Cosmic Prototype of Sacred Union
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Ascension Meditation August 2013
Cosmic Prototype of Sacred Union (Heavenly Male and Heavenly Female): The Seven Stars of the Rishis are awakening to Shift the Aeon through the Celestial Hierarchy working under the direction of the Highest Creative Intelligence, The Cosmic Trinity of the Godhead. These Cosmic Beings transmit all Seven Ray Forces bringing down to the earth the required Knowledge and Energies to strengthen the processes of Transition into the new Aeon. They are the Rishic Suns, a part of the Cosmic Creation and the guardians of the Divine Laws of God as they awaken into activity within our end cycle of Time. The seven stars of Ursa Major have influence upon all level of human consciousness, associated with the Heavenly Father and Cosmic Will principle and is the “cosmic form of the divine masculine principle”. With your inner vision see the form of the Heavenly Man, projected out from the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, or the Seven Rishic Suns. The Heavenly Man is the Divine Blueprint and Architecture of the Holy Father in all Seven of its Aspects which are Suns. The seven stars of Pleiades known as the Seven Sisters in the constellation of Taurus have a major influence upon all level of human consciousness and are associated with the Heavenly Mother and Cosmic Wisdom principle and is the “cosmic form of the divine feminine principle”. With your inner vision see the form of the Heavenly Woman, projected out form the Seven Stars of the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters. The Heavenly Woman is the Divine Blueprint and Architecture of the Holy Mother in all her Seven of its Aspects which are Stars. (45.33 minutes)
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