During spiritual initiation or active kundalini Ascension Stages, there are four main types of the down-cycle of spiritual crisis which could variously be associated with what the ancients and mystics have called the Dark Night of the Soul. These phases of spiritual development are unavoidable, as the "living death" or Ego Death must occur for resurrection of the spiritual body and mind. All must enter the Dark Night of the Soul or spiritual crisis, perhaps many times during the cyclical process of evolution during the spiritual ascension process. The planet is undergoing a global level of the Dark Night of the Planetary Collective Soul during the Ascension Cycle.
- Category: Psycho-Spiritual Crisis

It is a persons directed and focused attention, not muscular control or use of force, which accesses the inner sensory ability to control the movement of life force or chi energy. When the mind is developed and disciplined, and thus calmed and centered, by focusing the mind, one can direct energy and life force very specifically.
When the mind has been mastered, a person will conquer restlessness and boredom. When you learn to control the energy you are able to control the states of Consciousness.
- Category: Psycho-Spiritual Crisis

There are many things that weaken our general health and well being, through the weakening and fracturing of the human energy field or aura. When we develop Self Awareness and learn basic Spiritual Housekeeping through Psychic Self Defense one can be proactive in generating a strong aura, or Lightbody, which increases energetic balance and health in every layer of the multidimensional bodies.
- Category: Psycho-Spiritual Crisis

The symptoms of psycho-spiritual crisis during the Ascension Cycle represent a manifestation and exteriorization of the deep dynamics within the human psyche and the multidimensional anatomy of human consciousness. Although we have a high population of 3D thinkers and 3D consciousness on this planet still operating as a result of 3D mind control, this may or may not suppress the forward momentum of the awakening phenomena that is happening now during the planetary ascension cycle. Many 3D people will have experiences in the future that they cannot label or will not be open to re-contextualize, as this event is an catalytic experience which forces them to give up their current belief systems.
- Category: Psycho-Spiritual Crisis