Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Clearing Treatments

An array of clearing meditation audio treatments (mp3) to apply in a variety of purposes when undergoing ascension symptoms, psychic overload or attack, or with the neccessity to drop dense energy patterns and debris from the aura. Always prepare your clearing space with your personal 12D light Shield, and GSF boundary test. (GSF= I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!) See the ES Core Triad for daily use in the free Ascension Tools section.

Results 49 - 64 of 116

Clearing Treatments


Intergalactic Plasma Light

To connect with the Galactic Suns and Galactic Plasma frequencies through our Beloved Mother Arc.


Introduction to Krystala

To stabilize and strengthen the core and to merge our light (and sound) bodies into the oneness of the 7 Krystal tones: Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Aa La


Krystal Infusion of Eight Fetal Cells

In this meditation we intend to reconnect and correct the communication links between the fetal cells and the entire fascia crystalline matrix.


Krystal Star Tetramorphic Amplifiers

This is a holographic instruction set for supporting corrected Tetramorphic patterns as required for Diamond Sun lightbody correction.


Law of Structure (Michael-Mary Wings)

The Universal Laws governing structure exist at both pre-matter energetic levels and physical matter levels for absolutely everything in existence.


Loving Kindness Meditation

To access all of the inner memories required for complete spiritual healing within my heart felt intent to expand into my highest divinity and highest consciousness in service to Gods plan on this ...


Microcosmic Orbit Scanning Exercise

To strengthen our central vertical channel and increase the energetic integrity within the core structure of our lightbody.


Neuro-Endocrine-Immune Network

To connect the atomic body structure with the neuro-endocrine-immune network and align it with the correct sphere of consciousness.


Observer Parent Child Phobia Clearing

Observer Parent Child Phobia Clearing- In this meditation we will address phobias, in order to identify and clear them with the inner child.


Platinum Crystal Activation

In this meditation we will intend to connect with the Andromedan heart spiral and activate the platinum crystal within us, and in service to the earth and humanity, we offer to run the code for the ...


Preparing for HGS Calibration (AIM)

Preparing for HGS Calibration (AIM). This is to attune to the Alien Implant Module, available for public use.


Preparing for the New Timeline

Preparing for the New Timeline - session for support of clearing negative or past timelines during the bifurcation cycle.


Quickstep PDD

Quickstep PDD is a Guardian Mentor Assisted Healing Program for Chronic Physical Pain, Spiritual Disconnection or Energetic Disease.


Ray Body and Ray Identity Healing

Radial Body code healing for each layer as it corresponds to each Ray identity Force.


Recalling Long Term Memories

You alone as a God-Sovereign-Free Being, are willing to know the truth in order to reclaim all longer term memories and aspects of the spiritual selves into unity and wholeness.


Reclaiming Christos Body

Preparing the body to receive Krystala tones in the Double Diamond Sun, Paradisian Son Talismans. Clear collective mind blueprint levels and their interactions of potential attachments of mind ...


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Transfiguration of Unconscious Mind

Bring your focus to the center of your brain, move your inner awareness in a large sweeping motion from right to left, moving slowly and deliberately in counter clockwise circle, slowly scanning the ...


Reclaiming Mother and Child Bond

YOU ARE the true parent of your inner child, feel this role of being a parent and radiate all the love from your heart to this 6 year old child.


Taurus Lightbody Activation in Avebury

To address recent transmissions available during Taurus in Silbury Hill and Avebury Henge in the United Kingdom that are related to Lightbody activation.


Sirius and Canopus (Cosmic Kundalini) 

The celestial relationship between Canis Major Constellation Sirius Star System and Carina Constellation (Argo Navis) alpha star, Canopus.


Sealing the Body Portals with Holy Spirit

The orifices in our human body are windows to our essential spirit and when unprotected can be used by negative forces.


Correct Symmetry, Proportion and Ratios

Correcting the Symmetry Proportion and Ratios of our Merkaba body and remove the lunar forces.


Clear Attachments to Consciousness Traps

Addressing attachments to our ego personality filter that may skew our perception and connect us to Consciousness Traps.


Clearing Negative Forms in Parallel

Clearing Negative Forms in Parallel - In this meditation we will address Negative form in more detail in the Parallel realities.


Removal of Victim-Victimizer Software

Removal of Victim-Victimizer Software - In this meditation we will address the Victim Victimizer software program that have been used on this planet as mind control over traumatizing memories that ...
