Hi Lisa

Thank you for your informative articles on Psychic Self Defence. This information is consistent with my years of direct experience. The area that was new to me was SPE's and when I checked in with my inner sight I located 3 - behind the neck, heart and sacral chakra. Since very young, I have experienced a lot of "interference" that was directly targeted to make me weaker.  I came in with a clear knowing I was here to awaken and assist humanity with this process.  As I have become aware of the SPES they have intensified their impact with draining of energy, brain fogginess and negative emotions.

Q - You mentioned in your article that there is assistance in the form of guided power meditation and power healing that exorcises SPEs. I am interested to access this.  Where do I find this?

Q - Are you able to assist long distance with the removal of SPEs? I live in Australia. 

The impact of this interference has been massive in my life. I feel blocked in many areas, including sexuality & love, manifestation and creativity. It has impacted on my ability to awaken and fulfil my mission here and has sabotaged many areas including work, achieving goals, and my relationship.  I am so willing to clear this.

Thank you for your assistance and I hope to hear from you soon.