Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Psychic Self Defense 3

Class 3 - Entities & Thoughtforms
Audio mp3 & PDF file
25 MB

Class 3 - Entities & Thoughtforms

Audio mp3 & PDF file
25 MB

On psychological and spiritual levels one has to deal with the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies of other people.  The 3D world has basically institutionalized negative ego behaviors and lower self consciousness as it permeates through every aspect of our society.If you are not strong in your energy field, awareness and personal power to ward off these energies it can absorb into your subconscious, drain your energy and leave you feeling heavy.  So what can you do to prevent this? Learn more with this Audio class.

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