a.Agreement to facilitate interactively as a vehicle of Cosmic Sovereign Law of One (Universal Divine Plan in Action)
b.Having Developed Higher sensory perceptions to read energy signatures and group agendas
c.Level of completing “Warrior Training” of the polarity/duality consciousness existing in the Lower Form Worlds (A Master of Comprehending the Illusion and Deception.)
d.Mastery of Mental and Emotional functions to direct Higher Light forces of Transformation as directed by the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One (Universal Divine Plan in Action)
e. Freed of Suffering by loss of attachments
At this level you can take nothing personal, or care what others think of you or judge you for, or be attached to an outcome in the material world.
If you are still taking things personally or attached to the external outcome - generally you repeat the life lesson until you are freed of its grip or control over your behavior or action. One cannot hold energetic responsibility for group energy or others ( in session formats or larger projects ) when not able to hold neutrality. God force only works through your body when you are neutral. It is not everyone's role to be in leadership roles, everyone's divine piece is perfect and very valued for its contribution to the divine plan. Know yourself, honor yourself for your divine piece and mission whatever it is in this very moment!
- Category: Planetary Stewardship
Dear ES Family,
I would like to start this thread for basic Leadership Tools for those that may be newer and feeling another level of the next generation push to some form of Planetary Stewardship or related group project. Since December, there has been another push, and many people feel internal pressure and are attempting to gain clarity on the source of that pressure to self-actualize their spiritual mission. Some of this group are recovering from the New Age rhetoric and realizing that they are being transitioned from those timelines and being aggressively elevated to develop a new level of clarity and understanding. Some feel pushed very hard to develop the spiritual work that they came to the planet to fulfill and undergo intense dismantling of false structures.
Essentially, all of us in our community are working in some capacity to build the Planetary Stewardship team, and are held to a higher standard of Ascension related learning about moral character development and ethical training. It is absolutely essential to have this strong foundation of ethical training or the person will not be communicating with the Krystal Star and will be hijacked by egoic interlopers. Unfortunately many of us have seen this form of ego hijack in spiritual leadership many times, and it’s been hard to observe. Some of us may not realize that this community also functions to serve building the strong spiritual foundation and necessary skills required for self-leadership and developing those same leadership skills to apply to a group consciousness for a variety of purposes. One does not have to be working in spiritual circles to require this leadership skill, this happens every day in the corporate world as well. A big problem in the current leadership in the New Age people is that very few have had any strong development of negative ego clearing, experience with the NAA, and lack the host of skills required to master Leadership in the Galactic Age. In fact, the agenda is to prop up the most emotionally damaged people the NAA can find, give them fame, and put them on public display, and have their following/audience influenced by this person that has the emotional body of a child. Without the strong foundation for self-mastery in place, that leader will be putty in the hands of the NAA and they can control him/her and their following on a silver platter of mind control.
- Category: Planetary Stewardship