Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Ascension Class May 2016

This is the class for Wednesday, May 25th, 2016.


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  1. COHERENCE: This planet is ascending into the higher frequencies of plasma, which greatly impact the principles of Coherence. Coherence is a necessary energetic principle to understand on the Ascension path as we progress towards personal consciousness expansion. When we dismantle the old enslavement profiles from this reptilian based Controller society, each of us must make the effort to explore new models of spiritually beneficial behavior, focusing on those humanitarian traits that support individual and collective growth to help evolve spiritual advancement. As we undergo successive levels of bifurcation, this is the point where the decision framework comes in for each person. People make decisions based upon the kind of motivations, thoughts, and actions they have as general thoughtforms influencing their lifestyle. Many of us are observing these patterns of bifurcation, or splitting apart, and the synchronization of the energy fields based on personal resonances that either create increased Coherence, or lack of coherence. This occurs during the Ascension Cycle, and impacts everyone and everything. Most people do not understand the principles of energetic coherence. Hence, this information serves the purpose to help better understand that Coherence, or lack thereof, is the result of the present bifurcation occurring in the energies of the earth, and is greatly impacting human behavior. Coherence is the main principle used to describe the synchronistic harmonizing of energetic properties that occur naturally within any living system, to support the integration of that grouping of energy. The properties of coherence are the result of Universal Laws, which apply to all systems of living things. In human systems this impacts all of the functioning parts, thus impacting the functions of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers. Therefore, if we truly follow the practices of the Universal Laws, practicing the guidelines of the Law of One, the eventual result of that practice will be energetic Coherence. Practicing accountability is a direct part of developing inner coherence and supporting the integration of the personal layers of the Lightbody. This means we do not have a duplicitous nature, or a split personality that shows one face to the public, and another face in private. As we increase our ability to be coherent, we show ourselves as we are, and there is an ability to allow people to be just as they are in that moment, without judgment. As we develop our inner coherence, the way we perceive events changes, we evolve away from needing to feed negative emotions, control outcomes or the need to attack others. Being accountable for our behavior and choosing more evolved and higher ethical behaviors, is how we stop the cycle of painful attachments, servitude and bondage to lower spirits and their negative nature. These negative spirits will interfere with the function of our instinctual body, thus, distorting our feelings and intuitive perceptions into creating pain, suffering and misery.  (2:19:09 minutes)
  2. Q & A: Discussion on the history of breeding programs, extraterrestrial hybridization programs with human military support or rogue factions, and the prevalence of people on earth being taken through dream states to other dimensions to participate in genetic sampling and laboratory testing, how to ask in dream state for manipulation signature related to holographic inserts, discussion on the psychology profession as collaborated with negative Et’s as method for global social engineering and mind hacking of the human race to help shape and control the behaviors of the masses, Black Suns interest in psychiatry profession for racial purity and eugenics, the American Psychiatry Association use of the DSM for clinical diagnosis and prescription of pharmaceuticals to achieve these social and genetic engineering agendas, the DSM was provided by the USA Army as a means of character profiling for use of infiltration of enemies, as well as to enforce pharmaceutical implementation in the public, how the earth brain has been controlled by alien architecture through the crystal caverns that act as the limbic system and amygdala of the earth, discussion on the sympathetic emotional resonance of our knees, especially related to knee or ankle problems, discussion on recent shifts to the 10D Trinity Gate related to reclamation of fallen goddess parts, Tiamat, Hatshepsut and Nefertiti are connected to the Triple Goddess Formation from when Tiamat existed as a Edenic state planet, and how that connects to the butterfly pattern of dorsi scroll elemental language that is transmitted from our activated sphenoid bone that houses our pituitary gland, when it is activated in higher spiritual expression, it acts as a receiver and transmitter for cosmic energies, explanation of what it means to say “nothing that happens to us on earth is an accident” as this relates to what is recorded and contained in our blueprint, versus the state of human free will to make a choice (or not).  (1:14:17 minutes)
  3. Heart Brain Unification in Empathy In this meditation we will hold our intention to support the unification between our heart and brain functions through Empathy, in order to achieve the highest expression of coherence and unity within our body. Now As you take another deep inhaling breath focused at the same time on your heart and your brain, sensing the deeper feelings and energies of the Spirit of Empathy connected to your heart and brain.  Connect and grow larger the pink light in your breath  to fill your heart and brain linking them together.  As you exhale see the pink light try to saturate your entire heart complex and head and brain in the Spirit of Empathy through its pink pastel light. As you exhale your breath, the spirit, color and feeling of empathy exhales out from your mouth and fills your head links with your brain, while the pink light of empathy resides in your heart. Sense the light pink and goldish hue of light glowing and growing in your heart center and brain center with your inhaling and exhaling breath. Continue a nice steady pattern of breathing, and sensing the spirit and feeling of Empathy connecting in your heart and in your brain.  (35:27 minutes)

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Please note: the download links to the recordings will NOT WORK until the day AFTER the conference takes place. The first recording is general discussion, second is Q&A and third is our monthly meditation treatment. These recordings are sent to you as an additional service for you to keep. Please download these files (which are mp3 audio format) to your computer, as we can’t guarantee how long we’ll be able to keep them available. You’re also free to copy them to any other devices you wish (iPhones, etc.). Please save these files to a computer as soon as possible, as the links will expire at the end of the current month. 


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