Clear Attachments to Consciousness Traps: In this meditation we will address the attachments to our ego personality filter that may skew our perception and connect us to Consciousness Traps. There are spaces that are used as soul traps or Consciousness Traps, which are used to keep a person’s consciousness stuck like a hamster on a wheel, going in circles and not moving anywhere. False White light and consciousness traps are like machinery, they are not fully sentient and they are inorganic to our higher consciousness. It is artificial intelligence, which may be cognized when one has developed higher sensory ability and feeling through heart consciousness. When one has a heart connection with the 12D Shield and Spirits of Christ, you will feel the harshness of non-sentient or alien matrices immediately. They feel machined, artificial, metal like, sharp, may feel or sound "tinny" like an aluminum foil. When one is active in the pursuit and dedication of expanding ones consciousness, knowing these consciousness traps do exist, you can avoid them. To dismantle consciousness traps we will need to ask ourselves what we are attached to and what we may still blame others for - as a result of our condition in this material world. We set our intention NOW to know our unconscious attachments, and to release ourselves from any consciousness traps that have been set to bind us to enslavement. (48:07 minutes)