Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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July 2012

World of Forces

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascension Family,

All of us are exposed and subjected to the World of Forces existing within a constant interaction between a multitude of energies, forces and entities which further impact an action and reaction in every area of our lives. There are no coincidences and nothing is random. Every manifestation or event has had an effect which proceeds directly from a cause. There are natural laws in the mechanics of creation which govern these many forces, some of which current science has identified. The laws of magnetism, gravity, electrical orientation, and the basic manifested elements of atomic structure, as defined from this 3rd dimensional reality perspective to name a few. In physics, a force is defined as any influence that causes an object to undergo a certain change, either concerning its movement, direction, or geometrical construction.

However, the majority of these forces, such as extra-dimensional forces, along with the human comprehension of how these forces actually work, still remain unknown in their impact and are hidden from the general public. During the end cycle of 2012 and beyond, our planet and humanity will be exposed to vastly more extra-dimensional forces, which can be experienced from a point of great fear, or great love. Ignoring these forces, like ignoring the presence of darkness, allows your body to be a portal for the use of these forces. People are being used unconsciously as vessels for directing these various forces, especially, when they are extremely attached to an identity of ego. The more we fight to assert our identity as an ego, the more easily we can be controlled and possessed by an outside or extra-dimensional force. At this time, this phenomena is becoming more common and heavily amplified within the world population.

Not until you are aware of your own inner energies and take responsibility for them, can you choose what energies you are directing as a force.

Every person is a force of nature and is capable of great harm or greater good. What are you going to choose? How do you want to influence the World of Forces? Understanding these forces better, making informed choices, learning how to be transparent, will allow for a smoother transition, when exposed to these powerful forces.

Life Force

To intuitively begin to understand these forces, one should reflect on the Universe, the planets, the solar system, the earth, as it is clear that all bodies are directed and influenced by life force and a great many other energies. When paying attention to the natural movement of these stellar bodies, such as our solar system, it is clear there is an order inherent as a pattern within the Universe. Everything exists within some state of relative energetic balance, in relationship to all of its parts. In a living organism, or when a human body interacts with these various forces, there is an immediate action or reaction that changes the state and vibration of that organism. When a person begins to be willing to comprehend their place within these forces, one can greatly understand their own life force and the influence of its inner energies. When one meets the inner self, it becomes possible to accurately express that personal energy signature to the external world harmoniously.

The energy of life, the life force, is what makes the difference between a dead and a living body. There is no external source that animates the living human body, therefore the body has to be animated by an internal force.

Life force is the source of creation in all things, from a person to a planet, and within the larger cosmic structure. The internal life force is the nature of the soul, the nature of the God Source. When the energy of life gets out of balance or is disturbed from its natural movement, sooner or later there is a consequence. Disconnection and fragmentation of the real self, the soul, is the first stage of disturbance. Later stages develop into disease, deterioration, insanity and death, as the result of chronic disturbances. This may apply to a person, place or thing, whether animate or inanimate. Inanimate objects, such as an organization or community, are also created with an individual or group directing their life force. When that object is loved or cared for, it is continually charged with the quality of that life force, which brings the quality and the sphere of influence with its manifestation.

Increasing Life Force through Resonance

Learning how to increase your life force by returning to inner balance, while being exposed to these many external forces, is crucial during this time. When you are out of balance your life force is weakened and one will feel cranky, constricted, frustrated, ill, and lack endurance and tolerance for others. As we pay attention to what forces we resonate with over others, we are empowered to move towards the energies where we feel a positive response to those forces. This increases your life force via resonance, strengthening your overall multidimensional energetic body. Personal energetic resonance increases life force, dissonance decreases life force.

Our life force will react and adjust to every stimulus or force that it is being exposed to within the body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the force of stimulus is stronger than the inner life force present, the bodies are forced to adjust in a way where a consequence of that force is perceived or experienced. If the force of stimulus is dissonant the consequence of that force can range from mildly unpleasant to excruciatingly painful. Depending on the inner spiritual core development, the relative reaction or response, reflects the impact these forces will have upon your body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the mind is weak, unfocused and undisciplined, these forces will pack a punch to your emotional body, weakening your life force. Nothing is more powerful than the development of your inner spiritual source and its life force energy. As this motivates one to develop their spiritual body through ego discipline, this increases inner energetic strength, which repels these external and extra-dimensional forces from knocking you around. This is what it means to have a strong spiritual and inner core.

The impact of these forces upon your energetic body and how they resonate with the frequency of your being is called, the Law of Resonance.

Through the laws of physics, science confirms energy and matter interplay in massive electro-dynamic fields that are measurable in terms of waveforms, frequency, wavelengths and amplitude. The same fields and substances that move throughout the Cosmos, move through our own bodies. Everything in the Cosmos vibrates at its own frequency, which makes it clear that every substance and body also vibrates at its own specific frequency.

It is important to realize that every substance, body and being vibrates to its own frequency and that vibration will be amplified tremendously when stimulated by a similar or compatible resonant frequency. Resonating to the forces of life, forces of goodness, forces of gratitude, forces of love, will amplify these resonances and strengthen your body dramatically. Resonating through ego to the forces of fear, rage, frustration and resistance to what is, will also amplify those disturbances in your body greatly.

Avoiding Ego Displays

Now is the time to find out what is causing these frequency disturbances in your life, where you do not spiritually resonate, and discover for yourself how to bring those disturbances back into balance. Many people are governed by forces they do not want to understand because it requires accountability. The more disturbed your frequency and life force, the more the body will react to the external and extra-dimensional forces of lower frequency, that are being blasted into the environment at this time. To overcome these disturbances, practicing non-judgment of yourself and others, is critical to success. Things are what they are. Being angry, depressed or freaked out about the alien agenda and what is happening on earth does not help anyone, including yourself. Accepting the circumstances as they are, finding productive ways to release stress so you don’t explode on others, takes spiritual maturity. The wisdom is in understanding that IF one really is devoted to life enhancement through human freedom, behaviors such as blame, guilt, yelling or threats will not get anyone anywhere, but into a fast downward spiral. Ego displays and tantrums of this nature must be avoided, as your body will be used by the forces that want control over you, and control over this planet to remain as it is. Since forces are amplified now, when one displays rage, the energy ball explodes like a bomb around you or others, ultimately wreaking havoc in your life and increasing personal suffering.

The more balanced your frequency and strengthened your life force, the more you will be aware of these forces. However, the body will not resonate, so not unconsciously reacting to these external forces, by feeding them and making them stronger takes practice.

This allows one to have the choice of interaction by directing those resonant energies towards you or dissonant energies away from you. As you gain consciousness from consistent spiritual development, greater skill and immediate awareness is present to resonant or dissonant energetic forces, forms, or entities. Harmful energies will be more repelled from your body, or easily directed away from you even if they are present in the environment, while positive life force will amplify its resonance to support your body.

Metaphysical Origins of Forces

All experiences in life are the result of our relationship with our true metaphysical nature, either accurate and resonant, or inaccurate and dissonant. Everything in the human experience has a chain of events, from which all things are manifest. In its simplest form, all things have metaphysical origins through the mental archetypes and emotional symbols, which bring that into the physical form of matter experience. These energetic instruction sets are forces of influence, which are referred to as morphogenetic fields. Morphogenetic fields are a layered part of the consciousness architecture of the planet, which include the entire collective energy of humanities mental and emotional body. Those collective mental and emotional energies are responsible for what the entire planet manifests as its experiences and mirrors it to the whole. This reinforces and influences, belief systems, ego identity roles and every psycho-social and cultural system existing on the planet today.

So when it is discussed that the planetary architecture has been hijacked by alien forces, it means also that the mental archetypes and emotional symbols that many humans have been using as a belief system to identify with as an ego identity, are actually dissonant to the metaphysical nature and harmful to the life force  and inner spirit.

If we take an inventory of planet earth today and measure the quality of life and level of human dignity supported in our cultural systems, it is not hard to see that humanity as a whole, is failing at leading itself from the old paradigm of belief. The current planetary leadership is driven to self-interest that uses war, deception, denial and destruction of the human spirit to maintain its control to enslave the population. The ego is not capable of resolving problems that have turned our planet into a cesspool of pain and fear. This is why it is important to transcend ego belief by recognizing the feeling senses, and higher sensory experiences. To learn how to feel resonance and dissonance, by recognizing which forces of energy are accurate or inaccurate for your true nature. As one becomes clearer about their true nature and what forces and influences are resonate and supportive for life force, this action and devotion to its method, is a service to the whole, as what is supportive for your life force is supportive for everyone else. The exception would be argued, by those people feeding off your life force. Who have a superiority complex that they believe entitles them to continue to feed off of your life force, which is the belief you are their slave, which is the reptilian belief system.

Alien Manipulation of Mental & Emotional Symbols

Anytime there is a manifested event in our life, preceding this event is a mental symbol and an emotionally driven 2D lower emotional body plasma, which are psychic forces directed from our own minds and emotions.

If we are not responsible with our personal thoughts and emotions, and allow ego disturbances to run our lives, we are vulnerable to be heavily manipulated and controlled by external forces.

One such manipulation is the collection and use of human psychic forces. When we are acting out extreme emotional states or mental judgments, that plasma substance is taken from our lower bodies (1D-2D-3D) and reconstituted to serve the manipulation of a planetary mind control agenda. If the person or group involved in creating such highly charged ego based scenarios take the bait, this is referred to as fishing and the motive is to create chaos, disruption and get a dark foothold in the door. The point is to not let something pushing dark energy to get in the door, and to see it clearly for what it is, without fear or judgment. When you see it for what it is, the dark has no power or control over you or anything that you may be working with, such as projects, work, or relations. 
Clarity only becomes available when you are self-directed, calm and neutral and have no investment in any outcome or result.

This tactic is especially prevalent in spiritual leadership and within spiritual communities where the alien manipulation is used to divide and conquer those groups by instigating psychic warfare. This is to prevent the group from recognizing their own power and from creating unity through collaboration, which if stabilized, drastically increases their manifestation power, or critical mass into this world. How best to hijack or divide a group, is when you believe another light-worker in that group is evil, controlled and sending you psychic attack? This is why having some tools of Psychic Self Defense is mandatory when navigating the ascension and light-worker communities. Focused minds with disciplined egos reduce this problem extensively.

This planet’s invaded architecture includes sophisticated mental belief systems with software that promote these distortions in the human mind, throughout the current paradigm of human belief. These are hardware systems they are not just plasma thought forms. Although the human created plasma of thought-forms and 2D instinctual body psychic forces, are used to power up these alien systems, to keep them running in the hologram. Negative alien implants and mind slides are used to keep the perception suppressed, controlled and limited, so that multidimensional awareness and accuracy in assessment of circumstances is obfuscated. Have you ever asked the question as to why so few human beings look up and show concern over the increased UFOs, chemtrails, moon bases and weird phenomena in the sky? Because most humans are mind controlled to not see what they are looking at. How many times have we heard disinformation about UFOs, ETs and the denial of their existence? Hey you are crazy lunatic for seeing that UFO that’s a weather balloon or swamp gas! Of course they do not want the population to know they are here, it puts their power at risk. Naturally if those of us in the light-worker family are serving freedom and ascension for the human race, we can be targeted quite easily through the victim-victimizer software, especially if we have little discipline over our mind and emotions.

Remembering that the planetary mind is invaded, means that the collective human mind has been invaded, via the ego functions as the reptilians or archons have downloaded their mind into this planet. Therefore, it has leaked its sickness and sociopathy into the human mind. The global brain is magnetic, and keeping these machines operating will give us a clue as to what the lunar forces and the moon are being used for. (see March 2017 Newsletter).

All of us have the choice and the power, by developing our inner life force and spiritual core, to stop this ego sickness from invading our sense of wellbeing and controlling our mind to play out and inflict these sick behaviors on others. All of us here on earth are recovering from this ego sickness. Yet, being committed to the development of more compassionate kindness and tolerance for the human race is desperately needed.

By taking personal responsibility for the direction of one’s energies, at any moment one can choose what words and associations one will use as the filter to perceive or imply mental-emotional states. This responsibility of owning one’s thoughts and emotional state, is the way to build self-mastery and avoid being mind-controlled or manipulated, by any outside force.

As one becomes responsible for one’s behavior and being aware of the World of Forces, we avoid being used unconsciously to create dramas, pain and karmic loads on our self and the others around us. This also equips us to deflect these forces when they are in the various stages of abuse, through the alien manipulation and its software.

There are various strategies of targeting light-workers, or all persons that are influencing positive changes for humanity and the planet:

1. Manipulating the Psychic Forces of a person, so they will act out or believe something not true
2. Projecting false images through holographic inserts into the astral plane, especially in dream states
3. Using negative forms and their residue energies, from being traumatized in other timelines
4. Using painful memories from current or other lifetimes, that person can be controlled by
5. Using isolation techniques of victimization, defamation, being singled out as a lunatic to lose credibility with peers
6. Acting out of pain or betrayal scenarios from partners, spouses and other close family relationships
7. Possessing of unstable personalities bodies for the use of directing dark forces to inflict harm

The Unstable or Wounded Personality

Tempering our knowledge with the fact that we are in a heavily manipulated reality from alien involvement, coupled with the fact that unstable people are being used as portals for these dark forces, is an important distinction to make for an appropriate action. Unstable people are used as portals for dark forces. What is the characteristic of an unstable person?

Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by impulsive actions, rapidly shifting moods, and chaotic relationships. Many times, because of insecurities they seek to control the environment and others in order to make things around them fit into their belief system. The individual usually goes from one emotional crisis to another. Often there is narcissism, dependency, separation anxiety, unstable self-image, chronic feelings of emptiness or sadness.

Only by accessing higher consciousness, which is unbiased and nonjudgmental, are we then capable of being pro-active in meeting creative resolutions when faced with such confusing scenarios, such as dealing with unstable people. Because so many people on earth are not equipped to deal with the changing planetary terrain and the changing self, we have a great many unstable people. Clearly personal discernment is required when in contact with people that are fully run by their egos, are unstable, and running around like a loose cannon imposing their urgencies on you.

There is no person run by their ego that is within personal integrity and is capable of being trusted. The ego is always self-interested, self-motivated and is untrustworthy.

Real integrity only comes through spiritual consciousness embodiment. Integrity is not a mental construct.

Dominating egos are wounded personalities that are prone to inflict their position upon you or disrupt a group setting, as their wound drives them to control others to feel a sense of order in the chaos around them. That sense of control makes them feel safer. Sometimes if they do not get their way, they become enraged, have a tantrum and are extremely vulnerable to dark force manipulation and full blown dark possession.

A dominating ego does not have the personal vision to comprehend that the health of the whole outweighs the desires of a lone ego. This is why the ego undergoing spiritual ascension, must be sublimated and released of its entitlement. Many of us on the spiritual path will experience humiliation, to learn to become humble. Many light-workers have chosen a partner relationship with a dominating ego to learn skills to better define the spiritual-self boundaries. This can also be a source of confusion yet, offers a great lesson for mastering relationships with others. This planet is leaving individual consciousness and moving into group consciousness, which requires we learn better compassionate communication skills and how to relate better with others. This is why so many of us in this light community are attempting to find ways to strengthen a sense of community, with practicing group consciousness.

By learning how to speak compassionately, such as in a group setting, we can air our grievances without creating shockwaves of energetic trauma. Shockwaves are created when we communicate with anger or condemnation. Speaking with anger is like throwing an energetic dart at someone. It is not pleasant, especially to a sensitive. Personally I have felt razor blades coming off of some emails I have received in the past, people have no idea their words, even in an email when ego based are loaded weapons.

So the question becomes when an unstable or wounded personality is having an ego display or tantrum impacting your life or life’s work, as a spiritually devoted human, attempting to be responsible to heal the schism within the self, now what?

This is a complex situation with no right answer, and must be felt in the moment and decided upon, whether it is your personal piece to engage with, or not engage with. The wisdom is in knowing when there is a capacity for clear honest exchange and positive communication and when the situation is one big tar baby waiting to suck the life force out of you. This is when you call upon resonance and dissonance energy discernment, which will help to guide you through the problem with the easiest resolution. Many wounded people are experts at emotional manipulation and do not want to be healed. They just want to be right and get what they want, at whatever cost.

Many times, disengaging and retreating, will stop the scenario from escalating into an explosive pain ball ready to smack whomever gets near it. If you pay attention to patterns of behavior in the unstable people around you, they will escalate at certain points when you are working in a focused way, or attempting to accomplish a project. Since the unstable person does not understand the World of Forces, they can be used to spread out energetic chaos and disruption. Being neutral as a compassionate witness, seeing the mirror reflection as it is presented within the scenario, diffuses most of the dark energy stopping it dead in its tracks.

As an example, almost every time I am assigned to a grid-work project, some person from out of nowhere decides to create a crisis on the very day I have a lot of tasks to accomplish that require intense focus. This is a predictable alien manipulation, which happens quite often. They scour the most unstable person in the near vicinity, and have them kick up a bunch of debris to snowball into some crisis to keep me jumping through hoops. At this point I am an expert at seeing the manipulation, so it’s a mere annoyance. However, for many others this can create emotional dramas and feuds, which can always be avoided if you understand the game being played.

The Study of Forces

When we have studied our self, our motivations and our influences, it helps us to know where we have weakness and where we have strengths. Knowing our self can be enhanced by studying the various patterns in the architecture, of which we are personally apart. All of these identities, archetypes, symbols, astrology, numerological patterns, are forces which in many cases are parts of personality weakness, which can be used as an ego control mechanism. Becoming aware of these patterns, allows us to be freed of being controlled by these patterns, which act as forces upon our lives. However, if we look at this it gives us much more information about our soul and spiritual purpose, so that we can participate with these aspects of identity to bring healing integration to all of our parts.

What other Forces can people be potentially manipulated by?

The Ray Identity Force

Our Universe is composed of multiple energetic ray spectrums that vitalize and move consciousness intelligence through our energetic chakra systems. Most people’s chakras are not running these higher energies until they begin to spiritually awaken and dedicate time to their soul, otherwise they are dormant. Depending on the year you were born, there are Ray configurations of that energy wave spectrum that will influence your body and your personality. These Ray configurations are in a specific organization of the soul and higher bodies and give you clues to your spiritual pattern of purpose. Many times, we deny or reject what we really are designed to be because we feel it is too hard or it does not fit our ego’s desires. The Ray Identity is just beginning to be made aware of its existence, and as humanity evolves, should be another area to explore and discover. The Indigo Ray 6 is one such example of a Ray Identity force.

Zodiac Identity Force

Finding the various expressions of your personal star map or zodiac will tell you what you chose at this time as the identity role you would play, within this Solar Ascension cycle. Constellations have specific magnetic imprints upon the soul and upon the birthing cycle, as well as the planetary energies at the exact moment you incarnated. This reflects the mirror of your personality and its motivation as an ego. All of these items will give obvious to subtle clues about personal lessons, strengths and weaknesses and things that your spirit came to learn. By studying these items, you can see where you are ego influenced archetypally and learn how to not allow those archetypes to control or overwhelm your mind or emotions. Most people that are not spiritually developed are automatically run by these archetypes and the patterns are played out in their life very clearly. People that love each other or hate each other, can be reflected clearly in an astrological chart, when both parties have not made the choice to transcend their archetypal identity. When unconscious to these identity influences, they act as unconscious forces upon you and your life, and can be subject to manipulation through others or negatives. Do not give the external control over your unresolved identity archetypes.

Mathematical Identity Force

Numbers, math, master numbers, birth and other numbers associated with us, are also cellular embeds into the coded instruction fields that direct these various energies as a mathematical force. No number is random and many numbers in different ways will be attracted to you or superimposed upon you. Because this reality is imprisoned, the negatives will use numbers to hijack coding in your body. Many times, this is rectified with your awareness and learning how to spiritually clear yourself using the 12D shield and other housekeeping techniques. Paying attention to these forces will also give obvious clues to patterns in your life and the influence they make upon experiences. As you pay attention to the message, you learn to interpret reality from the number codes and this can manifest in a variety of ways all designed for you and you alone, as your energy signature is mathematical and its message will reveal special meaning for your spiritual growth. Synchronicity with events, are especially found in the numerical codes as the time and space vector field where we are as a station of identity in time, is a numerical sequence code.

Reincarnation Memories

We have been many other identities existing at many other times in space. Reincarnation in multiple times and in multiple identities is a fact of this Universe. The current identity you are in this time and space, is the most important identity to be focused on in the now moment. However, learning to reveal and heal trauma from other lifetimes can help to resolve pain and blockages in this lifetime. Sometimes if we are open to this awareness, memories in other stations of time will become available. Sometimes this will actually be recorded as an alien abduction scenario. Surfacing the stories of memories allows all to be seen and accepted, bringing healing resolution to the trauma, if one is psychologically and emotionally stable enough to do regression work. Considering these influences is a potent empowerment tool, however, it must be handled responsibly and carefully. Negative aliens use many other lifetime memories to manipulate people in this timeline, based on artificial pain or memories of pain that the being has experienced from other points in time. This manipulation is designed to stunt that human’s spiritual growth by having him repeat painful situations over and over again, without any possibility for it to be healed. If we do not remember our painful history, we are destined to repeat the same pattern again and again.

We are able to heal pain and choose our destiny when we stop repeating the same destructive patterns in our life, consciously or unconsciously.

How many times have you had an over-reaction, an exaggerated blow out over some event that was not that big of a deal? Most of the time the intensity being experienced is coming from another timeline, with unresolved pain. You are upset about something you are feeling bleed-through from that other space-time. Again, the answer is compassionate witnessing, not getting wrapped up in the ego of whoever you are in that other timeline but learning what the mistakes are, so you can improve them this lifetime around. The negatives do not want us knowing about our real history so they have made this harder for the general population to access, by sticking religious overlays of guilt into the global brain. However, basic meditation skill with an open mind and an open heart is all that is required to request healing integration of multiple lifetimes, where one has unresolved pain. It may take time to resolve, but this is a direct part of the integration process happening for all of us during the of the ascension cycle.

Other Influential Forces

Our biological genetic histories with our earth family lines, as well as our other lifetimes with our star family, have great influence on us also. Paying attention to the patterns in your life that repeat and that have been present since birth, are all patterns and relationships that are chosen and appropriate, for both of these influences to spur combined growth and development of the soul. Accepting that responsibility that the choices of family patterns were made for your optimum spiritual growth, will help support the healing and clearing of painful resentments from the past.

All of these forces influence one’s life force and the way one chooses to direct that life force, either by participating consciously with one’s spiritual development, or not. To not participate with one’s spiritual growth at this time, and to refuse to adapt and re-educate one’s mind about the massive transition humanity faces, puts one at high risk. Those high risks are negative manipulation by the World of Forces, along with its resulting pain and suffering. There is no need to suffer. The task at hand is to know thyself and to thyself be true.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar heart path, be kind to yourself and each other.

Love, Lisa

Suggested For You

Self Definition

February 2012

Self Definition 

Lisa Renee

How can I go forward if I don’t know which way I am facing? How can I go forward if I don’t know which way to turn? How can I have feelings if I don’t know what I am feeling? – John Lennon

Dear Ascension Family,

During these last months and leading into 2012, our life circumstances have been pushing us to pay attention to participate with our inner selves and those closest to us, especially those that are sharing our living or working space. Unfinished or unresolved family dynamics and their ancestral patterns have been coming out of the woodworks left, right and center. Every direction leads you back to squarely face that hidden place where you start getting squirmy. It is okay to get squirmy or not know where you are going, despite the declaration of insanity by some of those around you. Personal resonance and inner alignment are where it has got to be right now, no matter how eccentric, odd or unavailable you may appear to others. This is an incredibly potent time that will define the foundation of the longer term in the years to come. Regain your personal power and some sanity by admitting the squirm factor is quite high right now and it’s all going to end up okay. Really. All of that pressure has been to push to the surface some pretty unpleasant issues that brought us to this next stage of Self Definition. We are moving into a completely new Chapter of Life, without having the actual death of the physical body.

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