Spiritual Maturity
This is the class for Wednesday, July 17, 2013.
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- Ascension Class recording (mp3): SPIRITUAL MATURITY: Recent update in the Collective Fields about the satanic entity which is revealed as a satanic grid structure and feeding network which is to be referred to as “Moloch”. This is the energy signature and satanic webbing network that is related to all sexual misery, sexual abuse and other forms of violence directed to humanity that starts at birth to childhood. This satanic network and its receptacle containers (like battery tanks) is able to be observed, viewed extensively in the planet itself, in various dimensional layers littered all over the globe. Summary of Spiritual Maturity themes in regards to leaving fear in so that one may leave ignorance. To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception and their anti-life forces which abuse its mechanism. To understand the polarity of the world of forces on earth and identify how satanic force methods are used every day to destroy the feeling heart and soul of human beings, let’s review both sides of spiritually healthy behaviors (GSF) and spiritually abusive behaviors (AD). Spiritually healthy behaviors naturally connect one with God Source and Christ and are God-Sovereign-Free or GSF behaviors. Spiritually abusive behaviors disconnect you from God and Christ and are promoted in the Archontic Deception or AD behaviors. The TOS technique is also discussed as an exercise which supports the power of compassionate witness in Neutrality, or Neutral Association. (1:25:18 minutes)
- Ascension Q&A recording (mp3): Spiritual Bondage Discussion: This evenings class is a primer for July’s meditation treatment that is dedicated to the release of the bondage loops that binds us to personality behaviors or wounded-ness that further bind us to the essence of demonic spirit. We cannot release our bondage until we can identify that which causes us deep pain or suffering or that which has been inherited. I ask you to bear with me with any language that may find “religious” triggers within that are mind control programs designed to reject the inner nature of God, this is exactly what we want to find. Identify, locate remove and repair, any personality or area in your energy field that has housed the essence of the pain of which you carry that had allowed a demonic sprit to use this part of our body. We cannot have a divided house within our body, the same principle of our body as a house dedicated for the Christ to live within, cannot exist if there is a part of the house used for demonic essence or negative hidden spirits. The level of pain one has surfaced will determine the need for this spiritual intervention of breaking bondage loops in the safety of God’s unconditional love. Recommended to listen to this discussion before the treatment, Breaking Spiritual Bondage Loops. (46.29 minutes)
- Ascension Meditation recording (mp3): Breaking Bondage Loops: This introduction meditation is intended to greatly support the reintegration and wholeness for the inner core spiritual being through breaking personal and ancestral hidden spiritual bondage loops. Through accepting Gods love for us, which is accepting love in ourselves, and asking the right questions, this exercise is to help identify hidden personalities in the unconscious, or split personalities (alters) that have resulted from personal trauma and abuse. Alters may split from the mental body in order to protect the body or spirit when forced into survival mechanisms brought on through trauma and abuse. Alters may have demonic spirit attachments from their painful wounds. This exercise is suggested for repeated use to discover and explore hidden parts of the psyche in order to reclaim memory that has been hidden through “amnesiac barriers”. Amnesiac barriers are created by personalities to “wall up” and contain certain spaces in the body to protect the person from pain. This exercise is designed to identify and cast out any deceiving spirit or demonic essence that may have been trapped or bound to parts of wounding that has occurred in the physical, mental or spiritual being. This is designed for repeated use as necessary to open dialogues with aspects/alters and focus on deeper and deeper healing issues safely. It is suggested to listen to the July talk on Spiritual Bondage as a primer to this exercise.(40.37 minutes)
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Please note: The first recording is general discussion, second is Q&A and third is our monthly meditation treatment. Please download these files (which are mp3 audio format) to your computer, as we can’t guarantee how long we’ll be able to keep them available. You’re also free to copy them to any other devices you wish.