PEG II Portugal - Week 5 Lisbon
Planetary Emancipation Gridwork II: Portugal. Week Five Intention: our group has come together to unify in purpose of service, service to the Divine will of the cosmic Sovereign Law which protects Freedom for all. May we join our hearts and minds to bring the overflowing Love of God’s eternal light to emanate throughout our bodies and spirit. Thank you so much for being here and amplifying our group consciousness field towards planetary service. We ask the Master Christos Collective, the Order of Christ, to rejoin us today along with our Guardian Family of Aurora, as we place our consciousness in service to the earthly kingdom specifically in Lisbon, Portugal to DECONSTRUCT THE BLACK HEARTS and RESTORE THEM TO CRYSTAL HEARTS,Deconstruct the Crucifixion, Confession and Penance for Sins for those aligned in their heart to the Holy House of God and Christ, Mother’s Holy Spirit and surrounding areas of which all municipalities and cities of which have parallel relationships of which this session of freedom has relevance. Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in the world, and the oldest city in Western Europe, predating other modern European capitals such as London, Paris and Rome by hundreds of years. Today we connect with the ancient architecture of the Reclamation of our Christ Self – May our Heart be Strengthened and Purified.
Length: 1 hour & 31 minutes.
It is suggested to work with the meditation for seven days before moving on to the next project.
Fortify your 12D shield and dedicate the meditation to the assigned weekly gridwork project within the seven day period you are committing to heal or work within this area of the planet.
Meditate with the architectural recoding for intended individual, ancestral, family of origin clearings, for both personal and group usage. Choose one intention for clearing the self of ancestral or race miasma, while holding healing intentions for clearing the planetary body. Group leaders are suggested to lead their groups with one meditation every week in order.
As we embark on the PEG project, it is the usual to have dark deceptions afoot or weird and intense energies and scenarios. Please take good care of yourself and pay close attention to your surroundings.
May all of us together as one heart, hold the highest expression for all involved and support the strength, endurance and truth of our planet project together in unity !
I thank you so much for your kind support and prayers in upholding the integrity, love, peace and truth within our group project and community. May all of us be blessed and protected though the divine grace of the eternal light, and all of the Christos families surround and be as our brothers and sisters in peace and love. May our planet be freed!