God adjudges us according to our deeds, not the coat that we wear: that Truth is above everything, but higher still is truthful living. Know that we attaineth God when we loveth, and only that victory endures in consequence of which no one is defeated. ~Sikh Prayer
- Category: Peace Prayers
We pray to the great Spiritual Power in which we live and move and have our being. We pray that we may at all times keep our minds open to new ideas and shun dogma; that we may grow in our understanding of the nature of all living beings and our connected-ness with the natural world; that we may become ever more filled with generosity of spirit and true compassion and love for all life; that we may strive to heal the hurts that we have inflicted on nature and control our greed for material things, knowing that our actions are harming our natural world and the future of our children; that we may value each and every human being for who he is, for who she is, reaching to the spirit that is within, knowing the power of each individual to change the world.
- Category: Peace Prayers
If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart. ~Lao Tse
- Category: Peace Prayers
Send Thy peace O Lord, which is perfect and everlasting,that our souls may radiate peace. Send Thy peace O Lord, that we may think, act and speak harmoniously. Send Thy peace O Lord, that we may be contented and thankful for Thy bountiful gifts.Send Thy peace O Lord, that amidst our worldly strife, we may enjoy Thy bliss.Send Thy peace O Lord, that we may endure all, tolerate all, in the thought of Thy grace and mercy. Send Thy peace O Lord, that our lives may become a Divine vision and in Thy light,all darkness may vanish. Send Thy peace O Lord, our Father and Mother,that we Thy children on Earth may all unite in one family. ~Pir-Murshid-Inayat Khan
- Category: Peace Prayers
"The greatest generosity is non-attachment." ~Atisha (11th century Tibetan Buddhist master)