Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Enki DNA Overlays

The corrupted elementals and artificial red wave machinery that were used to encode Enki DNA Overlays into angelic humans.
Red Earth Pearl


Upon confirmation of your payment, you will receive an email (please make sure you enter your email correctly) with your purchase confirmation and links to 2 downloads:

1. ES Ascension Class – October 2023

Enki DNA Overlays:  Last month’s astrological shift into Virgoan constellation alchemy (September 16-October 30) began the powerful sequence of trigger events igniting another intense stage of lunar transfiguration impacting the corrupted elementals and artificial red wave machinery that were used to encode Enki DNA Overlays into angelic humans. This red wave system has many component parts that Guardian Host is locating and dismantling, which has taken a great many years to arrive to current themes, being able to see the detailed genomic sequences of alien hybridization programs inserted into the planet and humanity is another milestone event, as it allows them and us to see the imposters and clones in ways they were not visible before, so although it can be unpleasant to perceive shadow clearings or lunar entity releases, it is actually positive to be able to observe them, as they were always lodged or embedded there, just we did not see them before. And we have to see them in order to send them back to God or for Guardian host protocols for disposal.

The spiritual magnum opus is rising for those ascending Christos Starseeds with divine missions that include working on the embodiment pieces for the Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon’s Sacred Sophianic Awakening of White Queens on the Earth, which is the lunar transmutation process of the shadow elements that have been running Enki coded red wave overlays into the planetary DNA.  (2:10:15 minutes)

2. ES Ascension Meditation – October 2023

Doradic Capstone for Genetic Time Codes:  This meditation is to participate with capstone codes for strengthening the platform of conscious perception connected to the second harmonic universe with the organic ascension timeline. We bring focus upon the doradic tri wave current for the spherical domain that houses the balanced male and female electromagnetic tones in our consciousness lightbody, to reconnect with the corrected gender pairs in our personal diamond sun template.  Through this exercise, we intend to clear lunar force miasma imprints, alien hybridization and ENKI DNA overlays from the DNA template which further connects our lightbody layers with the atomic layers of the planetary interface or planetary grid system.

To proceed with this mediation, it is suggested to ask your higher self if you are ready to continue with this activation in the form of asking Yes or NO.

Beloved God and Christ Self, Is this the aligned time and space for me to proceed with this mediation for my highest good? Yes or No? Those that received NO, turn this meditation off immediately. Those that received yes, continue. Prepare for Meditation.

First, we bring to mind the tri wave current called doradic current. Doradic current in its highest frequency is braided with 12D silvery white Christos Ray, combined with the emerald green and amethyst violet color waves. Our goal is to consciously intend to mix the tri wave doradic current with our personal Christos 12D shield, and to strengthen our Universal Mother and Father’s base tones for connecting into corrected 1D to 4D and then 4D to 7D with emerald and amethyst awakening braided tri-currents to run correctly within our inner vertical channel.  (45:01 minutes)

Download Files Included

Ascension Class Recording October 2023


Ascension Meditation Recording October 2023
