Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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October 2014

Consciousness Corridor

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

The recent lunar eclipse is the second tetrad of lunar eclipses that began this year. The first total eclipse in the tetrad took place in April 2014, the second in October 2014 and the third will occur in April 2015 with the last in the tetrad set in September 2015. When sets of eclipses occur the cosmic forces of alchemy alter frequency current and manifest new potentials in creation for shifting one's consciousness in either direction of polarity. Thus, this tetrad of lunar eclipses alter the magnetic field and magnify the Galactic Zodiac influence, the alchemical principle of the current constellation transmission into the planetary grid.

Consequently, this alters the life force current that human consciousness takes on in order to come into manifestation on the planet. The recent altered frequency shifts impact the core building blocks of life and are running deep throughout our cellular biology. This frequency transmission is what changes instruction sets in the DNA messaging made to the cell. Cells use DNA for their long-term information storage and this "long term" cellular record is being newly updated in the planet. Therefore, this stimulates the body, mind and emotions into expressing different patterns and perceptions. We are undergoing deep change in the mitochondria of the cell, which also directly affect the body's metabolic and hormonal pathways.

Currently, our lower three energy centers are being rapidly reconfigured with the main focal point being at the perineum, which is the root of our foundation. This highlights kundalini awakening, unresolved root chakra issues of survival, safety and security, as well as Father-Mother archetypes, bio-family issues, sex, identity, and the quality of thought-forms running in the hard-drive of the 3D mental body. This shifts sensations in our deep ego identity and its core programming, which may feel disorienting. The level of disorientation will be felt relative to our stages of ego detachment, as our foundation connects with the latest architecture that now runs in both vertical and horizontal lines into the planetary grid. This recent Lightbody upgrade comes with increased fire element intensity and a harried pace to meet the next phase of the bifurcation cycle. This may give a feeling of urgency, crisis or alarm going off in our cells. Krystal Star teams have recently built sections of architecture for the mental principle of the Holy Father's Universal Law, which is the structure that governs the mind. This mental principle is a Law of Consciousness from a higher source code being made available to the planetary body. This allows the consciousness manifestation of Gods Law through its mental principle to return to the collective consciousness and become manifest in this world of matter.

Thus, we must elevate beyond root fears and survival consciousness and clear away toxic attachment. As these electromagnetic forces exert pressurized influence upon our consciousness, the pairs of opposites or the male and female within our physical body amplify tremendously. This may be very uncomfortable not only physically, but we may also feel a sense of urgency for energetic housekeeping. We are being forced to clean up our house, clean up our body, clean up our thoughts and clean up our relationships. We have to see the root of all things and what foundation they are built upon. What we are unable to purify and strengthen in all areas of our life will be corrected, cleaned up and cut away. The result of how we synthesize all these polarities into energetic balance is the Law of Strength made upon our core foundation. And the strength of our core foundation in this current cycle is what determines the laws, principles and Consciousness Corridor of our next incarnation or identity.

Those of us that have chosen the Ascension  pathway may have recently felt the urgency along with waves of grief and sadness. There are consequences from these evolutionary shifts upon humanity in the next phase. This event has delineated lines with certain parameters in the planetary field, that cannot be crossed for others, if they are unwilling to choose love or unwilling to change. This current bifurcation is a choice point made in the collective consciousness field of one's personal spiritual-energetic alignment and commitment. This choice point represents the future direction one is taking and moving towards as a Consciousness Corridor or future exiting point during the Ascension Cycle.

Condensing Mental Belief Systems

As the combined polarities merge with the forces of chaos on the earth, it can either radically expand one's consciousness or radically digress one's consciousness. Digression is defined without judging one's personal choice, yet noting the consequence of choosing spiritually abusive behavior, which completely eliminates the expansion of one's consciousness. When the quality of the Lightbody severely degrades along with consciousness, finally it decays upon itself with a lack of love and a lack of care. Like a house that becomes filled with termites over time from the lack of maintenance, attention and care, it starts to rot from the inside and the structure decays and collapse.

Thus, we will observe patterns in the collective consciousness condensing mental beliefs, which form into a variety of exclusive group consciousness reality bubbles. These many reality bubbles can be based upon philosophies of ego, religion, government, nations, science, medical, cultural and business, anything that shapes internal motivation into belief systems that are generated in the public. Generally, it is collective belief systems which slant the group's perception into shared confirmation bias to rally a cause or continue to enforce belief systems. In our ascension and spiritual communities this is an area to be hyper vigilant in, to avoid generating negative ego confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the way the NAA promotes media to influence beliefs in the public so they can generate chaos and mass hysteria around half-truths or deception. The negative ego confirmation bias in group reality bubbles, are quick to say what is right and what is wrong and to claim themselves as the rightful authority over others. These extremely rigid beliefs easily erupt into destructive power conflicts and volcanic emotional fury, which fuel all the Houses of Ego. Forgiveness, acceptance and compassionate understanding of how others feel are key. Through the Ascending or Descending realities all of these polarities must coalesce into a group consciousness, based on the group choice point, which further condenses into a measurable and narrowing broadband of fundamental frequency. Either the group consciousness reality bubble resonates with higher heart based motivations and beliefs of love, peace and unity or project the negative ego thought-forms of hatred, war and separation.

Routing of Group Consciousness

These many groups of people on the earth must be directed into another consciousness pathway or future timeline based upon their consciousness hierarchal level in the frequency fields. The bifurcation is the framework for the Consciousness Corridors being outlined as the indication for future direction of the individual and where its group consciousness frequency will evolve in the next cycle. The group consciousness coalesces into frequency hubs which act as reality bubbles which synchronize into holographic frequency containers on the earth grid.

What is very important to understand is that these violent human groups, such as terrorist groups, work within a small range of low fundamental frequency. These groups are attuned to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd chakra or the Negative Ego mind control influence of the NAA. One must attune their consciousness awareness to a higher frequency than Negative Ego. Meditation and the focus upon one's heart and spirit are the frequencies that protect, support and inform where one needs to pay attention now. This attention placed on the inner spirit, spiritual consciousness, meditation, inner stillness and 12D shielding, will protect our consciousness and body in ways we do not yet comprehend. There is nothing on the earth that is safer than being in one's own 12D Shield and activated Lightbody.

These collective realities provide the framework of belief systems from which these groups will learn to rehabilitate their thought-forms without mind control, and learn higher principles of service, which form the evolutionary format for learning in the next lifetime or incarnation. Many of them will amplify their negative ego belief systems into fanaticism and they will start to leave this earth through a death crisis of the body. Over the next few years, the tragic nature of the death of the body may be very hard to observe in the masses. It is a rough time for many confused people of the earth, however, there are just levels of consciousness that cannot stay upon the earth now and must begin routing for transit. They will take this belief system, whether religion, science, or violence with them in the next life, and their reality will be a holographic mirror to their matched group consciousness frequency.

Essentially the current phase of the bifurcation in time is sorting group consciousness that exist between the frequency levels of: Negative Ego with predator polarities or the Vandal groups, Human Ego thought-forms polarized in Service to Self, Soul in astral plane willing to learn Service to Others, and the Monadic plane and higher consciousness which serves the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One completely.

Collecting Holographic Records

The result of collecting vibrational data throughout the Universal timelines of holographic record is designed to section and re-route collective consciousness that have been accumulating in group reality bubbles, frequency hubs and negative future timelines. Thus, there has been a gathering period of holographic data record in the collective consciousness field of the earth since 2012 to feed back into the Transtime Continuum. Many of us have been doing this data collection providing the framework for the ascending consciousness pathways during sleep state. The bifurcation amplifies polarities of positive and negative force considerably, and the result of the amplification is measured in weighted frequency average. This measurement is what directs the earthly kingdom and all of her inhabitants to the frequency space, the dimensional law, that is most aligned for that individual to continue evolution and spiritual development as a part of its group consciousness frequency.

Service to Others is Law

Recent planet gridwork events and frequency shifts have revealed a deeper purpose in the manifestation of the structure upon the earth, which is now capable of holding the mind principle of a particular Universal Law. Each of the dimensions throughout the Universal Time Matrix have a mind principle which acts as the governor of the expression of its group consciousness laws. The planetary mind or logos of earth was invaded by the NAA in order to control the planetary mind, collective race mind and therefore control the beliefs and individual minds of the humans on this earth. In the process of hijacking the planetary mind they hijacked the dimensional laws, which are intrinsic to the architecture of the planet, which govern biological consciousness growth. They built alien machinery to download predator mind archetypes (see Archontic Deception Behaviors) as well as insert false holographic records, such as patriarchal religious programing and crucifixion implants. As a result, the human race was recycled through their false identity systems, which severely digressed human consciousness and thus, have been spiritually suppressed, oppressed and enslaved since the Luciferian Rebellion.

In the process of repairing the architecture for the planetary logos, and specifically the issues of False Ascension Matrix corruption existing in the astral plane, we have recently received news of success. Through the Krystal Star Guardians, ongoing corrections are being made to repair ley-line networks that run a variety of alien software through the planetary logos and astral plane. As a result of this horizontal repair and recent magnetic shifts, Service to Others is now the Law of Consciousness expression on the earth. This means all humans have a right to exist, live and evolve without fear or under the threat of death, killing or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), independent of previous karmic histories. Those that deny others their human rights to exist without threat or harm, or who commit killings or sacrifices will forfeit their human incarnation rights to choose in life or death. Blood Sacrifice is a soul binding technique, which must be rehabilitated. This Law on the earth specifically protects heart based loving people, the Christos races, and those who have directly asked and committed to learn how to rehabilitate their consciousness through learning the practices of the Law of One.

To rehabilitate the earth consciousness from the negative ego mind control that the Archons of the NAA have installed in the global brain, much of humanity is moving to another planet to practice Service to Others (STO). Service to Others and group consciousness is a Soul Matrix frequency and dimensional law of the Soul mental principle. Many will have the opportunity to be re-educated in these humanitarian values, which are in governance of this dimension and will be restored in higher dimensions. In order to eventually evolve one's consciousness into the Diamond Sun Body of Christos and achieve full sovereignty and liberation, one must master the dimensional laws of Service to Others and master Love as a Force. Intermediaries are removed and the dimensional force acts as the educator of the Law.

The Christos Starseed and Indigo Races may feel profound sadness now that some of our human family will not be able to adapt to the new Law and will exit this dimension. At the time of their death, they will move to another planet to continue the appropriate level of spiritual expansion or rehabilitation. We were hoping they could stay on the earth and do this while in their physical body. However, most at the Monadic plane level and beyond will be able to visit their human families in their newly assigned locations, while the reverse will not be possible. We are at the crossroads of our spiritual journey and are now governed completely by the new dimensional law. For most this designation will be made clear and Soul growth will resume for humans after the death of their body. However, it is important to know that the outcome for most beings of this earth is eventually a joyful one. Where spiritual ascension and expanding consciousness will become a manifested reality for the masses, as well as education to learn Service to Others as a Law of God.

Reclaiming Mother's Creation Seed

Currently many of us may be enduring kundalini symptoms, which impact deep subatomic and cellular shifts instructed through the Mitochondrial DNA, which further transform and change our metabolism and its hormonal pathways. The amount of light frequency quotient held by the cells and tissues of the body, is directly related to the degree of mitochondrial function and results in the stages of embodiment of the corrected Holy Mother principle.

With the recent lunar eclipse the cosmic waters in the astral plane undergo reconfiguration with the new Law to extract the Dark Mother alien architecture and reclaim the Divine Mother Creation Seed. For some women there is a cycle of death and then regeneration that may be experienced in the female reproductive organs at any biological age. The Dark or Reversal Mother Principle was replicated and generated from NAA (or Archons) harvesting lunar, magnetic and constellation forces to enforce patriarchal domination mind control on earth. The lunar forces have influenced the magnetic field to reverse the Holy Mother, obliterate her feminine principle and commandeer her womb of reproduction on the earth for many generations. The Reversal Mother architecture is a complex etheric structure, which was placed in the subatomic layers and lower astral fields, which also manifest itself in material creation as hierarchies of Satanic Forces. Within these astral pockets of etheric gas substance, the NAA cloned or replicated creation seeds (i.e. ovum, eggs), that are inherently a part of the consciousness body of the Holy Mother. The ovum creation codes that make up her body are called the Cathar. During the Ascension cycle awakened Indigo females are reclaiming the Universal Holy Mother's creation seed for the earth, restoration the Cathar body, as this is recorded in the original spark of Mitochondrial DNA.

In the current cycle of Galactic Zodiac Laws, we are at the sixth stage of alchemy which is designed to purify and distill the inner spirit. The Virgo principle relates deeply to the Mother Earth, the earth body elemental forces and this highlights the return of Holy Mother's Mitochondrial DNA record to the earth. With the presence of Mother shifting, many of us may feel more deeply our motherly and reproductive connections. We may sense the connection between our bodies and into the earth kingdoms, the earthy dirt, earth crust, earth rock, her minerals and crystals. The earth is communicating to us in new ways if we listen. Consciousness purification is the alchemical process through which the earthly density of carbon slag is transformed. It is exposed to tremendous heat and fire, as the intense pressure between the polarities of forces distill the purity of the diamond crystalline heart.

Mothers Aqua Portal Tunnel Vortex

The Cosmic Mother principle returns energetic balance into the earth body, reclaiming the body elemental through her principles of anabolism and catabolism, forces of creation and destruction, which arise out from the core of the infinite Creatrix. Kabbalists refer to this as the Ein Soph, the Mother Principle as the conflagration of plasma, gases, and aether rising out from the rings of chaos reaching into the unmanifest layers.

Cosmic Mother thus allows the creation of more and more complex structures that expand consciousness through her anabolic process. At the same time there is another mechanism to reclaim the unused or recycle dead resources like miasma and waste. If a structure is not referenced by the consciousness laws of any other structure, its form is digested and recycled. Through the Mother's Aqua Portal Tunnel Vortex, when we send forms, structures and entities to Cosmic Mother, the form is neutralized and it is free to follow the laws of its own nature.

Cosmic Mother spirals her Tunnel vortex arcing back towards the center of the Creatrix field, returning to the center point of all union, and unwinds back into the expanding fields of the unmanifest. The outer rings of the unmanifest fields are the sections of the Abyss. (Daath). These outer spaces are what form the Abyss of un-identity or un-being, the sections of the Luciferian Abyss in which ego or wasteful forms are eventually digested and absorbed. Hence, it is the primordial death of the ego that most all humans fear as the metaphor for the complete annihilation of the Self. Cosmic Mother's function represents the creation (anabolism), destruction (catabolism), and fields of all potential within the unmanifest, all simultaneously. The dead zones outside her unmanifest fields are the space of Abyss. When we heal our consciousness body of these dead zones and fill them with eternal living light, we may have awakening experiences where we cross the Abyss and its shadow to heal our fears and separation from God.

  • Abyss of separation (Satanic Force)
  • Abyss of knowledge (Luciferian Force)
  • Abyss of un-being (or un-becoming) (Ego Death) 

Discovering the Core in Relationship

This time greatly impacts the macrocosm to microcosm reflection of our relationship to our true God Parents, and distinguishing the difference between the False Parent and the Holy Parent. This will pressure us to transform our relationship foundation to redefine its core, especially in marriages, unions and living together. For this reason, those in marriages or unions may have a harrowing time finding reconciliation and compassionate ways to resolve any relationship issues as it must evolve to a higher spiritual purpose or complete its cycle.

Every relationship we have is designed for spiritual development, and especially now at the time of ascension humanity is extremely impacted by the changes that have occurred to the male-female dynamic as it connects to our personal growth.

Most people are unaware that many relationships on planet today are directly attracted by the spirit self in order to resolve past ancestral-family patterns, clear blockages, and integrate forces of polarity. All relationships are directly designed for personal growth and consciousness expansion. Without an evolutionary context towards relationships, one is left confused and potentially manipulated by unresolved personal pain. When we can recognize the fear program driving the core foundation in our relationships, we can refuse its control over our personal sovereignty as eternal soul beings. To address the fear is to make sure we keep our heart open for unconditional loving kindness, acting in service to the other, yet maintaining our boundaries for self-love and self-respect. Our goal is to move beyond old painful patterns that have defined our relationships, in the past or present.

First, this is an important time to identify and address the core reasons and beliefs that attracted your current relationship partner or previous relationships. We want to clear the core foundation of relationship attachments or beliefs that have been based on lower root chakra needs; survival, sex, money, glamour, mommy or daddy issues (False Parent), fantasy delusions or material convenience.

Once we can see where we have projected our issues on our relationships, our partner or lack thereof, then we must accept responsibility and seek to change our behavior in the relationship connections immediately.

To evolve relationships and achieve spiritually healthy, loving and deeply intimate connection, one must be willing to look honestly at one's personal capacity to be unconditionally loving, forgiving and to genuinely be of service to your partner, even if its inconvenient. One can address the defining foundation of relationships and note where fear, denial or pain has shut your heart down. Then make changes consciously to not let fear or pain close your heart down when communicating or facing issues. What prevents relationships from evolving is lack of transparency and generally communication blocks formed from deep fears of intimacy or vulnerability. Deep fears of intimacy are what completely shut down the emotional capability to experience deeper forms of loving intimacy and connection in every kind of relationship. Until we heal fears of intimacy /vulnerability, and we are willing to learn how to communicate loving kindness intimately with our partner, while acting transparently, we will not experience deep intimate bonds. We must rid ourselves of all judgment, facade and manipulation in the scope of relationships and intimate relating.

Take steps to clear and heal your emotional state when you recognize inner pain, or inner violence directed towards relationships, yourself or partner. Inquire on the nature and source of the pain, fear or anger. It is this unresolved pain and fear that block hearts from deeply connecting. Even if we realize our relationship is complete, we can evolve the relationship to a higher expression of mutual love and acceptance. This attracts the easiest transition to elevate ourselves to the correct frequency match. Continue to develop skillsets to clear relationship based pain and fear, and improve communication skills and lifestyle habits that support intimate sharing with your partner.

The possibility of consciously evolving our relationships into bonds of loving-kindness starts with us, and our own personal level of emotional availability and our capacity to be intimate and access deep feelings. We must learn accurate assessment, trustworthiness, and not project fantasies and delusions on prospective or current relationships, which generally end in sexual misery and have disastrous consequences for our children and families. Making some inquiry into our relationship patterns at this time may be helpful to gain deeper clarity.

  • Is there any pain or resentment that you hold in relationship? Are you willing to accept responsibility for your feelings and forgive the pain, past and present?
  • What kind of relationship/s do you want? What has defined your intimate relationships? Can you accept responsibility for the state of your relationship/s now?
  • What brings you closer to your intimate partner, what pushes you away?
  • Are you aware of your intimate partner's likes or dislikes? What builds intimate connection in your relationship with them?
  • Do you feel loved by your partner and is your partner feeling loved by you? How can you improve loving feelings?
  • What time and energy are you willing to put into developing loving kindness and intimacy in this relationship?
  • How might you make them aware of your interest in building greater loving connection on a number of levels?
  • Has this relationship served its full purpose and is it complete now? Are you willing to know this? Can you release it fully without blaming anyone?
  • Can you focus on bringing lower sexual drives up into your heart and crown to connect heart to heart, expressing loving kindness during intimacy?

In having greater clarity about what has defined relationships that have previously not been based on loving kindness, service and spiritual development, we can clarify new ways to affirm our dedication to our spiritual principles. When we dedicate the practice of the Law of One to our relationships or to ourselves, we shift current relationships or attract the aligned spiritual mate for us at this time. Some guidelines for the Service to Others and Mastering Love in our relationships:

  • The inspiration to serve, love and give to your partner's spiritual development/ personal mission, health, happiness and wellbeing is a natural expression that emanates from selfless giving and sustained nourishment.
  • Emotional issues or energetic conflicts are calmly and accurately represented devoid of emotional drama, blame or exaggeration. Both parties are willing to communicate and willing to forgive and let it go.
  • Peace, harmony, friendship and nourishment in a comfortable setting, is the energetic quality and deeply intimate feeling of these relationships. Any type of verbal, mental, emotional, or physical abuse is nonexistent. Partners speak to others about their spouse in kind loving ways.
  • Interactions and communications between partners are maintained with mutual respect, honor and transparency. There is nothing that is intentionally hidden, deceived, contrived or manipulated. If it is subconscious, it will surface and both parties will gently recognize "it", then establish the guidelines to bring that subconscious material into conscious awareness and emotional reconciliation. Ambiguity and confusion are identified as a weakness and is directly dissolved with the mutual desire to communicate and develop consistent energetic clarity.
  • Expectations are not present. Expectation is replaced with Appreciation. There is natural energetic flow of balance in which both parties assume active-passive exchanges, which are ever evolving and changing to suit the environmental needs. There is no such thing as harping on your partner, because each one shares the responsibility to keep the mutual space comfortable and peaceful. Both partners feel acknowledged and appreciated for their part.
  • Mystery, seduction, charisma and deceiving behaviors do not have a place in the transparency of a Krystic relationship. Intimate bonding is stemming from unconditional love based on a mutually clear, open, honest assessment of circumstances and of both partners. Fantasy projections, overly romanticized ideals, addictions, hero/damsel in distress, savior/martyr (mostly fictionalized from Victim archetypes), and sexual vampires have no place in this relationship.

These are new relationship templates being created on this planet, and they take an advanced skillset in clearing negative ego and pain body before this can be effortlessly experienced and achieved. It is important to realize this kind of clarity and bond in a loving relationship can be experienced, and honor the relationships that we have had in our lifetime. Every relationship is an opportunity to gain self-energetic mastery and self-knowledge and is an important stepping-stone to spiritual consciousness development that leads to inner energetic balance and then outer sacred union (Hieros Gamos).

Embrace these changes if they occur, as they are divine interventions to protect your heart and soul to unite with your true spiritual purpose. This action is sourced in spiritual freedom and love.

Ascension Timeline for Consciousness Corridor 

The time has come where the consciousness bifurcation on planet earth has necessitated additional evolutionary frameworks for servicing the wide spectrum of human consciousness through the Founder Guardian and Krystal Star planetary hosting. Krystal Star hosting means the reclamation of the Universal Laws and Principles, which are the essential nature of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, which is built upon the 12 Strand DNA Silicate Matrix design. To rebuild the architecture of the Diamond Sun Body upon this earth and reassemble the holographic template of Christ-Sophia recorded throughout the past, present and future earth timelines, the Guardian Founder Races state the guidelines of the Cosmic Law Evolution Edict.

Non-Human Personality/Ego (1D-11D)

Polarity: Any Polarity or Dimension
Identity: Non-Human Ego, Predator Mind, Fallen Consciousness or Fragmented Mind
Law or Principle: Service to Self, Predator Mind 
Cosmic Law Evolution Edict: Rehabilitation
Polarity Integration Healing: Luciferian and Satanic Forces

Description: The many gestalts of entities that make up the NAA violent predator minds, Fallen Angelic, Moon Lineages, Fallen Elohim, Orion Group, Fallen Annu and other feral negative egos that invaded the earth to imprison the consciousness are in violation of Cosmic Law. They are systematically being read their rights under the Book of Universal Law through Founder Guardians. These entities will be transited to the Andulucia system located in the Orion Molecular Cloud Burst and Eridanus constellation for rehabilitation under evolution edict of Founder Guardian Sponsor. The Fallen Negative Ego consortium of Archontic entities whose primary consciousness are predatory thoughts and belief systems of hatred, fear, war and killing exist in the Anti-God and Anti-Christ paradigm. The Founder Guardians refer to these intruder races as the Vandal Groups, such as the Vandals of Eri-Andu. The alien architecture, its toxic waste fields and miasma residue created by these entities is being systematically depolarized inside a vacuum in the unmanifest fields and then recycled back into the Void. The method used is that it is sent through the Mothers Aqua Ray Vortex, which organically processes the material based on the laws of its own nature. Human Souls that have been trapped in the alien architecture or in phantom spaces will be freed and placed in 4D positive/negative rehabilitation. Transits for polarity integration healing on the appropriate consciousness pathways are ongoing and a part of the mission upgrades for Ascension Plan B.

Ascension Choice - Y/N? No- There is no individual choice for these groups, therefore no pathway of Ascension. They are being evicted their holographic record is collapsing, which may result in annihilation in the timelines from non-cooperation. As the planetary collective fields are reconstituted into the Ascension Host fields, they are not hospitable to their species, therefore these events may induce self-harm or form destruction.

Personality/Ego 3D 

Polarity: Negative Polarity
Identity: Human Egos
Law or Principle: Service to Self, Negative Ego
Cosmic Law Evolution Edict: Rehabilitation
Polarity Integration Healing: Satanic Forces - False Mother

Description: Humans with Negative Ego fear based belief systems that are extremely dogmatic, rigid or violent, shaped through mind controlled religion, science, academic or dark ignorance are disconnected from spiritual consciousness and soul, and unwilling to change, adapt, evolve or learn any content beyond their current material beliefs. The Personality/Ego is threatened and will judge, lash out, punish and use deception and fear to control others. The toxic field and miasma residue of these humans is being depolarized and returned into the Void through the Mothers Aqua Ray Tunnel Vortex. Those humans who are possessed, worship SRA or are psychopathic, will be placed with the Vandal groups for rehabilitation upon death of the body and may lose their privilege of human body incarnation. Many humans in this group are currently being absorbed into the Fallen Angelic or Predator Mind collectives in the earth. When they pass their body, they will also pass sections of this fallen angelic group mind out from the earth body.

Ascension Choice - Y/N? No- There is no individual choice for these groups, therefore no personal pathway of Ascension. They will accept rehabilitation or not upon death of the body.

Personality/Ego 3D

Polarity: Positive Polarity or Neutral
Identity: Human Egos
Law or Principle: Service to Self, Positive Ego
Cosmic Law Evolution Edict: Service to Others
Polarity Integration Healing: Luciferian Force - False Father

Description: People that do not participate with their spiritual ascension or consciousness evolution, are primarily focused on materialism, but have developed the minimum amount of loving kindness and nonjudgmental behavior towards others. The remainder of their time on earth they will receive life lessons to continually let go of personal egoic or material needs in order to serve the needs of another. These lessons of selflessness will have direct consequences to their Ascension choice; if they digress in polarity they will lose their choice. Neutral polarity will automatically ascend to New Earth Law to practice Service to Others and master Love as a healing force in many different situations. Some of this group will be claimed by the positive Annunaki-Nephilim families to return to their home planet.

Ascension Choice - Y/N? Yes -There is individual choice for path of Ascension to another earth-like planet. They are presented with the opportunity to awaken in their human body or during the 3 Day bardo process of death transition of the body. This group must learn about the Soul, Group consciousness and Service to Others to remove quarantine. There will be no mind control in their next incarnation and full disclosure at their consciousness level.

Soul Matrix (4D-5D-6D)

Polarity: Negative Polarity
Identity: Human Souls, Starseeds and Indigos
Law or Principle: Soul and Group Consciousness
Cosmic Law Evolution Edict: Service to Others
Polarity Integration Healing: 2D/4D Split and Astral Heart Healing (collective race healing), Discern Imposter Forces

Description: People that are very loving and heart based however have Soul Fragmentation and mind control issues from severe trauma or abuse from which they have not yet recovered. They still have inner violence and fear. This may include those that have alien implants, have been abducted, hybridized or undergone severe SRA related trauma while on the earth. This group has the choice to comprehend the deeper reasons of this trauma history, review the consequence of their actions through applied lessons of unconditional forgiveness to heal their relationship to the Divine Mother principle. Primary goal is soul healing in the astral heart levels to shift into the positive polarity to begin to learn about the Soul and Service to Others. Non-Human Souls - Return to Home Planet or Galaxy to heal and integrate soul mission on earth.

Ascension Choice - Y/N? Yes -There is individual choice for path of Ascension to another earth-like planet, which will be presented as an opportunity to awaken in human body or during the 3 Day bardo process, during the death transition of the body. This group must learn about the soul triad and master Service to Others to be released from quarantine. There will be no mind control in their next incarnation and full disclosure at their consciousness level.

Soul Matrix (4D-5D-6D)

Polarity: Positive Polarity or Neutral
Identity: Human Souls, Starseeds and Indigos
Law or Principle: Service to Others, Soul and Group Consciousness
Cosmic Law Evolution Edict: Service to Love, Mastering Love Force
Polarity Integration Healing: Master of Controlling Ego Desires, Devotion to Divine Will, Transcend Spiritual Obstruction to the Soul through Mastering Love Force

Description: Soul awakened initiates that are very heart centered and practice compassion and loving kindness behaviors. They are aware of their heart and do their best to listen to their heart guidance and practice loving others unconditionally. Many in this group have lessons of unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance of unusual relationships, to master unconditional states of loving others. Connecting with Soul mates and early stages of male and female energetic balance learning sacred marriage to build spiritual wings (Michael-Mary Healing). Disciplining the mind to develop intuition, clarity in higher sensory perception to discern the soul realms positive and negative polarities. In order to move to the monad levels one enters Dark Arts Training to discern the light from the dark without judgment. This dark hologram comes from negative forms in other dimensions in time. Many people get stuck here because they will not move into neutral from positive polarity, which is the love and light syndrome. Introduction to the Law of One and Unity consciousness begins through exposure to spiritual knowledge or life lessons. To progress one will undergo knowledge of some earth galactic history and have some awareness of the Lightbody function and its inner spirit crucifixion. Non-Human Souls - Return to Home Planet, Galaxy to heal and integrate soul mission.

Ascension Choice - Y/N? Yes -There is individual choice for path of Ascension to New Earth planet, which will be presented as opportunity to awaken in human body or during the 3 Day bardo process of death transition. This group must learn about 5D and 6D Soul Laws and have mastered Service to Others. This means removal of all lower desires and needs stemming from the Ego, devoting oneself to divine will and working through the higher celestial angelic mind. There will be no mind control in their next incarnation and full disclosure at their consciousness level.

Monad Matrix (7D-8D-9D)

Polarity: Negative Polarity
Identity: Human and Non-Human Monads, Starseeds and Indigos
Law or Principle: Master of Love with Spiritual Knowledge
Cosmic Law Evolution Edict: Service to Law of One, Service to Love and Knowledge, Mastering Love
Polarity Integration Healing: Master of Knowledge to Serve Others, Transcend Monadic Obstruction, Service to the Law of One

Description: Monad initiates access into the higher spiritual mind realms and learns to master the functions of mind acquired in hidden knowledge. One synthesizes knowledge into wisdom through the access to unconditional love through the Holy Mother and Holy Father, the true parent. These higher mind realms are Metatronic and have both positive and negative polarities and phantom worlds, which need to be accurately discerned to accomplish the task of embodied wisdom and embodied love. Monadic bodies access higher and lower etheric waters, plasma fields, which are also to gain discernment of these etheric elements. Monadic initiation must integrate knowledge with love, in the Will to Good and in Service to Others. If spiritual knowledge is abused, the person and monadic family will "fall". Acquiring Knowledge without Mastering Love and Service generally digresses to abuse of power and abuse of others. If severe power abuses remain un-reconciled, the consciousness may undergo quarantine for rehabilitation. To achieve positive polarity one must revisit lessons of purely unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness to learn how to Master Love as force in all circumstances. Non-Human Monad - Return to Home Planet, Galaxy to heal and integrate monadic mission.

Ascension Choice - Y/N? Yes - There is individual choice for Ascension to evolve on Paths of Service based upon Monadic body and Ray configuration. Rare on earth at this time. There will be no mind control, no memory wiping and full disclosure.

Monad Matrix (7D-8D-9D)

Polarity: Positive Polarity or Neutral
Identity: Human and Non-Human Monads, Starseeds and Indigos
Law or Principle: Master of Law of One
Cosmic Law Evolution Edict: Cosmic Law of One, Cosmic Path of Unity, Ascending Architects of Light
Polarity Integration Healing: Master of Law of One, Cosmic Path of Universal Divine Will, Unity Consciousness

Description: Positive Polarity Monads will attract union with their opposite genetic equal to begin to create inner sacred marriage or hierogamic union of opposites. This level of hierogamic union begins the building of the Krystal architecture for Rod and Staff, and repairing the splitting in the triad of the monadic mind. This is the Light Warrior of the Phantom Worlds, they find and collect Monad and Soul body fragments to Return to Rightful Owner and educate others to learn Service to Others and Law of One paradigm. Planetary grid work begins and becomes every day normal activity to be a vessel of environmental and energetic harmonization. Neutral Monads initiate into the higher liquid plasma fields and begin Christos Reclamation and restoration of the Son and Daughter Christos-Sophia diamond body principle. Neutral Monadic completion begin the mission for their next evolution path of service, while learning how to integrate Ascended Master Rainbow Body, Cosmic Path of Unity, and Cosmic Christ Consciousness in whatever area of service path they choose to evolve.

Ascension Choice - Y/N? Yes - There is individual choice for Ascension to evolve Paths of Service based upon Monadic body and Ray configuration. Neutral evolves up through the Spiritual Liquid Plasma Fields and Cosmic Christos body reclamation all the way up to the Founder levels. Rare on earth at this time. Most of this group is already freed of mind control subservience, no memory wiping and full disclosure.

Diamond Sun Matrix (12D-48D)

Polarity: Neutral
Identity: Oraphim Starseeds and Platinum Indigos
Law or Principle: Master of Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, Sovereign Service to the Universes
Cosmic Law Evolution Edict: Cosmic Law of One, God-Sovereign-Free, Path to Logos/Founders
Polarity Integration Healing of the Worlds: Ascended Master of Unity, Peace and Balance in the Cosmic World of Forces

Description: The Cosmic Christos consciousness returns to the matter worlds to ensure the Ascension timeline of God-Sovereign-Free will remain for the earth body and all her earth kingdoms. Reclamation of Krystal DNA rebuilds the Diamond Sun Body, Mothers Sophianic body and the diamond heart for the earth in past, present and future timelines. Restores the Universal Laws, builds the structure for the Holy Mother and Holy Father principle while embodying the Holy Spirit of Gods Trinity in form. Connects to all Christ Consciousness Identities as one Avatar of Ascension throughout all Universal time and space. Capable of transfiguration of body in merkaba or projects consciousness after dropping earth body to newly created Diamond Sun body in Paradisian Fields. Able to travel anywhere in the Omniverses, and serve the highest expressions of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This is the path of the true Ascended Master that is unbound to any space, time or identity. May choose a principle for main form expression, such as Master of Peace, Master of Love, Master of Bliss, Master of Compassion or Aspects of the Laws of One. Christ Ascended Masters are in sacred marriage with their God Counterpart. They are free to journey anywhere in the Omniverses and take part in other planet, galaxy or creation schemes in service to the Oneness. Many Christ Masters came to the earth to reclaim their counterpart that was in service to help unify the earth. Christ Starseed Sleepers on the earth will be given full disclosure.

Closing Thoughts

We must remember that the majority of the Negative Ego inherent in the collective consciousness that is observed in the human race on the earth today is the product of Negative Alien interference through mind control. Systematically, this alien architecture and its enslavement functions that impair the mind principle and consciousness are being removed, repaired and rehabilitated. Yet many generations of people have become interdependent on these alien structures of mind control, believing that these false edifices define who they are. Many humans have inherited dysfunctional belief systems and behaviors through their biological families and cultural programing, which are deeply based in fear and hate. This programing will evolve to conclusion through the die off process in the longer term. We know that in the death process, this may be transformed into something fertile where new consciousness growth can take place. There, life is renewed. However, what we are observing as the incredible violence today is the process of death transition in the old regime, the death of the negative ego.

If we use the negative ego to perceive reality we suffer greatly, and so the great work is to let it all go. We must love and accept ourselves for who we are NOW and not who we think we should be. This is a significant progression in the Ascension Timeline for planet earth and is very complex, as it relates to transforming everything we have ever known as an earthling.

Be in this world and not of it. Take care of your body. Practice loving kindness, which are the Krystic spiritual principles in your life and know you are protected and safe in this Love, have no fear. Many will be fooled by what is transpiring as if the darkness is advancing its control over the world. That which was always hidden must surface to be revealed for purging and exit. Humanity will perceive these signs in the material world through their own level of developed spiritual consciousness or through the masses, which in the large majority is limited to the negative ego rhetoric. Keep patience and persevere in collecting the pearls of truth on your spiritual journey and never let your gaze sway from the Force of Love that is God. 

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa



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Dear Ascending Family,

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