Paliadorian Activation: 2018 Timeline
During this phase, the Planetary Staff is being rehabilitated by Krystal Star Guardian Host, which means that our own inner Vertical Channel and relationship to the planet and the stars, is also being radically transformed in this cycle.
Through the current cycle of the Paliadorian Activation, the next stage for the Paliadorian groups are being highlighted, namely the Aquaferion and Krystic Blue Dragon races to support the rehabilitation of the Blue Ray lineages. The Blue Rays restore the Mother Arc 13th Transharmonic gateways throughout multiple harmonic universes and are rebuilding the vertical Planetary Staff to naturally align into the heart of Andromeda. The rebuilding of the Planetary Staff is gradually shifting the unnatural rotational axis of the earth body to become more of a straight line or perpendicular which allows easier access in and out of this Universe, particularly for Diamond Sun beings.
Timeline 2018 - Paliadorian Activation
Crystal Core
Earth’s Crystal Core activation has ignited new arterial pathways running liquid crystal frequencies throughout the Earth’s crystalline grid.
Spiritual Links to CNS, Brain and CSF
We are intending to fully support the interconnection between our Personal Christ spirit to run light codes and frequencies into our Cerebrospinal fluid, and to maximize its highest functioning for ...
Bio-Spiritual Harvesting
We pull back the curtain to examine a few ways the NAA hide the practice of soul and energy harvesting in plain sight.