Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Clearing Treatments

An array of clearing meditation audio treatments (mp3) to apply in a variety of purposes when undergoing ascension symptoms, psychic overload or attack, or with the neccessity to drop dense energy patterns and debris from the aura. Always prepare your clearing space with your personal 12D light Shield, and GSF boundary test. (GSF= I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!) See the ES Core Triad for daily use in the free Ascension Tools section.

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Clearing Treatments


Seraphim Reclamation and Genetic Healing

In this meditation we will intend to offer our highest expression in alignment to God’s Cosmic Sovereign Law, to reclaim, return and heal the Seraphim lineages in this Universal Time Matrix.


Sirius and Canopus (Cosmic Kundalini) 

The celestial relationship between Canis Major Constellation Sirius Star System and Carina Constellation (Argo Navis) alpha star, Canopus.


Solar Twin Michael-Mary Giza Activation

We intend to connect into the Sun Disc Network with the platinum crystal, and in service to the earth and humanity, we offer to run the code for the platinum crystal.


Sovereign Medulla Oblongata

To correct the function of our Medulla Oblongata and its interconnection to our 9th Energy center, and link to our throat energy center.


Sovereign Sun RA-MA

Sovereign Sun RA-MA - We are now going to call in the Universal Gold Ray in its Solar light principle of RA. Ra means Oneness in its tonal signature.


Spiritual Healing for Family of Origin

The higher purpose is to release earthly burdens of reincarnation, superimposed karmic loads or continued consciousness slavery in our family of origin, in so that we, and they, may be fully ...


Spiritual Links to CNS, Brain and CSF

We are intending to fully support the interconnection between our Personal Christ spirit to run light codes and frequencies into our Cerebrospinal fluid, and to maximize its highest functioning for ...


Taurus Lightbody Activation in Avebury

To address recent transmissions available during Taurus in Silbury Hill and Avebury Henge in the United Kingdom that are related to Lightbody activation.


The Golden Cube

In this meditation we will be connecting with the inner solar temple and intending to connect with the outer solar temple and the Golden Cube in the seven higher heavens.


The Spirit of Harmlessness

To increase the spiritual power of Harmlessness and to be governed by the higher self, bringing clarity of the light of truth to burn away delusion and falsity.


The Universal Laws of God

It's necessary to expand our consciousness in temperance with the universal laws of God.


Transfiguration of Unconscious Mind

Bring your focus to the center of your brain, move your inner awareness in a large sweeping motion from right to left, moving slowly and deliberately in counter clockwise circle, slowly scanning the ...


Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway

To upgrade our personal vertical central channel and communication links to connect directly with the Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway


12D Shield Core Practice

The 12D Shield Core practice can be immediate once you have attuned and anchored the frequency and shield into your aura. Create your Personal CONTAINER FIRST!


Open 12D Hub Command

Learn how to build your 12 D foundation and increase your field and spin a 12D vortex for environmental/space clearing and personal protection.


Relationship Closure

Meditation for Relationship Closure. Includes two meditations "Relationship Closure" and "Cord Cutting."


Physical Health Upgrade

A Physical Health Upgrade program treatment.


Remove the Negative Form

A community “staple” clearing tool meditation.


Latest Products

Breaking Spiritual Bondage Loops

Intended to greatly support the reintegration and wholeness for the inner core spiritual being through breaking personal and ancestral hidden spiritual bondage loops.


Clearing Ancestral Miasma

Calling upon the Celestine Fire and applying its sanitizing properties throughout each of the 12 spheres.


False Ascended Master and 7 Ray Clearing

Clears and removes False Ascended Master Matrix and associated programs, holographic inserts and siphons, and associated False Ascension Matrix structures and cordings.


Inner Male/Female Recoding

Integrate 4 brains to all 12 dimensions of the primary energy flow of the original divine blueprint. The intention is to activate dormant receivers.


Genetic Mutation of Mind Control Correction

Remove all holographic devices of manipulation and interference through the neutral point of balance. Then connect to Mother Arc and recalibrate the Heart to the true Sun and Krystal Star of the ...


Aurora Eye Meditation

Reconnecting the 8D Blue higher heart and permanent atom crystal with the lower 4D green Astral heart to restore organic consciousness vision.


Dan Tien Trinity Activation

Activates and links the three Dan Tien points in the light body on the Hara line, opening the silver sanctum and connecting to higher bodies through 12 D current.


1D Atomic Body Treatment

In depth clearing of dead light harnesses and their related implants and devices, allowing the current self to connect directly to its own inner spiritual source light.


Pathways of the Brain

A human brain is a receiver of frequency impulses and messaging received from a variety of sources that make up the entirety of the Human, Planetary, Solar, Galactic, and then Universal Consciousness.
