Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Clearing Treatments

An array of clearing meditation audio treatments (mp3) to apply in a variety of purposes when undergoing ascension symptoms, psychic overload or attack, or with the neccessity to drop dense energy patterns and debris from the aura. Always prepare your clearing space with your personal 12D light Shield, and GSF boundary test. (GSF= I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!) See the ES Core Triad for daily use in the free Ascension Tools section.

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Results 37 - 54 of 116

Clearing Treatments


EMF Recalibration Command

Anchor Aurora and New Earth elemental commands to recalibrate our bodies to be in attunement of core essence.


Etheric Body Rewiring

Learn how to view and sense your personal etheric (electromagnetic) body by administering an inner scan and energy clearing.


Extract False Parent Bi-wave Constructs

Holographic blueprint correction for aligning the existing 12 axiatonal lines with the Krystallah body template for the purpose of extraction and dismantling of the false parent bi wave phantom ...


Father Son Codes of Aquafey

Correction codes to all reversal plasma configurations in our lightbody, which run consumptive modeling architecture and spawn demonic creations.


Five Breath Organ Cleanse

We Sanctify Our Bodies to Embody Wholeness.


Gallbladder/Meridian Clearing

Miodic/Diodic grid attunement and Universal Harmonic Alignment Technique for gallbladder meridian clearing which is a preparation for Crucifixion Implant Removal.


Gnostic Mass with Christos-Sophia

Gnostic Mass with Christos-Sophia: The Emanation of the Divine Sophia born from the Wisdom of the Mother of God is the state of spiritual awakening. This is override to Crowley's hijack of the ...


Healing Essene Divide and Code of Blue Nile

In this meditation we are addressing the holographic blueprint correction for the timeline events of the Essene Divide.


Healing Hybridization Trauma

Healing Hybridization Trauma - Our intention in this treatment is to command our divine right to reclaim our mind, reclaim our mental cohesion, reclaim our mental health and wellbeing to be restored ...


Heart Brain Unification in Empathy 

To achieve the highest expression of coherence and unity within our body.


Hierogamic Twin Clock Chambers

There is a set of horizontal counter-rotating chambers that move clockwise to bring in energy from the Unified Field of God-Source and disperse it through the vertical Hara lines that impact all time ...


Holographic Repatterning Tower of Babel Implants

In this meditation we will intend to activate the rainbow synthesis pattern in our axiatonal lines and hands, and then holographically repattern to clear out NA timelines.


Intergalactic Plasma Light

To connect with the Galactic Suns and Galactic Plasma frequencies through our Beloved Mother Arc.


Introduction to Krystala

To stabilize and strengthen the core and to merge our light (and sound) bodies into the oneness of the 7 Krystal tones: Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Aa La


Krystal Infusion of Eight Fetal Cells

In this meditation we intend to reconnect and correct the communication links between the fetal cells and the entire fascia crystalline matrix.


Krystal Star Tetramorphic Amplifiers

This is a holographic instruction set for supporting corrected Tetramorphic patterns as required for Diamond Sun lightbody correction.


Law of Structure (Michael-Mary Wings)

The Universal Laws governing structure exist at both pre-matter energetic levels and physical matter levels for absolutely everything in existence.


Loving Kindness Meditation

To access all of the inner memories required for complete spiritual healing within my heart felt intent to expand into my highest divinity and highest consciousness in service to Gods plan on this ...


Latest Products

Sovereign Medulla Oblongata

To correct the function of our Medulla Oblongata and its interconnection to our 9th Energy center, and link to our throat energy center.


Neuro-Endocrine-Immune Network

To connect the atomic body structure with the neuro-endocrine-immune network and align it with the correct sphere of consciousness.


Correct Magnetic Alignment 

To correct the magnetic alignment in our body to the highest optimum function.


Connecting with Spirits of Air

To connect with the Spirits of Air, in order to deeply communicate the ways we can be of service to the air elements.


Developing Self Awareness

To clear obsolete energies recorded in our three lower chakras or energy centers.


The Spirit of Harmlessness

To increase the spiritual power of Harmlessness and to be governed by the higher self, bringing clarity of the light of truth to burn away delusion and falsity.


Clear Metatronic Code

To identify, locate and clear out 5th dimensional Metatronic Code.


Clear Mitochondrial Record

To identify, locate and clear our mitochondria functioning and its genetic record to prepare for higher functioning that allows DNA activation.


Preparing for the New Timeline

Preparing for the New Timeline - session for support of clearing negative or past timelines during the bifurcation cycle.
