Virtues are the qualities of goodness that define the very purpose of our lives, the content of our character and the truest expression of our spiritual-energetic nature. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a “spiritual force”. When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. (These are the Spirits of Christ) These gifts are referred to as the “Bestowal of Grace” which is received through the sincerity of one’s virtuous thoughts or virtuous actions. It is made clear to define that the Bestowal of Grace is not dispensed through a premeditated intermediary, such as in a Guru or Priest, but is received as dispensation of grace from the personal cultivation of virtues. To strengthen our spiritual foundation at its root in our personal Tree of Life, we must place our relationship to God as primary and find the courage every day to cultivate virtues, which leads to Perfect Peace.
A virtue is a characteristic of a person which supports the development of individual goodness for the purpose of personal and collective humanitarian well being. This is a person who chooses to promote principles of love and goodness while giving their best every day with whatever they have in the moment.
If one focuses on building strong virtues these behaviors lead to personal freedom. If one is allowing strong vices to control them, this leads to personal bondage. This is our choice, to have freedom or bondage through the choices we make every day to cultivate virtues.
When we are spiritually strong, we are a fortress of heart based devotion and dedication to serve the highest expression of our goodness as a spiritual being. This heart based devotion progressively builds solid ethics and strong virtues which are the collective attributes that directly attract the Spirits of Christos.
Spirits of Christ
When we cultivate personal virtue we create the internal houses for the Spirits of Christ. As the Universal Law of Structure states; we can build our house (our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies) in so that the spirit we design it for can reside. This is what it means to create a House for Christ and to purify ourselves for the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ requires a House in which to dwell inside our mind and body. The goal for spiritual protection is to dismantle the Houses of Ego, evict the demonic and predator forces, and replace them with the virtues which are the Houses of Christ. State your authority and intention to be of service to God ( see the Law of Consent) and to build a strong relationship with one’s Inner Spiritual Light and Christos. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. Where we focus our energy and attention its energetic form materializes. Thus, greatly increasing one’s relationship to God and experiencing energetic balance which returns us into feelings of self-love, self-worth, peace and happiness.
1. Purity 2. Generosity 3. Patience 4. Kindness 5. Discipline/Conservation 6. Diligence 7. Humility
Krystic Qualities
Here in ES we are exploring how we each can make productive movements forward within ourselves to develop Krystic spiritual qualities and virtues and expand those qualities within all of the relationships we are interconnected and interacting. In studying the Law of One Practices, the Relationship Mastery Guidelines, 12 Practices of Self Awareness and GSF Behavior one will find the key notes of these qualities and how one develops solid virtue. This helps us establish patterns to which we can learn to develop more skill with compassionate communication, discerning ego judgments from exercising personal choice and discernment, and learning how to create more enjoyable relationships that are productive and harmonious. When we expand goodness around us, we receive the goodness returned back to us from our own virtuous actions and thoughts.
This life philosophy is met with focused intentions to express communication and behaviors with an open heart which is congruent with these Humanitarian Values:
- Open-Hearted Living
- Self-compassion
- Expressing from the heart
- Receiving with compassion
- Prioritizing connection
- Moving beyond "right" and "wrong" to using needs-based assessments and discerment
- Choice, Responsibility, Peace
- Taking responsibility for our feelings
- Taking responsibility for our actions
- Living in peace with unmet needs ( acceptance)Increasing capacity for meeting needs
- Increasing capacity for meeting the present moment
- Sharing Power and Resources (Partnership)
- Caring equally for everyone’s needs ( Group consciousness)
- Using force minimally and to protect (defend) rather than to superimpose beliefs, punish, or get what we want without mutual agreement
- Category: Planetary Stewardship
Dear Ascending Community,
It has been clear that the spiritual and consciousness communities are extremely challenged with confusion derived from the variety of unchecked and uncleared Negative Ego behaviors when “spiritual” people are speaking in “new age” terms and concepts. These Negative Ego behaviors are usually entwined with low ethical conduct which damages building trust between people in order to communicate transparently and honestly about a variety of topics. This is not a subject that can be addressed lightly and requires deep reflective thought, as well, as a commitment to hold Accountability to circumstances and the GSF Behaviors that each of us choose to demonstrate every day. Trust is everything. Without comprehending the necessity of building trust and consistent trustworthy behaviors, the entire foundation of Ascension community structure will crumble and those of the group that contribute a great amount of time and energy to help create spiritual community, will cease to do so. It is important to understand the “divide and conquer” agendas that operate in unconscious ways that will attack spiritual groups, spiritual communities or compromise relationships that are building trust - as a direct strategy of destroying any kind of group cohesion or organization.
This is why I have spent a lot of time discussing components of Trust, Building Trust, and how to recognize behaviors and communications that allow trust and the attribute of “trustworthiness” to be modeled and cultivated within spiritual ascension and related communities, to emphasize our personal responsibility in those interactions. ~Lisa Renee, GSF Steward
I AM Accountable towards Others and Speak my Truth Harmlessly. In leadership roles, Accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of personal responsibility for one’s actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the role or the position of influence and power made over others. Accountability encompasses the ethical conduct necessary to model integrity through being answerable towards the resulting consequences of one’s choices and actions, especially in regard to the impact made upon others, or impact made to a group, organization or impact to planetary resources. Accountability cannot exist without the proper ethical model to understand that being responsible for one’s actions, thoughts and deeds, has consequences that are a result of the decisions that are made. In other words, an absence of accounting for decisions and choices that are being made means, there is an absence of accountability. Without accountability, there can be no integrity or trustworthiness present. This is also an accurate statement when determining the quality that one will experience in their personal life, family dynamics, career and in every social interaction and communication they engage in. This principle is required in both the macrocosm and the microcosm relationships of our life. The importance of committing to personal accountability as a developed character trait and skillset in order to improve one’s life conditions in every possible way, cannot be underestimated.
- Category: Planetary Stewardship
When we are in Energetic Balance with ourselves, we are in balance with our spiritual self, our heart and we cease to have great personal turmoil or suffering. This is how we become increasingly healthy and peaceful. When we are emotionally healthy and peaceful we are able to access our spiritual self and heart intelligence easily. So this is to comprehend our natural spiritual-energetic state of being is one of emotional balance, inner peace, health and connection with Life. This state is not dependent on the external outcomes and can be experienced even when others around you and the world are undergoing great turmoil. To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception Strategy and their anti-life forces which abuse its mechanism.
To understand the polarity of the world of forces on earth and identify how satanic force methods are used every day to destroy the feeling heart and soul of human beings, let’s review both sides of spiritually healthy behaviors (GSF) and spiritually abusive behaviors (AD). Spiritually healthy behaviors naturally connect one with God Source and Christ and are God-Sovereign-Free or GSF behaviors based on the Law of One. Spiritually abusive behaviors disconnect you from God and Christ and are promoted in the Archontic Deception Behavior or AD Behaviors.
The goal with the below discernment guideline is to identify and locate these spiritually abusive AD Behaviors in yourself, others and in any external organization of which you participate and to transform them through practicing GSF behaviors based on the Law of One. All decisions one is able to make from an informed position by identifying AD behaviors will increase personal discernment and energetic resonance of GSF in one’s life. The only thing any person can change is themselves through their heart responses and behaviors. Change starts within. Identify the Archontic Deception (AD) behavior and apply the GSF antidote below it to transform into spiritually healthy behavior.
GSF God-Sovereign-Free Behavior
1. Empathy and Compassion 2. Mental Openness 3.Emotional Stability 4. Responsibility 5. Honesty 6. Sovereignty 7. Reality Assessment 8. Unified Cooperation
(GSF) Empathy and Compassion: We feel connection to life and have compassion for others that feel pain because we can empathize and relate to sensory feelings and emotions. We care about what happens to Life, whether its earth, human beings, animals, nature, plants or trees. We realize that we are a part of something larger and have kindness for ourselves and others, as this end cycle is very challenging for many. With this compassionate understanding we do not allow intentional harm or self-Martyrdom in our sphere of influence.
(GSF) Mental Openness: We are able to consider and be open to many different ways of being, thinking or life philosophy without feeling threatened, defensive or sarcastic. This is a state of non-judgment. Discoveries and new learning opportunities are valued as desirable and supported in others. Mental flexibility for greater intelligence and creative problem solving is available for the mutual beneficial exchanging of ideas. Mental openness allows intuitive development and higher sensory perception.
(GSF) Emotional Stability: We accept emotional states as impermanent and like a beautiful painting we can choose and accept emotions as a wide spectrum of color. In pain or joy we can apply learning and appreciate that we have feelings, senses and wide emotional spectrums. When feeling pain or disappointment we have no need to lash out and harm others. We are aware to allow feeling emotion without over identifying with that state to points of overwhelm. Through emotional balance (soul healing) we do not allow any influential substance (i.e. drug, food, sex, shopping) to overtake us or keep us dependent through emotional addiction.
(GSF) Responsibility: We are accountable to our actions and accept responsibility for our words, commitments and energies. We are realistic and dependable only committing to that which we are capable and are genuinely sincere. We are aware of how our language and behavior impact others, the environment and act humbly. We are conscientious in everything that has our energy stamp and recognize to create quality in our life and with exchanges. Quality is a byproduct of energetic responsibility.
(GSF) Honesty: The ability to be honest with one self, honest in the assessment of others, honest in the circumstances of reality through a commitment to emotional clarity. Stating and representing the true conditions of circumstances as neutrally and harmlessly as possible. We know that honesty is always the true pathway in our relationship with God that leads us towards spiritual maturity and freedom.
(GSF) Autonomy or Sovereignty: To achieve the strong foundation within the spiritual self to become confident in facing life decisions and making choices supported as a self-governed and spiritually motivated individual. With self-autonomy we do not need to manipulate or control others. Within the world context, it is the capacity of a clear individual to make an informed, un-coerced decision. God Source engenders the knowledge and growth to spiritual autonomy when in partnership with Divine Will and Service. God is your partner in Love and parent in Life.
(GSF) Reality Assessment: To be able to assess the current environment and conditions realistically and truthfully in order to make informed choices without needing to control the outcome or engage in power conflicts. To discern conditions based on internal resonance and not external judgments or mass acceptance. In the spiritual context, to feel/read the energy signature in order to integrate its intelligent information with the external circumstances, in so that an informed decision can be made.
(GSF) Unified Cooperation: Recognizing the interdependence between all living things with the desire to engender cooperation between groups and all living systems. Cooperation is valued in order to unify the whole in energetically beneficial exchanges for creating holistic systems. Cooperation becomes the natural behavior to align groups synchronistically in a naturally self-organizing system arranged upon a core spiritual mission or humanitarian philosophy. Unified cooperation is only successful in environments of honesty, transparency where self-interest is sublimated to the caring of the larger group interest. In commitment to heart based transparency and non-judgment, group trust can be formed and bonded.
- Category: Planetary Stewardship
All human beings are responsible for their thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviors, all of these are direct choices made by each person in the moment and will have direct Energetic Consequences. Whatever quality of energies we prepare our body to be resonant with or hold as spiritual conduit, whether it is positive forces or negative forces, is what we allow ourselves to have consent with. Whatever kind of force we are in consent with (whether we know this or not), is the Frequency that our body and Consciousness is subjected to in Universal Law. The quality of spiritual force will have corresponding dimensional laws which govern the actions of that quality of that spirit. Negative forces are in the lower dimensions and create servitude and bondage to time, while positive forces of the Spirits of Christ are in the highest dimensions and create sovereignty and freedom for the Soul and spirit.
As it is understood there are demonic spirits that live in the internal structures of ego (which cause harm to our mind and body) one would be motivated to learn how to create the internal houses for the Spirits of Christ. As the Universal Law of Structure states; we can build our house in so that the spirit we design it for can reside. This is what it means to create a House for Christ and to purify ourselves for the Spirit of Christ. The Spirits of Christ requires a House in which to dwell inside our mind and body. The goal for spiritual protection is to dismantle the Houses of Ego, evict the demonic and predator forces, and replace them with the Houses of Christ.
State your authority and intention to be of service to God (See Law of Consent) and to build a strong relationship with one’s Inner Spiritual Light and Christos. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. Where we focus our energy and attention its energetic form materializes. Thus, greatly increasing one’s relationship to God and experiencing energetic balance which returns us into feelings of self-love, peace and happiness.
Study of Moral Code
The study of moral code and living within spiritual ethics is clearly and sorely required with imparting spiritual truth, as many abuses are easily unnoticed due to the warped thinking we have programmed in 3D Narcissistic society. All of this behavioral checkpoint is our personal responsibility, and it does not matter how advanced the Consciousness template is, if this part of our ego wounds has not been cleared and healed, it iwll be infected and used against us. This becomes increasing important the more spiritual power and spiritual resources that are given by spiritual light intelligence. The more spiritual and consciousness power we embody, the more responsibility we have to be ethical, moral, transparent, honest and aligned to the intent, consent and authority of service to God, Service to Others. The issue is that, when we give it our very best every day, when we live from our heart and ask what we can do to serve God and Oneness in a goal of World Humanism, a humanitarian philosophy such as in the Law of One, we get the ego out of the drivers seat, and we pay heed to Christian based ethics without all the dogma, ego and judgment, our behavior guideline is genuinely clarified. In the Christ principle, what would the Christ do? How would the Christ behave ? What is my responsibility in this moment to be true to my heart and to live ethically in harmony with Life? This behavior will ultimately protect you, and this seems to be a gaping hole missed throughout many spiritual teachings due to unethical, untrustworthy and immoral personal conduct. Their hearts turn black from misconduct. For those reasons they have my deepest empathy in every way, with the hope they all find the path to inner peace and freedom from actually living in heart alignment to what they have spoken of in their spiritual teachings.Those of us that are here have been called to help support the Christmission. We are being entrusted to hold more consciousness awareness and learn how to help return the planetary architecture back to human and Christ (consciousness) hands through allowing our body to be a structure that houses the Spirits of Christ.
- Category: Planetary Stewardship