to your day. You never know what’s happening next and act only moment to moment. If you listen to your guidance, you will be told clearly to stay at home, be still or isolate. It is very important that you pay close attention to this message when it comes, even when people around you get upset at you for it. What has happened since October and has reached a head on November 3rd, is like saying Specters and Vampiric Entities are trolling our planet for human bodies to invade or possess. This is because many of these fallen phantom entities have been starved for energies as the black magic and other fallen grid systems are not feeding them as before. This is also because many of these fallen entities did not have direct access in here to this dimension like they do now. Since our human bodies have so much miasmatic debris and soul damage a lot of these entities try to cleave on to our ancient wounds or ancient pain. Most of us are not aware this pain is a part of the human collective and is rarely personal. Be aware of this as it creates a requirement of self mastery, in order to not lose control over your body or relapse into an emotional overwhelm.

Know your limits and retreat when you need to rebalance and recover. This gives us an opportunity to check for internal or external energy leakages and not allow anything to attach to us or siphon our light body. As usual when the Hungry Ghost sees a light it attempts to overpower it or manipulate it away from the rightful owner. It will use your fear or lies to do so. You will see many more people around you fall into this pit and allow themselves to be influenced or overcome by these dark consciousness forces. Desperation, crisis and suffering will be the theme and many people around you may attempt to manipulate your personal weakness to get you to succumb to feed them or their hungry ghost. Sometimes when the ghost does not get what it wants it will go for the personal attacking method or defamation accusations. Be compassionate with engaged detachment, however protect your inner light and energy field fiercely. Command your space and command your sovereignty in God’s Authority. Some days you will be in battle so do not take it personally, stay neutral, alert, vigilant and aware. This is your Dark Arts training. There is nothing to fear, however fear in the environment and collective fields is escalating rapidly. And certainly, this can all be exhausting so you may need to rest and sleep a lot more lately. These energies also impact the gallbladder meridian, so extra care to your digestive and detox organs may be required.

The Tailbone Fetal Cell Realignment

Some of us are beginning to carry the transmission of the new male 12:12 electrical pattern and its physical prototyping, and we had some very physical ascension symptoms recently. This realignment and change to the fetal cells in the tailbone are changing how we ground electrically into the planetary field. Primarily the symptoms over the last weeks were emanated out of the tailbone and perineum areas, and for women within our cervix and female reproductive areas. Lower back pain, sciatic pain, radiating all the way up the spine into the back of the neck were related, because of the axis connection between the “cranial-sacral” structural position of the spinal vertebrae. The entire spine and skeletal structure are being impacted. We have been experiencing all the typical electromagnetic radiation overexposure symptoms, such as extreme dehydration, electrolyte depletion, vertigo and dizziness, liver flutters, digestive and bowel issues, sunken eyes and dried out mucous membranes, hair and skin, along with weird sporadic pain in the lower or nether regions. More electrical energy focused on the right side axiatonal lines and energy flushing and sparking may also have been experienced.

The tailbone is the area where the eight fetal cells are located in our etheric Auric blueprint and they control the kundalini energies and the momentum of the planetary forces as they run through the personal meridian and nadial system. This area for most humans is highly vulnerable, as many of us have been implanted with a reptilian tail that obstructs or siphons the energies out of the root chakra areas as well as the earth chakra connector that is about 6 inches beneath our feet. The Avatar of Ascension Aurora lattice energies have been re-encrypting this area in our Auric fields individually for a while now, and they have been working in larger group fields.

The elemental re-encryption process of this Avatar of Ascension (AOA) project as a part of the Aurora Guardian Families is an adjustment that actually changes the coordinates of your birth blueprint and its genetic imprint on the flesh. When we incarnated into 3D, we had to accept a huge miasmic package that is attached to the collective human mental bodies on this planet. These are called Negative Forms or Shadow or Phantom Sun bodies. These phantom bodies are what connect humans to the timeline of the 911, Alpha Omega Agenda or the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA). The transduction sequence is the definition of when the God Spark connects to the core manifestation body or 12 Tree Grid, which projects out the elemental physical manifest body. As we know a major project of the AOA Aurora is to re-encrypt the elemental structure of our bodies, as well as anchor the architecture to build the unity source code platform. This changes the false 911 timeline architecture and is what the work of this community is in laying the template of the Law of One (LOO) Ascension Timeline.

The City Four Square or New Jerusalem continues
The Starseed Blue Rays have been building and weaving the New Unity Code architecture to be accessible in the Earth Plane by actually physically embodying the schematic of the Cosmic Cube Matrix of God’s 144,000 archetypes. This blueprint can only be housed in a Christ Body and only accessed and directed by the internal and external spirit of God Force. Any being focused on the Anti-Life force of the external environment or believing in delusional ego mechanisms for control for power, will not perceive it or see it.

The Cosmic Cube holds the schematic and blueprint to God’s Laws by building the architecture of the City Four Square. This represents the Four planes of matter in the Four quadrants of our Universe. This is also representing the four elemental bases of our raw material making up the planes of matter.  These four elementals Air, Fire, Water, and Earth make up the main chemical constituents of our DNA code and are being re-encrypted by the Aurora’s through the Crystal River. The City Four Square is where the Crystal River Flows and is represented as the Golden City archetype that returns God’s Laws back to this creation. Because of the current changes in the architecture, I have been guided to share a summary of the stages of our spiritual evolution below. Most of us reading this newsletter are reaching Stage Four, which is about Planetary Stewardship or Leadership. This means we are learning to master the Stages of Evolution so we can support many more of the masses awakening starting next year. Please refer to the following Four Stages of Spiritual Evolution for a quick reference and remember:

Leadership or Stewardship requires we must learn Energetic Discernment and the Energetic Mastery of the Main Polarities of Lower and Higher Self, Christ Self.


First Stages: Path of Evolution and Probation

The unfolding and developing of the intellect and awareness of greater sensory perception. Responding to the awareness of a greater whole and its purpose within the group called Man or the Issues of Humanity, Planetary awareness. Conscious mind learns to take control, uses mental focus to control personality functions, like The Secret or Law of Attraction. Asks for Spiritual Help from God Source, has the willingness to release personal will and the ego’s need for righteousness.

Second Stages: Path of Learning to Honor Divine Will over Free Will. Alignment to the Divine Plan, Cosmic Sovereign Law Upheld for All.

Development of Love and Heart center qualities, activation of 1st levels of the spiritual bodies 4D-5D-6D. Mind focused on illumination and works to achieve greater levels of illumination into being-ness, cellular telepathy. Responding to the Awareness of issues of Multidimensional Consciousness, Awareness to a Greater whole within purposes of a Cosmic and Universal Structure. Mind relinquishes control to illumination, which develops from the intuitional aspects of the SOUL Function as the soul becomes embodied.

Third Stages: Path of 3D Karmic Wheel Transcendence, Initiation

Divine will expressed as creational force through the physical vehicle. embodies soul purpose. Achievement of the Synthesis of all Archetypes and Rays. Chakra merge and mastery of energy field through the first 7 centers. Response to the center of All Union, Transcends dimensionalization. Embodies Divine Will in Action, the Will to God, the Will to Good, the Monadic Level Functions.

Fourth Stages: Planetary Leadership or Stewardship

Agreement to facilitate interactively as a vehicle of Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, the Universal Divine Plan in Action. Having Developed Higher sensory perceptions to read energy signatures and group agendas. Level of completing Warrior Training of the polarity and duality consciousness existing in the Lower Form Worlds. A Master of Comprehending the Illusion and Deception. Mastery of Mental and Emotional functions to direct Higher Light forces of Transformation as directed by the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, or the Universal Divine Plan in Action. Freed of Suffering by loss of attachments

In the beginning stages of Spiritual awakening, the Tests of Personal Mastery and Attention of directing your Consciousness:

1. Ask and Inquire on the Way of your Soul and its purposes. 
2. Listen, learn the language of Soul and take action on the guidance of your Soul.
3. Develop your Inner Connection to Soul that supersedes all reliance on the External Connections or perceptions of reality.
4. Live a Life congruent to your Soul and its purposes so that it serves as an example to others.

Leadership or Stewardship requires we must learn Energetic Discernment and the Energetic Mastery of the Main Polarities of Lower and Higher Self:

1. Instinct Body vs. Intuitional Body and its functions, from 2nd to 4th to Higher Chakra Systems.
2. Lower Mind vs. Higher Mind.
3. Desire body impulses vs. Spiritual Impulse from the Soul, God Intelligences
4. Selfish motives or aspiration vs. divine inspiration and group consciousness.

We are in the best of times and the worst of times. Do not falter to the illusion of fear. Remember the safest place you can be always, is with your personal inner connection to God. Focus there and stay there.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path. Be Gentle with your hearts and each other. Sending a restful and restorative wish and divine blessing for All of Us as the Gift under our Tree. Signing off and back to bed.

Love Always,


Suggested For You

Reeducation of Human Value

July 2011

Reeducation of Human Value 

Lisa Renee

Dear Family,

Many more human beings have been inducted into the Ascension process and are now enduring the pinnacle levels of personal and professional dismantling, as the 3D system structures are collapsing.
All we believed in and thought was the nature of reality is being challenged, to the very core of our existence. We are being forced to adapt and evolve in the moment-to-moment whirlwind of changing terrain impacting our way of life. When our core existence is challenged during such immense levels of transformation, many feel the magnification of the smallest issue being amplified, so that every choice feels like a life or death matter. Indeed, problems we used to obsess about or believe were a big deal to ensure our happiness are losing their importance in our lives. There is nothing to hold onto or grasp any longer. We must become less attached to things and be willing to let go of spiritually bankrupt values, in order to survive the transformation required to become more balanced, with our own sense of a true humanity. What does it mean to you to be a humanitarian?

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