Krystal Infusion of Eight Fetal Cells and Fascia
In this meditation, we are addressing the eight fetal cells in the tailbone for optimization in managing the liquid light base current within the body to reconnect with the entire fascia crystalline matrix. When these cells activate, they project their crystalline light hologram into other layers of the lightbody, travelling in the radis-nadis webbing structures that exist in the fascia crystalline network and radial body. We intend to reconnect and correct these communication links between the fetal cells and the entire fascia crystalline matrix. Beloved God Self, we intend to activate in divine right order the crystalline light cells on our tailbone and to reconnect the living intelligence of the crystal light with our fascia crystalline matrix, as God would have it be. Bring to mind the Krystal Star of Azoth in the center of your brain with all seven core tones of krystal consciousness – KA RA YA SA TA HA LA. (37:54 Minutes)