Mentor Mind: 2009 Timeline
In 2009, the Guardian projects were to begin to rehabiliate the 5D Mentor Mind and the perceptual bridge, which is the 5D archetypal blueprint for the higher mental body function. 2009 began a new cycle for building the 5D Mentor body to shift out of the 3D solar plexus body, the start of working with Aqua Ray Mother Arc Portals for transiting stuck souls out of the astral, and beginning to work with sacred marriage templates beyond time to prepare for the 2017 shift. These 2009 broadcasts are transmitting the specific themes to laying the foundation for the Galactic Wave of Starseeds to help them better understand their mission and function in participating with the Universal Ascension.
Timeline 2009 - Mentor Mind
Gallbladder/Meridian Clearing
Miodic/Diodic grid attunement and Universal Harmonic Alignment Technique for gallbladder meridian clearing which is a preparation for Crucifixion Implant Removal.
Stepping Into The Unknown
How to stay integrated/centered as the external chaos gets more intense.
Clearing Mental Body Fields
Heavy duty holographic repair to distorted mental body fields and build a sturdy spiritual house foundation.
Setting The Stage
It is critical to stay out of the "mental body" and be aware of where you are stationing your identity focus and consciousness.
Umbilicus Reset
Resetting of the Soul Incarnation Transduction Sequence by observing the current 3D birth.