Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
Connect with your Heart and practice Loving Kindness every day!
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Introduction to PSD One

Dear Family,

During the past few years it has become apparent to me that this topic has had an increasing need to be discussed and explored. There just does not seem to be much material available on this subject. More and more as we are being accelerated in this Ascension cycle, we will have a need to better comprehend the dynamics of these forces that impact our lives in ways we may not have had an awareness of before.

Our inner vision and higher sensory perception is what we need to develop as a part of our intuitive discernment to navigate future circumstances. The “Old” and “New” energy paradigms are struggling to integrate and our world will continue to appear greatly conflicted and be even more chaotic. There are many conflicting agendas working here at this time. The Guardians want us to be informed as to what is going on so that we can make that personal choice ourselves rather than be manipulated by controlling forces. This work is intended to educate us about the dynamics of this reality in order to assist us in reclaiming our self sovereign god power. When we have this greater knowledge, much of which has been intentionally withheld from the masses, we can begin to learn how to use the great wellspring of God power within us.

This is the series beginning that dialog of explanation as to why it is necessary to understand “Psychic Self Defense” and the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. Since my client base, including myself are within the Family of Light workers, Star-seeds, Healers and the sincere Spiritual Seeker, it is our group that will find this of greatest value as we are becoming increasingly and exponentially Multi-dimensional. We are developing mastery of our energy fields and energy bodies in order to attain the self realization of our Multidimensional God Nature in this cycle of Ascension. When we are fully in our power and we comprehend our Multidimensional nature this issue will cease to exist. However in this transitory phase into accepting and living with our true nature, we find ourselves at an interesting crossroads of this evolutionary growth cycle.

Understanding these energy dynamics are a powerful evolution tool and will assist your navigation through these energies much easier if you have a basic comprehension that these forces do indeed exist.

I observe the energies and Auric fields in varied degree of the still sleeping human, those humans operating their consciousness at the material plane level with an awareness of only their five physical senses. Also I observe the higher vibrating consciousness field of Multi-dimensional humans mutating through their Spiritual -Ascension. In the still sleeping human I observe in their Auric field what I call “old” patterns of energetic debris, emotional trauma and the garden variety “entity” attached to clumps of astral debris.

In the awakening human, especially our particular group of World Healers, I am observing all kinds of new energetic phenomena with much more complexity.  I have viewed various structures and devices from Alien origination (other life form) and what I would refer to as “Super-impositional” forces draining or creating discordance in a person’s energy field. Super-impositional means the person is not consciously aware of this energetic or alien attachment and it has been “imposed” upon them in an area of their consciousness that they have not yet cultivated. This energy is uninvited and parasitic in nature and utilizes the power source of a particular human energy body that the human may not even be aware he has as an aspect of “himself”. When your energy is being drained or utilized by another source, even if you are not aware of it, it depletes YOU.

It becomes a negative interference in your energy body creating blockages such as illness or difficulties in manifestation. In accelerated cases it can result in a full or partial “possession”. This is why it is important to begin to use your own higher sensory perception so that you can become aware of these energies and then take charge. You become the “Captain of your ship “by directing your own personal energies for your own intentional use. In this way you, as a Multidimensional energy being, become very difficult to be manipulated or controlled by these negative forces. As you have greater comprehension of how these forces work, you will gain greater self mastery and awareness creating liberation from these lower forces.

It is important to get comfortable in this world of energetic phenomena through educational awareness so you will begin to break free of the social stigma around this issue that creates fear in most people. There is nothing to fear as this is the dynamics of how energy works in a dualistic system such as ours on planet Earth.

Once we understand that this phenomena exists, we can explore our Multidimensional anatomy and then better comprehend the natural laws of which humans are governed by in this energetic system. We begin to amass the tools to realize that we are playing a part in a stage of evolution that is divinely orchestrated.  

We can then become purposeful in our power as we are divinely guided by our higher selves to achieve and direct our soul’s desires. We can consciously interact with these higher forces to create more accurate manifestations and experience more joy in our daily lives. As we hold these higher vibrating patterns of self awareness, it becomes increasingly difficult for these negative energies to super-impose upon your energy field and take advantage of your life force. Further, as you become self aware you begin to heal these lost aspects of the shadow self and these energies become dissolved into the unification of the balanced light you really are.

This is why I would like to investigate Psychic Self Defense and share with you what I have come to observe through my own experiences. Further as most of us are gaining self-mastery and personal power into becoming a prototype of a “New Energy” spiritual warrior we will become increasingly exposed to such forces.


We are the Mapmakers into the New Worlds, We hold the Keys. We are becoming Cosmic Citizens. To keep us informed and in our personal power I am offering my findings, my personal experience and welcome the input and methods that others are finding effective through their own experiences. I leave this for your edification and challenge you to stretch way beyond your beliefs or limitations. We are being called upon to be entirely self aware and master our personal and planetary energy fields. We are crossing a wide chasm from the “Old” energy world of the third dimension and building the bridge to the higher dimensions and therein resides the New Era and higher expression of life and creation we have been waiting to experience. And so we begin!

Listen to Audio Class One:




Psychic Self Defense

The commonest form of psychic attack is that which proceeds from the ignorant or malignant mind of our fellow human beings. Dion Fortune  --Mystic Author

Building a Strong Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Immune System:

Why is it that some people frequently seem to be under 'psychic attack' and others seem to be oblivious to it? Is it just that some people feel it more, or are others better protected?

I am frequently asked questions on how to protect oneself from psychic attack or techniques for personal protection. While many techniques can certainly help alleviate the symptoms, overall the problem will not be solved unless you address the underlying cause - and that will take some personal effort and responsibility.

You might think of the immune system as a part of the physical body only. However, this is not the case. It is just as important to develop a strong psycho-emotional and spiritual immune system. Also the effectiveness of your physical immune system will, in actuality, depend to a great extent on the strength of your psychological and spiritual immunity.

Whether spiritual people like to admit it or not, Life in this dimension is a battle. Even the great Paramahansa Yogananda said, “Life is a Battlefield”. The fight exists on a variety of levels and one must learn to be a spiritual warrior in life. First you are fighting to remain conscious and stay awake in a reality where the mass populace is generally asleep to their environment and their divine nature. Staying out of automatic pilot and from letting the subconscious mind control your life takes constant vigilance to stay mentally alert and stay present in the moment. Second, keeping negativity and negative thoughts away from your energy field and thought processes takes disciplined awareness. As well does the ability to maintain staying in the flow and remain balanced and in harmony with yourself in order to have clarity and inner peace.

With the plethora of new energies and resultant dimensional shifting, there is also a battle to maintain personal health and heal from physical imbalances through healing the experiences of unresolved life trauma, conflicts and karma. Some of those issues you are healing may even be from parallel lives or multi dimensional experiences. However one of the biggest things you must fight, along with energies within yourself not coming from the soul, are the negative energies coming from other people and the environment.

As you go through personal soul evolution and learn to gain mastery over the lower nature, this process becomes easier through conscious awareness. Life becomes easier and more enjoyable at these levels. This information is to help guide you to comprehending the barrage of negative energies coming from other people, the astral plane, the mental plane, and other dimensions that interact with us, all of us energetically every day. One cannot win the battle until it is understood what it is you are up against.

In the beginning of understanding this material and its application as a practice in your life, I urge you to remain in “engaged detachment.” You do not have to do or believe anything that does not feel right to you personally. This will assist you to integrate this information impersonally without feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Let it become a source of “informational consideration.” You can tell your mind, “ Hmm….. I feel uncomfortable with that, however I will consider it. More knowledge is power.” Integrate what feels appropriate and true to you and at your own pace. I cannot emphasize this enough!

The conscious mind or ego is very fragile to dismantling its perceived belief systems and will rebel, kick and scream and feed your fears. We are going to discuss beyond third dimensional perception to non linear concepts that challenge all belief systems you have ever thought, held or told was true since you were incarnated in this realm. The linear mind and what we have been trained as “logical” process of thought …is actually the polar opposite of how the multi-dimensional realities exist within all of us. We are waking up to these multi dimensional aspects of ourselves and our potential worlds as cosmic citizens.

Utilize this opportunity to redefine your self and your views to the world and only take in what feels true to you personally and discard the rest. This will become increasingly very important for you to experience these “New Energies”, the new era we are moving forward into. The goal is to become invulnerable to these effects and enjoy a smoother, easier and balanced life in harmony with your real self and in harmony with God Forces. For in truth, you are Spirit and as you realize this potential you are no longer a victim to anything, you then can become a master and cause of your reality.

So, what is psychic attack?

Even if you don't feel specifically 'attacked' on some level it is valuable to cultivate awareness and practice doing the exercises, as issues may manifest in other ways in your life, such as illness. Some of the reasons for an attack on your personal field/space/aura may include the following:-

  • Environmental or governmental exposure and disinformation
  • Thought forms or entities already in, or attracted to your field
  • Attachment cords between yourself and another
  • Karmic return to you or your ancestry
  • Unprovoked attack by another in the form of karmic manipulation, spells, curses
  • Forces resistant to your lightwork, healing work or conscious support of Ascension
  • Life form or negative alien attempts to control through fear or implant for manipulation

Once you are aware of how the problem may have been caused you can take steps to rectify the underlying cause and protect yourself from similar problems in the future. You have all the inner power and resources you need within you to resolve and rectify any of these issues effectively.

Informed awareness to deal with these issues when they manifest in your life without dwelling on the negative aspects of them is the goal to balance and achieve positive results.

The next of the series will go through our list of above mentioned items. Every lightworker needs to be informed and aware of these forces working behind the scenes in our world, period. 

Until next, stay guided within the light of your soul and Love with all your being!

Blessings and gratitude,

© 2004 Lisa Renee,  

Suggested for You

Easing Ascension Symptoms

On the planetary scale, a massive shift is taking place. Huge infusions of Light are coming to the Earth plane as the veil of separation and denial are lifting. Earth Ascension Changes are creating physical changes in our bodies right now. The planet is mutating, and so are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taking place in the very cells of your body.

A transmutation is the act of being transmuted or changed or altered in form, appearance, nature to a higher form. transmutation is the internal change going on inside the body that puts together the combination of parts or chemical elements, groups or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound so as to form a whole new combination. During mutation, this new combination may be constructed by the body from diverse conceptions into a coherent whole body that may be different from previous bodies.

The physical transmutation change within your bodies is a significant and basic alteration in the body. Some suggesitons that may help:

• Learn the 12D ShieldES Core Triad practices and make the consistent dedication to clear fear and pain in one’s body.

• Breathing exercises and relaxing the physical body as deeply as possible. Relax the mind, relax the body, allow the energy to move through you and visualize it moving in spirals up the spine and out of your crown.

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