Dear Ascending Family,
Our planet is evolving into a coalescence of collective race fields which create Group Consciousness and this is not a choice, it is a fact during the Ascension Cycle. This means we will need to become aware of what Group Consciousness means and how it impacts us in our day to day life, as well as every relationship we have on this planet.
In any type of organization or Group Consciousness it is extremely challenging to navigate in uncleared individual and group Negative Ego behaviors. Negative Ego behaviors are usually entwined with low ethical conduct which damages building trust between people in order to communicate transparently and honestly about a variety of topics. In order to evolve and learn how to build basic Group Consciousness communication skills we each must develop commitment to hold Accountability to our personal circumstances and the GSF Behaviors that each of us choose to demonstrate every day.
- Category: Planetary Stewardship
To better identify conduct in people and groups that are representative of trustworthy behaviors, we will also need to improve our understanding of the conduct that defines both trustworthy and untrustworthy behaviors. Trustworthy behavior is modeled in the ethical conduct we observe in people with Strong Moral Character and strong core center. Untrustworthy behavior is modeled as unethical conduct in people with weak moral character and weak center.
This is not to create bias or withdraw one’s love and compassion towards observing people that exhibit untrustworthy behaviors through weak moral character. When we see untrustworthy behaviors in ourselves we want to apply loving forgiveness as well as commit to heal our weakness through strong character development. As we identify trustworthy attributes inside ourselves we gain immense self-trust which helps us discern the levels of our trust that is appropriate to give to others.
- Category: Planetary Stewardship

In ES community, we describe the higher concept for defining new thoughts and behaviors as based upon practicing the basic principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. This is because these are the Universal Natural Laws, which define and govern the highest expression of love that is the source of our divinity and inner spirit, the source made possible through the ultimate expression and embodiment of the Krystal Consciousness. When we practice the Law of One guidelines, we automatically access Unity Consciousness, which connects us to Krystal consciousness thus, we become increasingly coherent in all of our systems of energy. Spiritual Ascension is the process of spiritual initiation, where we undergo tests of personal mastery in order to demonstrate our competency level, before we can move on to the next frequency, dimension or consciousness expansion experience.
- Category: Planetary Stewardship

To develop and support Coherence and congruence in directing personal energies towards building an integrated Lightbody, and simultaneously, to define overall supportive energies within coherent systems, it is necessary to establish agreements towards personal goals for reaching a higher order of competencies. These ranges of competencies can be described as; emotional competencies, mental competencies, communication competencies, spiritual competencies, as well as relationship and social competencies.
- Category: Planetary Stewardship