Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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This week’s blog may be appropriate for Galactic warriors and gridworkers who have been clearing and transiting out dead light and demonic entities from the planetary black magic fields that have been conjured in black magic ritual. If you are feeling weakened and exhausted by recent influx of chaotic energies, please avoid immersing yourself in this content. This week take a break because we are discussing black magic systems and demonic energies. For those working with transmuting these dark forces, during these times of great transition and chaos it may be helpful to have a greater understanding of how black magic ritual is designed to run feedback loops on reversal energy that is generated within the collective consciousness, and how these feedback loops imprint the nervous system and brain of the masses to amplify these distortions to run throughout the anti-life networks that are placed in the planetary body. There are many energy harvesting stations that have been placed in the planetary body in order to siphon human and planetary energy in a variety of ways. These harvesting structures are undergoing massive collapse or reconfiguration, therefore this adds to the forces of chaos and disruption in the planetary field when these networks are demolished or moved into another grouping or timeline. Many of these harvesting networks are set up to be encrypted with occult based ritual practices, that have been infested with negative forms and demonic essences to which the ritualist is either unable to discern its energetic quality or is conjuring black forces for material power and control. This is a difficult topic to summarize, however for a greater comprehension of how extremely depraved actions like pedophilia and rampant sexual abuse are supported in the black force feedback loops within the black magic grid, we need to bring up the Thothian grid network and the Qlippoth that power up the Black Tree of Life.

As the Thothian network is collapsing and shifting at this time, there is less support in the planetary body for black magic rituals to gain the same strength and power in the material world, thus as these dark forces lose power in projecting their illusions in time, many of these satanic activities or criminal behaviors are finally being seen by the masses. Most people are not aware that some types of satanic ritual to gain power over others are deeply enmeshed with sexual abuse and sex with children. In fact, sex with children is such a deviation of nature and horrifying crime against the soul that it qualifies automatically as black magic that conjures the anti-Christ forces. This is one reason why the earth has a massive worldwide problem with hidden rings of pedophilia and child sacrifice. Thus, as the black magic grid unravels there is more mass awareness revealing the accurate reality of many of the Power Elite conducting satanic based rituals, running pedophilia rings, human trafficking/sacrifice, drugs cartels, organ harvesting and the many crimes perpetrated against humanity that are carried out by those in power who are deeply in bed with these same satanic networks and the related dark forces. Even as the Controllers send out their shills into the mainstream media to purposely discredit the satanic agenda, prostitution, pornography and the pedophilia networks as a “moral panic”, more and more people are willing to wake up to see what is really being covered up that runs behind the world governments, business conglomerates and power brokers.  

Black Magic networks run black subtle forces and an assortment of AI carriers for these black forces, and these give power to black force creations and the people in power that have chosen to work with spreading the black magic and black force energies. We have mentioned previously that the NAA and Controller’s discovered that they could piggy back AI on black subtle forces and dark matter, which allowed them to manipulate electromagnetism, lunar forces, black holes and gravitational waves for an array of mind control purposes. Through the abuse of off planet and alien technology developed in human and non-human collaborations in secret space programs and underground bases, many of these combined technologies are tested and then experimented upon the human population without their awareness, for consciousness slavery.

The Thothian Grid gets its name from its original predecessor, the Annunaki entity that became connected with the Egyptian God pantheon after the Atlantian Cataclysm, who became known as Thoth, and provided partial dissemination of the Law of One holographic plates, that is known as the Emerald Tablets on the earth.  The black magic used on the planet today goes back to its originator Thoth, and all of those magicians that came after him and used his network in cooperation with the NAA to help invade the planet and spread black forces. As a result of Thoth’s handiwork at the end of the Atlantian cycle, at the turn of this century Aleister Crowley picked up where Thoth had left off to continue the program for the Atlantian conspiracy that has been in effect since the Luciferian Rebellion. Thus, in this time cycle, the collective consciousness of the Black Magic Grids are controlled and were installed by the consciousness of an Atlantian teacher and Solar Lord archetype, Aleister Crowley and his mentor Thoth and the Negative Aliens. According to remote session intelligence collected and Guardian mentorship, Aleister Crowley is a key figure in cooperating with the NAA, starting from Grey Alien contact with an entity called Aiwass in Cairo, Egypt April 1904. This timeline began the exacerbation of Grey Alien manipulation of the Thothian based consciousness technology and pushed the masses into an extreme inundation of black forces, into Service to Self and Negative Ego programming without regard to the consent or consequence of others on the earth. Essentially, this is one of the men who sold out the world to the NAA for personal power. There are many different levels of the propagation of Black Magic, which is a form of Satanism. Advanced SRA rituals include Blood Sacrifice, Pedophilia and Sodomy that are considered the path to the Typhonian Tradition used in order to manifest immortality for the people engaged with collaborating in black magic ritual with these NAA and demonic forces. Many of these people conducting rituals consider these forces much more powerful than Christ, as whom they may believe is only the Solar Deity and not the One God. Some are taught to believe their underworld anti-Christ deity from Pluto controls way beyond the Solar Deity and into the Black hole realms, and into the Universal Core, making their version of god more powerful.

Those loyal to the Luciferian Rebellion have been on the earth working with these black magic networks in order to build structures and bodies for the Anti-Christ in this timeline, which is embodied in many people that may appear human, but are filled with Anti-Christ consciousness. It is important to understand that the Anti-Christ is an anti-human, it can be a human soul or a Negative Alien Soul enmeshed with or fully possessed by the Anti-Christ consciousness. These forces build the Anti-Christ body on the earth through the Black Tree of Life reversal architecture that is called the Qlippoth or Adverse Sephiroth. The purpose of building this Anti-Christ body is to replace the original Albion body or 12 Tree Grid template that was created on this earth. The Qlippoth is used in many forms of Satanic Ritual, and it is represented symbolically through the Sephiroth as a collective consciousness, archetypal force, magical symbols and creation codes and for this purpose of awareness, lets briefly discuss the Sephiroth, Qlippoth and the levels of dead light consciousness that are conjured and used in black magic practices to feed the Thothian network and build Anti-Christ bodies. Please remember to temper this information with common sense and context, as many of the ancient wisdom teachings revealing the natural world of forces in creation have been distorted by those who seek to use that knowledge in a quest for superiority, power or control over others, or taking over the earth. Inherently, even if an esoteric or Mystery School system has some distortions, the creation of positive, negative or neutral forces are left inherently with the individual practitioner in his or her perception of accessing that knowledge. Inherently no tool to work with energy is essentially good or evil, it is in how that tool is intended to be used. A truly loving and empathic person that is in Service to Others may access a distorted system of knowledge, and be able to overcome that distortion through the loving harmony and resonant field that their heart creates to form their loving intentions through that ritual.  The power of the loving and compassionate heart is always the real truth in these matters.

What are the Sephiroth?

The Sephiroth meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes of God as described in the Kabbalah, as a part of the esoteric teaching of Judaism. Judaism's Kabbalah is based on the teachings given by the Yahweh  Collective located on Saturn. The Kabbalah brought through pieces of Melchizedek intelligence through the knowledge of the Universal Tree of Life. Due to patriarchal distortions brought through the hidden Negative Alien invasion, the tree of life was disfigured to ten spheres instead of the original mathematical base of twelve. The Kabbalah tree of life represents the distorted 10D base code genetic blueprint of the Black Sun regressive lineages. Melchizedeks and Starseeds on the Christos mission that are  returning to the earth at the end of the cycle, are attempting to correct and rebuild the distorted Tree of Life back into its correct formula of base 12. Metatronic Reversal  of the shadow body that is created from this distorted organizational template is called the Black Tree of Life. The 12 Tree Grid  is the base holographic instruction set that corrects the continuing spiritual progression for all manifest forms to achieve ascension through an evolving twelve dimensional body. When we are rebuilding the Christ body we will face the demons and dark forces that had distorted the emanations in our own body, and in the planetary body. These are called the Qlippoth or Negative forms that are the result of these dead light distortions.

What is the Qlippoth?

The Qlippoth  is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth ray emanation, it sends off the work to the rest of the Qlippoth (demonic force hierarchies), gives energy to the Qlippoth, and the source of power and its dark force is in its Miasma, which acts as a generator of the same force. Simply, these are the Dead Light forces of the Shadow Self and their spiritual-energetic qualities that are grown on the Black Tree of Life, which is the anti-life construct that generates black forces and reversal forces. The Qlippoth are explained in occultism as the evil forces that exist within creation and how they arrived into matter.

The Adverse Sephiroth or the Qlippoth  is a structure that houses black forces or anti-Christ forces, it is in the dimensional location that Fallen Angelics hierarchies and many of the Satanic and Luciferian forces exist. On the path of Ascension our goal is to face the Shadow Self and the demons it associates, and to purify our body and consciousness from the black force control made over our mind and body. This is why we must not fear these lower forces, but not give our power away to them either, as they are tricksters and deceivers that express through the Houses of Ego. These black forces that exist in the Qlippoth of the earth body are also known as the “Evil Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead". Black Magicians or ritual occultists seek to control these negative forces to be their personal servants, in order to gain power on the earth by commanding these demonic forces to do their bidding.

Because the nature of these forces have been created from the Houses of Ego, when studying the Qlippoth  which houses the forces of the anti-Christ, it is imperative to study moral code, virtues, humanitarian based ethics, and build a strong spiritual foundation for the Spirits of Christ. This builds a strong energy aura, which builds inner spiritual virtues, which in turn builds spiritual Lightbody strength and repels these dark forces. If a person is untrained in clearing the Houses of Ego, to address the anti-life forces without spiritual clarity or discernment of these forces, can harm more than help. Being able to make contact with these dark forces is not for the spiritual neophyte. Satanic Possession, addiction, attachments and insanity of a weak mind and weak body, can be the result. We can see this happening in people on the earth who are unaware that these forces exist and are more available in the human realm at this time.  However, every human being has the right in divine law to command their personal space, and return to rightful owner their body and body parts, and the goal is to be able to identify these negative forces and to evict them completely from accessing your body and consciousness. (See Spiritual Deliverance).

Each emanation of the Sephiroth in the Black Tree of Life has its black force consciousness and black symbolism that works through the use of black magic or anti-life, satanic rituals. What most satanists may not realize is that the use of black magic ritual is controlled by artificial intelligence and alien technology that was and is installed in the earth body by the NAA.  It is important to remember occult means hidden and that does not necessarily mean the ritual is negative or satanic. What defines a ritual as satanic is the harmful intention and purpose behind the ritual. Satanic and black magic ritual is rampant on the planet today generally from a person’s selfish greed and lust for gaining power and control over others, as well as having gluttony for wealth or materialism. It has pervaded every governmental power and Controller structure on the earth today, hence it is useful to be aware that this exists everywhere and is a massive conspiracy behind those who lust for power and control on the earth and consider themselves as elites.

Reversals connect into the implants in the shadow body or negative form that are designed to reverse and drain life force out of the earth body and the human body. The shadow body or negative form must be cleared from the human Lightbody in order to reconnect the ascending potential of the twelfth dimensional template of the human body. This unnatural configuration was built by the NAA via Alien Machinery that uses Artificial intelligence to parasitize the earth's life force to achieve immortality, and this organized structure is referred to as the Tree of Artificial Life, or the Black Tree of Life. Each of the emanations of the Black Tree of Life have a Qlippoth negative form or demon to be dissolved in the higher light of Christ consciousness in order to return it back to its neutral state. In recognizing the use of the Qlippoth in feeding black magic systems, and breeding demonic entities on the earth, we are briefly summarizing their attributes. The following summations are the most common distortions of the 12 Tree Grid that are used in esoteric rituals that invoke the Artificial Tree of Life or Black Tree of Life, in which it may be helpful to better identify the archetypal forces for understanding what purpose and authority they serve. In these esoteric systems, there is no emanation given for the diamond seed heart or permanent seed atom that exists in humanity, which ignites the Christ Consciousness and this has been purposely hidden to better serve the NAA. The following are the Kabbalah of the Qlippoths as described:

Qlippoth Kether

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 1-Kether-Thaumiel-Twins of God-Pluto
  • Kether represents the first moment of creation. Thaumiel represents the archetypal forces of duality whereas Kether represents unity. Thus, Thaumiel is the division of that which is perfected only in unity. As a demonic order name, the Thaumiel were in existence before their revolt against God. This signifies the memory of the Perfection of God once existed. These fallen angels sought to become more powerful by adding an Aleph to their name. They then became the manifestation of the Duality of God. In the lowest state of their fall they become the Polluted of God, an order of the lesser demons. Thaumiel represents the dual contending and warring forces, struggling against itself and it is represented by two giant heads with bat-like wings.
  • Never ending and always producing, the unchangeable nature of cosmic creation and destruction, androgynous nature, two forces in one force, the forces of chaos to effect great change, which multiply all the forces of the other Qlippoth, sends off the work to the demons to give energy to the negative forms, it is the source of power and its force acts as a generator of the entire demonic structure in its functioning.
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth emanation similar to the black forces in 11th dimension and the 10th ray emanation. Unity intelligence does not occur here, but at the 12th dimension as Christ Consciousness.
  • The cortex or outer form of the Thaumiel is called Cathariel, which means the broken or the Fearful Light of God.
  • Adversary – Satan
  • To Thaumiel, there are two demons that are attributed to emphasize the view that the demonic opposite of Kether is duality instead of unity and these forces are Satan and Moloch or Malech.

Qlippoth Chokmah

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 2-Chokmah-Ghagiel-The Hinderers-Neptune
  • Splitting the creation from Kether into two separate forms. Thus, the Qlippoth of Chokmah represents the death of the first seed of creation and the obstruction of the first movement of creative forces in nature. It correlates to the male aspect of Kether and is also called the father. Here we will find emanations of the False Father made through the Imposter.
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, similar to 9th Dimension, Male Principle and 9th Ray emanation.
  • They are demons, the Hinderers, described as black evil giants with serpents entwined around them, and they are attached to lying, deceiving and material appearances, in opposition to those who are the truth spirit of reality and wisdom. They bring the confusion of the Power of God. These forces bring confusion to the dispersion of great power which goes forth to give the vital energy of creation to the processes of Binah, the Mother.
  • The cortex of the Ghagiel are Those Who Go Forth into the Place Empty of God.
  • Adversary – Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies and Adam Belial, the Wicker Man.
  • To Ghagiel, both Satan and Beelzebub are attributed as well as Adam Belial. The name Belial is often used separately as a demonic name.

Qlippoth Binah

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 3-Binah-Sathariel-The Concealers-Saturn
  • Binah gives birth to the conceived energy or thing, it is the Qlippoth of timing within the Qlippoth's actions as they are being defined as plans to be carried out. The purpose of what the Qlippoth is doing in its destiny to create in the consent given to the law governing its actions. Binah correlates to the female aspect of Kether and is also called the Mother. Here we will find emanations of the False Mother made through the Imposter. Here the Mother and Christ child bond was severed.
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, similar to 10th dimension, Female principle and 7th Ray emanation.
  • Sathariel represents the archetype of the Concealment of God, which hides the face of Mercy. Sathariel represents the death of creative energy in the building of the lifeless and dead structure. The form of the demons attached to this Qlippoth are of black veiled heads with horns, with hideous eyes seen through the veil, followed by evil centaurs. Even as Binah is the great revealing one who bestows the structure of the Absolute onto the created, its opposite, the Sathariel, conceals the nature of The Perfect through the spreading of death and dead light.
  • The cortex or outer form of the Sathariel is called the order of Sheireil, The Hairy Ones of God.
  • Adversary: Lucifer, One Who Flees Light

Qlippoth Daath

  • Kabbalah of the Qlippoths; 11-Daath-Belial-The Worthless Ones-Uranus
  • The Qlippoth of Daath is blocking passage through this dimensional doorway by believing superior knowledge through the mental body is the only goal in itself. The mental body cannot see the structures built by God. When greed for knowledge possesses a person they lose the actual intent of the spiritual journey and gnostic experience, believing they are superior by putting themselves in the ivory tower of secret information. The Qlippoth of Daath is knowledge that is not experienced in consciousness as gnosis, or it holds disdain for true spiritual knowledge and rejects God. It is spiritual knowledge that is never brought into the world in order to be unified with the living creation and creative forces. It is devoid of the alchemy that is needed to transform energies, because the knowledge has been separated from the heart or creative forces.
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth emanation in the parallel dimensions where there is a secret entrance and exit point for the influence to manifest in creation. This is the area of the Abyss or Black Void. Daath is an exit and entrance point on the Black Tree of Life that leads down to or up from Yesod (2D) as well as into the genitals. This is used as a demonic portal into the genitals. It is connected to the 8th Ray emanation.
  • Adversary – Baal or Baalpeor. Using knowledge or rejecting knowledge for personal gratification that generates perversion and depravity.

Qlippoth Chesed

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 4- Chesed- Gamchicoth-The Smiters-Jupiter
  • Chesed is the extension of the divine will when fully manifested and in solid foundation of the energy. The Qlippoth of Chesed bring changes and alters things, reveals truth, and opens anything that has been locked or hidden. The Qlippoth of Chesed is the divine force that spreads so far and thin that it breaks down due to its own weakness. This may represent the misguided trust and imbalanced love which exhausts and ultimately suffocates its object of affection without any limit or boundary. It represents wasted energy on the decadent or immoral. 
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, similar to 6th dimension and 6th Ray emanation.
  • The archetype of the demon is the Devourers; Gamchicoth is the order of devourers who seek to waste and destroy the substance and thought of creation. They are called the disturbers or Breakers in Pieces which are depicted in traditional lore as giants with heads of cats.
  • The outer form is the order of Azrael, The Binding Ones of God. Azrael is named as one of the fallen angels controlling six cohorts.
  • Adversary - Astaroth from the Flood. Astaroth, in demonology, is the Great Duke of Hell, in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he is part of the evil trinity. He is a male figure most likely named after the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar.

Qlippoth Geburah

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 5-Geburah- Golahab-The Arsonists-Mars
  • Geburah gives shape and form which are compressed to become the severity of court of justice. This is the Qlippoth of lust and power and persecution complex. It represents the severity and merciless violence which judges according to biased standards, and kills others based on these beliefs.
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, 5th dimension and the 4th Ray emanation. The destruction of Maldek is connected to these Qlippoths which distorted the 5th ray emanation. 
  • The demons of the Burning Bodies, Geburah is a going forth in power to rule in strength. The order of Golahab is composed of those demons who burn to do destruction, even on themselves. This is archetypally the persecution complex of demons behind the witch burning and light bearers.
  • The outer form is Usiel, The Ruins of God.
  • Adversary: Asmodeus, The Destroying God or Samael the Black. Asmodeus is often mentioned in the literature of demonology. The name can also be translated as the one adorned with fire whom they call also Samael the Black. Asmoday fuels Baphomet forces through lust and addiction.

Qlippoth Tiphareth

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 6-Tiphareth- Thagirion-The Hagglers-Sun
  • The idea of beauty as represented by Tiphareth, it is an expression of all spiritual and moral qualities that help to establish harmonic balance with life. This Qlippoth brings unrest, brings energies to an end or brings energies into existence, can bring death, and move the evolution of the other Qlippoth shadow forms throughout the tree of life. It is to say once the heart is infected with demons, the demonic influence spreads into the entire lightbody.  The Qlippoth of Tiphareth are the forces that block humanity from experiencing the state of union, communion and beauty. The demonics take shape in any force that creates confusion and separation, rather than fusion of the heart and mind. It means the disputers, the painful movers, and the demons called the Zomiel are attributed to it, as great black giants that are always working against each other to block heart qualities.
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the missing emanation of the 8th dimension and permanent seed atom through the 4th dimensional distortions and 4th ray emanation.
  • Thagirion, maintains and sustains the ugly and evil forces together. The Thagirion build ugliness in our life and moan and groan about it. The cortex of the Thagirion is called Zomiel, The Revolt against God.
  • Adversary: Belphegor, the Lord of the Dead. To Thagirion, the replacement of Tiphareth or the human heart, is to replace the sphere of the vitalizing Sun by putting in its place the stronghold for Belphegor, or the lord of dead. This means the death of the eternal inner sun and its place, is a black hole.

Qlippoth Netzach

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 7-Netzach- A'arab Zaraq-The Ravens of Death-Venus
  • Netzach means the term victory as understood as the triumph over the opposing forces of polarity. Creation has given birth to the fundamental forces of attraction and repulsion which can now unfold harmonically in all principles of physical and biological life. The force that lets creation be as it is, the life blood that sustains to keep things functioning, the organization of the world of forces. The Qlippoth of Netzach is represented by these two opposing forces of nature without the influence of wisdom and mildness. If creation starts to produce life as carelessly as it is prepared to destroy it again, then we can see the demon of Netzach unfold in life. It is cavalier and uncaring about life and death. 
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, 4th Dimension split to the 2nd dimension, and the 2nd Ray emanation. 
  • The A'arab Zaraq are the Ravens of Death who reject even their own. It translates as The Ravens of Dispersion, and the demons associated with it are hideous, demon-headed ravens issuing forth from a volcano. The outer form is Theumiel, The Fouled Substance of God.
  • Adversary: Baal, Lord and Tubal Cain, the maker of Sharp Weapons. Tubal Cain has been considered among Masons as a symbol of worldly possessions. It denotes Liars and Corruption or Corrupt Power.
  • To A'arab Zaraq, Baal is attributed, and is a word which means Lord, much as Adonai means Lord. The word Baal or Bel has become in its ritual usage to signify the Lord of Darkness.

Qlippoth Hod

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 8-Hod-Samael-Poison of God-Mercury
  • Hod is find the principle idea of fluctuation, the fluidity and flexibility of our thinking mind. The Qlippoth of Hod similarly is illusions on the surface, our eyes are blinded and cannot look behind the material substance. It is concerned with surfaces which is the beginning of delusions and deceit. In the realm of the mind the shadow is represented by the lie, spinning deceitful webs or enchantment.. At the same time the demon of Hod correlates to the ideas of laziness and fickleness, and the lack of diligence and determination to complete something.
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, 3rd dimension, Solar Plexus, and the 1st Ray emanation. 
  • The demonic archetype of the utter Desolation of God, or The Left Hand, the demon Samael represents the barren desolation of a fallen, dead and failed creation. Greed and Avarice for creation. 
  • The outer form is Theuniel, The filthy Wailing Ones of God.
  • Adversary: Adramelech and Mammon are attributed. Adramelech was a form of sun god related to Moloch. The center of his worship was the Mesopotamian town of Sippar. Adramelech is generally depicted with a human torso, a mule's head, a peacock tail, and the limbs of a mule or peacock. Adramelech is described as the enemy of God, greater in ambition, guile and mischief than Satan.

Qlippoth Yesod

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 9-Yesod- Gamaliel-The Obscene Ones-Moon
  • The analogy of Yesod in the human body are the genitals. Everything returns to the base it had originated from.  All personal creative force is gathered here in our body. All forces of existence pass from this point through the reproductive organs. The Qlippoth that initiates and ends cycles of magick, moving towards a result in manifestation, astral magic and travel, to bury the old, to bury the dead, and instigates intense desires and temptation. The demons of Yesod are represented by a distorted or destructive sense of sex, fertility and creation, the sexual misery program. On a plain physical level this signifies the sexual urge and creative forces that are never satisfied but always demanding stimulation, thus consuming vitality and creativity without anything in return.
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, the 2nd dimension link to 4th dimension, see 2D/4D Split. This is related to the Lunar force and moon chain emanations. 
  • The demonic archetype is the Polluted of God, Yesod is the place that the final forms are born to become matter in Malkuth. The Gamaliel are the misshapen and polluted images that produce vile and grotesque results. These results also are included in the Baphomet forces, which are the main tributary that feeds the black magic networks from anti-sex distortions or black sex magic.
  • The outer form is the order of Ogiel, those Who Flee from God.
  • Adversary Azazael and Lilith: Night Specter and the Seeds of the Spawn of the Antichrist. To Gamaliel and Baphomet, Lilith is attributed as the grand lady of all demons. The demons are sometimes considered to be the children of Lilith and is said to be the woman (succubus archetype) who comes to men in their dreams.

Qlippoth Malkuth

  • Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 10-Malkuth- Lilith-The Queen of The Night-Earth
  • Malkuth has to be understood as a reflection or point of culmination of all nine Sephiroth emanations above her. It is the completion of all of the forces in action, endings, and full manifestation of desires. It is the expression of all focused and manifested powers above in the materialization of all preceding emanations into a single point. The shape and influence of this Qlippoth is therefore one and many things at the same time; “My name is Legion, because there are many of us.”
  • The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth in the 1st dimension that unites with 7th dimension, and the 3rd ray emanations. 
  • Lilith is the Dark Mother aspect, the Whisperers or Night Specter, these are responsible for frightening sounds in strange places. They excite the mind and cause strange desires. Nehema corresponds with Malkuth in groaning and complaining. The Zohar explains Lilith as the disgracing spirit of nature.
  • Adversary: Nehemoth and Behemoth. It is traditionally a demon and the sister of Lilith, possibly a remembrance of the Egyptian Nephthys and Isis. Behemoth represents the Beast and its machine, the corruption of the earth to feed this anti-life reversal. Any of the Fallen Legions can be found here.

These structures as described have been installed into the earth to feed into the black magic grids, and Thothian grid and they are collapsing and being moved out of the earth field. As we encounter dark forces for transmutation and clearing, as Galactic warriors may come across some part of these structures, archetypal forces and demonic energies that are requiring transmutation, transit or eviction on the earth. The absolute key for any Galactic Warrior is to be fearless and command your personal space with conviction and dedication to God in your heart, as a fierce and unwavering representative of love, freedom, sovereignty and all things that are the real virtues of the Spirits of Christ. You are in effect defending our space and defending your spiritual light from parasitism, intrusion and the forces of tyranny that exist as the anti-Christ and anti-human. In the process of spiritual deliverance, it is more effective to demand the entity and spirit of servitude reveal its name to your person, when you challenge it in the power and authority of the Christ Spirit and in accordance to the Book of the Law. If this is necessary, be commanding and extremely firm. When confronted by one of the minions of one or more of these Fallen Angelic hierarchies, ask loudly and in commanding tone, “I challenge you in the power and name of the Christ, What is your NAME?” Sometimes, you will need to say this repeatedly, loudly, until you get a name. Do not listen to anything else that they say, and remember they are liars and deceivers, there is no space to allow them any room. When confronted or in the presence of a member of this Fallen Angelic hierarchy, under no uncertain circumstances, refuse its access to your body, mind, home, children and never allow it to have access to your energetic field. When involved in such spiritual procedures, you cannot back down, it is up to you to tell it exactly where it has to go. When you get its name, or other information that gives you the detail of its authority of origin, then IMMEDIATELY READ IT RIGHTS. When you read its rights you are delivering it from bondage in the Book of the Law, when you command and obey the Law and power of Christ as your 100% authority on this planet. Hold a fearless inner strength, affirming your direct connection to God and Christ, as in the mantra, “ I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free! We are in this together.

Peace and strength be with you in the force of Gods true Love, Power and Wisdom as these black magic grids fall. 


(Source: Ascension Glossary, Spiritual Deliverance, Qlippoth, Sephiroth. Thothian Grids)