Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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The more fragmented and damaged a person’s energetic body is operating (or not operating at all) the more distorted the thoughts and behaviors become. These deviations are manifested as obsessions, anxieties, addictions, perversions and a wide array of damaging psycho-emotional disorders that can be well observed in the individual as destructive to the self and destructive to others. When one is continually destructive to the self, or others, eventually the soul layers fragment and split. When a human being is soul split, they will exhibit tendencies that are called, schizophrenia, dissociative personality, sociopathy (lack of empathy), and an array of psychological distortions that lead to insanity. Insanity is a description of the existence of hell realms. It is the result of mental fragmentation which further damages the soul.  This is a way to easily recognize possession through satanic (anti-life) behaviors that are controlled by the possessing entity. (The possessing entity can also be hijacking the negative alien body also.) The alien body’s hive mind is controlled by the satanic “spirit” who is trolling for bodies to experience certain realities. Entities both human and non-human that possess others bodies are referred to as satanic or anti–life forces, as no other type of light being will choose to possess the body and control the free will of another being. A Christos (life force) being never will take over another’s body or attempt to control any person to propagate destructive acts. However, the Christos being is the only being that can deliver any entity from its satanic bondage back into the heart of the God Source creator, if it is so divinely orchestrated. 

Insanity is a diseased mind (diseased or disconnected soul) which leads the being to choose to continually inflict destruction and harm to the self and others. If continual destructive abusive behavior is not stopped, it will damage the soul through fragmentation and genetic degradation. Insanity is a way to define behaviors which create soul destruction, that action which ultimately disconnect the body/mind from the soul. When a being is soul disconnected they experience an unquenchable thirst of desire, black depression, pain and suffering at great levels. 

Satanic (anti-life) behaviors in humans and non-humans are a result of being soul disconnected, of which as a result they consume and exist on other people’s soul and vital energies. With this clarity there is nothing to fear about deviant behavior when it is understood that these entities are completely disconnected from the eternal soul. Hence their extreme hatred is generated towards people that are fully ensouled or at spiritual stages leading towards the Christos embodiment. The Eternal Soul of Christ is the only way the bondage of servitude to the dark forces is permanently removed. It is for this reason all representations of Christ on earth have been aggressively distorted to grotesque mutations by the Controllers. This has no bearing on what the actual Truth is as the Law is to be revealed in the Eternal Light. 

Correction through Eternal Soul Reconnection 

Corrections of extremely harmful deviant behaviors that are rampant in today’s global society such as pedophilia, substance addiction, blood lust cravings towards murder, torturing other humans and animals for amusement or monetary gain, hearing tormented voices that are mistaken as “Acts of God” (aka possession), are all distortions that can be solved at the energy blueprint level of the individual human beings aura. All of these deviant behaviors at their core causation are the result of soul disconnection, or soul damage which resulted in entity possession. Some people may believe that most of these behaviors are karmically aligned in their nature, however this is largely stemming from ignorance promoted in the hijack of the new age belief systems. If we believe these conditions are just penance and karmic in nature, most humans will not question the reasons its happening and allow it to continue. It’s a belief used to keep the “sheep inside the pen” and to not question its authority made from the Dark Master. 

Severe soul damage, enslavement through fragmentation with genetic biological destruction of an entire species is not a “god ordained” energetic rebalancing of karmic power abuses (cause and effect) from other lifetimes. However, in order to permanently heal these deviant behaviors rampant in global society at the individual level (microcosmic blueprint) experience, they also have to be corrected at the planetary (macrocosmic blueprint) level of experience.

Calling out the Dark Force Where it Hides 

When we recognize that these negative behaviors are not “normal” and should be identified as physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually destructive to the entire human race, this is the beginning of the real global awakening that can take place. The change starts within us. It is up to us to create the new “normal” as we learn to choose healthy and life affirming behaviors. If we cannot recognize deviant, unnatural, alien mind control behaviors that we have been told are “normal tragedies to accept”, we are destined to allow the insanity to repeat the same destructive patterns over and over. We cannot free ourselves from something or someone that we cannot see, recognize or identify. We must call out these dark forces wherever they hide or they remain cloaked in shadows of deception. We cannot heal these issues until we source them, recognize them as deviant behaviors, and then join together as a race to vanquish them. A race devoted to life affirming values that are committed to end this sociopathic insanity from imposing its will upon our children and enslaving the peoples of this earth. Even though it’s ugly, together we have to see it, before we can begin to heal it from continuing to wield its destruction upon the human race. 

Surrender without Submission to Negativity 

The Golden Rule to remember with surrendering to Spirit is: DO not manipulate. For those resisting these life changes from the fear of the unknown, it has been a brutal time. Stay alert and awake and walk through your dark night without the mind manipulating for control. The anti life force primary tool is manipulation. If you emotionally manipulate others or manipulate circumstances from your own fear, you just allowed them a big weak spot to exploit in your life. If you are a Lightworker or Starseed the impact is 1000 times greater to impede your greater purposes and will submit your work to negativity. 

The acceleration from recent planetary shifts is impacting people at all levels of spiritual development and who are experiencing a forced submission into surrendering to What IS. The state of “What Is” is very different than the story that most people believe and have been telling themselves as the nature of reality. The more you think you are in control of your life from the ego by manipulating What IS, the worse the onslaught of negativity that will return to you. In this new architecture, if you have begun the process of spiritual ascension, manipulation is amplified as a heavy external price to pay for your rapid learning. 

To be peacefully initiated into the world of a changing paradigm this time period requires balance and calm be attained even when panic ensues. For those of us who have been involved in our personal evolutionary work on the road to self responsibility and energetic accountability, this is par for the course. We saw this coming as the global macrocosm movement has led the way to the same patterns to manifest at the microcosm levels of our own personal experiences. We must learn to command our personal space in Gods sovereignty to achieve peace. This group has been blessed to finally reach energetic support and is the first wave living in alignment as the ascended human prototypes. 

The old energy foundation is no longer there for ascending humans, and they have found their worlds crumbling away as the foundation collapses. Those standing at the crossroads of human evolution, with or without an understanding of the planetary changes, are being squarely directed to face the horrifying truth found in the pile of lies that had been covering up what is Real Value. 

In the globalscape, the horrifying truth is unraveling in front of every public touchstone of media. Republican-Democrat, Obama-Osama they are all interchangeable images projecting the lie of the Hero-Enemy that the public has wanted to hear in lullaby to stay asleep. It is all a game of manipulation. Increased transparency is the only guarantee as the systems collapse. What many human beings have invested in as a stable reality is crumbling as it was built upon a deteriorating foundation of lies. All lies create webs of deception and deceit, and many of those lies told to the masses are being unraveled through a broken system. A system built on manipulation in order to herd the cattle of the sleeping masses straight into the slaughterhouse. To stop being herded by manipulation we must be awakened even if what we see is painful. Illusions and deceptions are shattering everywhere.

Stay Strong on the Path of Truth and Never Give up!

(Source: Newsletter: Re-education to Human Values)