Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Many of us have become aware that something incredibly profound is changing on our planet. We are sharing an amazing time of consciousness expansion on the planet which affects us all at very deep cellular levels. These times have been described in the sacred texts of ancient wisdom, as well as in many metaphysical and esoteric circles as the Precession of Equinoxes, Great Platonic Year, or The Ascension. What is Ascension? ...

As a result of this transformational period during this Ascension Cycle, many people will experience changes and symptoms in all levels of their Multidimensional bodies. This will be experienced at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of their being. I refer to these changes and their related symptoms as the “Light Body Activation or Ascension Symptoms”. In my experience as an Extraterrestrial contactee, energetic practitioner, and planet gridworker, I have found that meditation, invocations and emotional clearing techniques have become necessary for people who have begun to manifest difficult light body systems. It makes the process much easier when we are informed to work with our consciousness bodies and know how to manage these symptoms and the changes we are going through. Many of these changes may include becoming aware of multidimensional consciousness, interdimensional entities, communications with otherworldly beings, recognizing nature as fully sentient,  seeing deceased relatives in other timelines, increased telepathy and higher sensory perceptions

When we have an informed awareness of our own biological spiritual evolution process, we can begin to develop a framework and understand how the Ascension Cycle impacts us personally and then, globally. Knowledge is power, and this will assist you to overcome mind control limitations and realize your inner spirit's authentic path in order to live the miracle of a synchronized, connected and divinely inspired life.

The purpose of this website is to share with you the information I have compiled in collaboration with Guardian Groups about the Ascension process, along with most effective techniques I have learned through my practice as an Ascension Guide, Starseed and Spiritual Intuitive. It is my intention to give you the tools to assist you in moving through the Ascension process, and the building of your higher light body as easily and smoothly as possible, as you go through this time of transformation into higher consciousness evolution. I look forward to sharing this Ascension information with you and in love and blessings, I thank you for joining me.

-Lisa Renee, Guardian and GSF Steward

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  • Fear Release Chakras

    In the second phase of the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program we will go through each of the layers of the chakras and chakras system and have the chakras balanced and attuned as we remove core fears. It is best to Invocate outloud or you can use this in a group setting of meditation.

    Prepare for the Chakra Attunement and Fear Removal

    Beloveds we call forth our greater god self, the Masters and evolution support team and over lighting Angel of healing in service to light and law of the One of which we serve.

    Beloveds please install the lattice work of light into the layers of each of the chakra systems, fully, completely and totally clearing any and all fear based programs logged there.  

    We call in the platinum ray to sweep through our field, clearing and removing all imbalanced energies or imbalanced matrixes within our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

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  • Nature and The Elemental Kingdom

    This month we are exploring Nature spirits and the Elemental Kingdom.  In May we discussed the Devic Kingdom and nature spirits that comprise the M.A.P. healing teams.  This will explore further more of the hierarchies that exist in these realms.  Last week I met a new friend that is a medical intuitive and she does similar healing work as I do. She described to me as a child listening to the orchestral movements of nature, how the blades of grass would sing to her, how the trees moved in beautiful melodies and that walking outside was like sitting in the middle of a beautiful Symphony.  This inspired me to write in more detail about the nature spirits and elementals. Most of us humans have been disconnected from sensing this exquisite level of reality, one that is teaming with consciousness, life and beauty. The Earth and her kingdom’s are very much alive and interconnected with all life forms and human beings.  They are very much impacted by humanities evolution and all are simultaneously evolving with us. When working with the nature realms and the earth kingdoms, it is suggested to learn how to 12D shield your personal aura and learn to create 12D session space first. When one is holding a loving but neutral polarity, being of service to the nature realms is productive ad amplified through a clear exchange of intention to serve the highest expression in divine will for all parties involved. 

    Nature Devas

    There are many types of Devas both working at subhuman and superhuman levels.  Each group of Devas has specific work and methods to attain their goals and evolutionary purposes.  The evolution of Devas is speeding up in synchronization with evolution of the human family.  As humans learn to work more closely with the Devic evolution, they will learn how to heal and control their etheric bodies to a greater degree. They hold the patterns that underlie all living and growing things on the planet.  That includes the mineral, plants, and animal kingdom's as well as the elements of fire, air, earth and water.  Human bodies are governed by nature spirits where they are the spiritual equivalent of the cell, organisms and microorganisms that work together to make organs, tissues and glands function properly. Devas and nature spirits must be distinguished from each other.

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