Holographic Repatterning Tower of Babel Implants
Holographic Repatterning Tower of Babel Implants
In this meditation we will intend to activate the rainbow synthesis pattern in our axiatonal lines and hands, and then holographically repattern to clear out NA timelines that were used to unplug Krystal DNA, and insert glandular implants. We will address theTower of Babelimplants for clearing and removal this evening. Every breath is filled with the overflowing love that comes from inside yourSacred Crystal Heart, with every breath, that liquid love light is expanding, circulating and growing, to nourish your body, sending love to your emotional body, sending love to your mental body, sending love to your spiritual bodies, and extending your love to merge with the cosmic heart of our universe, intend to send your heart flame of love to merge into the heart of god itself, to the holy mother, holy father and holy Christos Sophia.
My crystal diamond heart flame is at one with the cosmic heart of everlastingLove, I am the eternal self.
This is a complex and intense session Beloved God self, is this meditation in alignment to my highest and divine expression in this moment, yes or no?
If you received a no answer turn this meditation off.
If you received a yes, please continue and prepare for our Group Session. (36:58 Minutes)