Victim-Victimizer or VV programming, the unfortunate result is that unstable people that have not done much mental or emotional clearing, have built up hidden pain and trauma, that are easily controlled and manipulated by dark forces to play out their fears in the 2D or lower mind. These kind of people go unconscious and flip out very easily, are very weak spiritually, have low Impulse Control and are at high risk for dark portal use or Possession. The NAA and dark forces will groom and manipulate these unstable people to attack you directly. We all must be aware of this and take steps to defend ourselves by not allowing these kind of people to get too close to us or in your home (when possible). The problem is they will find ways to infiltrate peoples weakness, and work them slowly to flip out, without any kind of apparent reason. Recently, we had this happen in our community, and over the last week I had a Black Faced Reptilian with Yellow eyes showing me that it was he that was responsible for creating all the recent energetic chaos in our group, they tend to be incredibly arrogant and they like to leave their mark, which is a way to say F-you. So it is good to remember, these unstable, confused and weak people are used as pawns in the larger war game, and its not the person most of the time consciously understanding what they are doing, but these forces manipulating the person to act totally bizarre and even insane. I have had these experiences happen so many times, that unfortunately I do not think this dark strategy is going to end anytime in the near future. So as we gain more experience with dark attack and accept it as a reality on his earth, the process actually gets easier. The biggest challenge is the energetic drain and diversion it creates from taking you off course (timelines), which is their primary motivation.
The main goal of the Victim-Victimizer mind control and software is based on intentionally programming humanity to think thoughts of violence and hatred to believe the Archontic Deception Behaviors and their AD Strategies as a fear based control human belief system. As humans feed their power into these AD systems and hierarchies based upon violence, lies and deception, the deception is covered up and its fabricated reality becomes a anti-human value system. As long as humans think thoughts and maintain belief systems of the Predator Mind, and feed into the alien software programs, they create victims and victimizers and spread more hatred and violence. Humans exchange roles between acting as the archetypal victim, and then because they do not want to be a victim anymore, they switch their role to become a victimizer. Both are forms of inner and/or outer violence.
When we undergo the Ascension process, we undergo the process of Ego/Personality dismantling and a continued transformation to align our Consciousnessto our spiritual self or Higher Self. During Ascension Stages of development or Kundalini awakening we undergo a form of psycho-spiritual crisis called the Dark Night of the Soul. During a variety of encounters of the "Dark Night" we will face issues of being a victim, or being a victimizer, or have either of these roles projected to us from other people or groups. As we develop personal discernment and gain clarity with these Imposter Spirit forces, we are able to synthesize these forces into harmonious patterns thereby neutralizing them. However, these victim archetypes are deeply enmeshed in the human psyche and Unconscious Mind which form the Negative Ego and are a Mind Control program that is operating in the world today.
The goal is to free one's mind from bondage to these Imposter Spirit forces as well as free one's thoughts, therefor freeing the mind to focus on the light of the soul.
- Category: Psycho-Spiritual Crisis
As we learn more about the natural cycles of Life, we know that in order to be recreated into something new, the current form and its foundation must be deconstructed. The concept and eventual experience of Resurrection illustrates that fact, for the alchemy of forces to work its miracle as a byproduct of God’s natural laws, we must die (Ego Death) to be reborn. This is transpiring rapidly now for many people. This shift has been an emphasis for years now that the necessity to overcome the ego mental body Addictions would become dire, and indeed it has. The death of the ego is the phantom death we experience as we face the desperation of the inner or outer darkness, and as we face the darkness, one must remember this is not the “real” spiritual self. This may catapult us into the Dark Night of the Soul or spiritual crisis.
Ego Death is overcoming the resistance to surrender to the process of spiritual awakening or spiritual Ascension. If you fight the changes and transformation which require the death of the prior identity stages that have been outgrown, the new Expanding Consciousness and Christos self cannot be reborn. This manifests as emotional and mental stasis which makes us suffer, and stunts development and personal evolution of Consciousness. The enlightenment process is an infinite spiral of Ego Death and rebirth throughout time and space through remembering the Eternal nature of the self and connecting with the Lightbody.
True power is inherent the death of the former Ego/Personality self, thus the first stages of spiritual awakening and spiritual crisis correspond well to the Kübler-Ross stages of the grieving process:
- Denial: "This can't be happening!"
- Anger: "Why me, why do I have to do all the work?
- Bargaining: "Just let me keep my pointless job, my car and a beer or two."
- Depression: "It’s hopeless, why bother with anything?"
- Acceptance: "I know that I will be in a better place."
When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape value systems to which are used to control the masses to enslave themselves on planet earth. God, Religious Violence, gender issues, financial and debt enslavement, Consumptive Modeling, Misogyny and sexuality are the most mind controlled and manipulated belief systems promoted by the NAA and their human Power Elite to continue their enslavement and vampirism of humanity and planetary resources.
Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems, which direct thoughts that are in contradiction to each other, like war and killing for peace. As long as the planet is at war with itself, and humanity thinks we are at war with each other, we feed into the mind control system of the NAA, which allows them to continue the vampirism of planetary resources.
Mind Control frequencies and forms of Electronic harassment generate bio-neurological impairment in the human body, which reverse and confuse brain signals. The Satanic agenda is to reverse human neurological functioning by conditioning the person to create and feel pain in order to activate their pleasure centers. The cycle of interconnection made between pain and pleasure centers is reinforced and conditioned into the Bio-Neurology non-stop, which escalates into harmful addictions or deviant behaviors. When we pay attention and we care about what is happening to the planet and people, we will begin to clearly see an agenda designed to assault and damage the human nervous system. If we are more aware of how the neurological functions in our body are related to our mental and emotional states, then we are equipped to take control over the direction of our thoughts and emotions. Then we can open and train our neural pathways to receive direct messages from our higher consciousness bodies, the Soul-Spirit Self, overriding the messaging from the Three Layers of Ego that are the main frequency spectrums used in Electronic harassment and Mind Control.
Lack of Empathy
Most of the Negative Aliens and those humans serving the NAA are unable to feel, experience or express higher emotions, such as emotive and empathetic states of loving kindness or Compassion. Essentially, with a Lack of Empathy as a AD value system, it is easy to Mind Control program killing machines that have no remorse for their actions nor care of the consequences to their actions. The Negative Aliens have downloaded their genetic mutations through Mind Control technologies which manifest as a severe Lack of Empathy within the collective consciousness of the human race, in order to control the planet to serve their agenda. A major control mechanism is to enforce the cycles of Victim-Victimizer in the population of earth.
- Category: Psycho-Spiritual Crisis

The False Parent is the main Victimizer Archetype that is used to create pain and trauma in the child, when that child is totally dependent upon that adult person. When abuse is suffered in childhood, destructive Attachments and negative bonds are formed within that child that carry into adulthood, if they are not cleared. To free the body, mind, emotions and spirit from the bondage of trauma induced by parents or others when we were children, we must take responsibility to learn how to love ourselves and unconditionally forgive what has happened to us. This action dissolves the Causality and the consequential effects, as well as later entanglements that this pain has created throughout the child’s timeline, all the way into adulthood. Unhealed childhood trauma and pain is commonly carried over into our adult intimate relationships, infecting them with pain and leading into unhealthy and destructive relationships. When we are able to unconditionally forgive the situation and love ourselves, we learn that what happened to us as a child, had nothing to do with our real self. We shift our thinking to reflecting upon what lessons we have learned, and what strengths we can take away from that experience. We must shift our concept of the Parent that exists on the external, to become the Parent that exists in the internal self, and know that we are the true spiritual parent for ourselves. Our self-worth is not relative to how our biological family or adopted parents treated us as children.
When we change the way we perceive our negative experiences, we are able to own our own emotional conflicts without blame, guilt or projection upon another person, by needing to make it their fault. The set up on earth is to disempower people into always thinking that their misery is someone else’s fault, so that they are always in a state of blaming something else outside of themselves. This creates powerlessness and cycles of victimization that trap the person into compliance with the enslavement programs. Do not assume that you know anything about that person that can be judged for what you cannot see or really know, as you have not walked in their shoes. Many people on this earth live with a broken heart, experiencing a large amount of Isolation, misery and fear throughout their life. Chances are you had a parent or other people that acted these feelings out on you.
Healing the False Parent
Humanity’s greatest task during the Ascension Cycle is to heal their personal emotional trauma around sexual pain, and gender wounding that is related to the False Parent archetype.
There are groups of people that are having heart openings and are choosing to have more loving kindness and peace in their lifestyle. There are groups of people that are closing down their heart from unresolved emotional pain and suffering, and they are unconsciously creating more chaos, negativity and stress in their lifestyle. When these different choice levels surface in intimate relationships such as marriages or partnerships, the conflict can be extremely explosive, emotional and painful. Before the awakening process, many people choose partners or spouses that carry karmic patterns of pain associated or familiar to them from childhood, based on the False Parent.
- Category: Psycho-Spiritual Crisis