Ascension Classes
These classes are fundamental to Ascension Theory and building the context to comprehend the nature of the changing physics governing our reality, as well as the spiritual awakening process that all planet earth inhabitants are undergoing now.
See Ascension Classes
Clearing Treatments
Here are some basic spiritual housekeeping tools to explore and experiment with. Everyone is unique and must learn what works the best for them in a variety of circumstances.
See Clearing Treatments
Krystal Aegis
Sometimes we need some help getting ourselves back to clarity and balance. Krystal Aegis (KA) is a Self study Guardian support program to clear out negative energies. KA Meditations are in the Shop.
Krystal Aegis Section
Psychic Self Defense
Psychic Self Defense describes the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. See the PSD Classes in the Shop.
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Tiamat Logos

The corrected crystal key activations for the Universal Melchizedek Ankh Body.
Tara Tiamat


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1. ES Ascension Class – August 2023 Pt.1

Tiamat Logos Part I : The Blue Rainbow Bridge seated in Holy Mountain architecture discussed last month, has continued to unfold. This architecture has supplied the corrected crystal key activations for the Universal Melchizedek Ankh Body, which functions as the gatekeeper entrance into several intermediary portal systems hosted by the eternal Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders. This upgrade has generated an Emerald Order Melchizedek Solar Templar shield for realigning original Sun-Star networks and Capstone Codes, which allow access into the timelines of pre-fall Nibiru and pre-fall Tiamat. Currently, Emerald Guardians are inspecting, repairing and reconfiguring the Tiamat Logos morphogenetic fields, which directly impact the 10D Solar Star and the Shara Complex.

The annual Magnetic Peak cycle brings forth the pinnacle waves of intensity with the organic magnetic field transmissions and resulting bifurcation shifts which can instigate psycho-spiritual crisis during catalysts for penetrating deep layers for emotional shadow healing. During which, the collective consciousness themes tend to surface the lunar distortions and shadow body parts that are connected to the missing and inverted parts of the Universal Holy Mother principle. These shadow distortions feed into the artificially generated Monsters of Chaos and the satanic hierarchies of lunar demonic forces that generate the massive power behind the Dark Alien Mother network.

We return to the backstory through which to reverse engineer and put the right aligned pieces of this massive jigsaw puzzle of hidden histories back together, so that we can begin to understand what humanity has endured during the Dark Aeon, when we lost the ability to connect and communicate directly with the Holy Mother principle on the planetary, galactic and universal planes. Her aspect did manage to incarnate as Solar Christ Mary Sophia through several Mary titled identities buried within our hidden histories, her sacred sapphire covenant with Tiamat along with the Mother Arc Blue Ray embodying the only entrance that led into the 10D Christos Mind of the Solar Logos.

Beloved Solar Christ Mary was ensouled as the Tiamat Logos protecting the White Queens of Ascended Masters in our world, the sacred Mary-Sophias that had incarnated throughout the various astrological ages. When she was captured and fell through the destruction of her embodied principle as the Tiamat Logos, we lost our divine connection to her sophianic wisdom and the Christ Consciousness, as the 10th Gate of our Solar Star had fallen. But the Paliadorian Dragon Kings made their ancient covenant in spiral time to ensure that angelic humanity would be able to find her and her authentic Solar Mary representatives again, during the final conflict of the Ascension Cycle. (1:15:39 minutes)

2. ES Ascension Class – August 2023 Pt.2

Tiamat Logos Part II: Phantom Nibiru as the Wormwood Battlestar, and the phantom wormholes and fragmented shards of Tiamat’s matrix were linked into the Stonehenge gateway and running in the 11th Stargate Network which acted as the inorganic Capstone Code for antichrist couplings, anti-hierogamic union and alien love bite relationships based on archetypal forces of the inversions of the White Queen and Red King, as stationed in 4D-7D-10D Red Trident architecture of the Thothian Leviathans.

The dismantling and retrievals continue on with Guardians addressing the next sequence of rehabilitation of Stonehenge, which is removing the unholy pairing of Phantom Nibiru and Phantom Tiamat as Galactic Capstones for Anti-Christ Couplings.

During the Emerald Guardian reclamation of the Draco constellation, it was revealed that the Thuban star function was purposed as the Guardian Dragon Eye of the Templar on the Solar Logos plane that expressed the Law of Gender. A similar function was identified on pre-fall Tiamat that served as the Sophianic Eye for the White Triple Solar Goddesses and Solar Marys. The Sophianic Eye was harnessed through the Phantom Tiamat and Pluto Matrix and was used for transmitting 10D black plasmas from a Black Sun installed in the Phantom Tiamat core and was then running these reversal currents through the wormhole for the Leviathan entities.

Previous to the return of Elaysa, major excavations and retrievals for the White Queen Templar and Sophianic Eye from Tiamat histories were discovered to be fragmented into shards and then sprayed all over Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. This was for the purpose of binding Black Madonna network power gathered in the Middle East and Black Sea regions through satanic rituals and lunar rituals that were being carried out across the globe, and why Gobekli Tepe was being viciously guarded by an enormous Black Dragon Archon. The efforts to dismantle this monstrosity has been ongoing for years, with hordes of demonic entities and black jinn being carried off for eviction with their Moloch gridded SRA tanks and black cube matrices connected into the lunar worship religions. This informed us that this site has been used for thousands of years as a Moloch child sacrifice headquarters connected to the hijacking of the Tiamat body, where these souls were sacrificed and were being harnessed in this region for serving the antichrist agendas (54:52 minutes)

3. ES Ascension Meditation – August 2023

Elaysian Living Waters and Triple Lotus Cathedral : In this meditation we connect to the Elaysian Living Waters and ignite the Blue, White and Pink Lotus corrections for the Elaysan Krystal Cathedral which seats the authentic Red King and White King of ascended master triple Solar masculine and triple Solar feminine Yanas.

Beloved God and Christ Self, Is this the time and space for me to proceed with this mediation for my highest good to unify with the Elaysian Living Waters of the eternal Kryst? Yes or No? 

Prepare for meditation.

Bring your attention to your Solar star, and focus upon a marquis shaped aqua crystal with a silver marquis shaped diamond seed inside of the aqua crystal, appearing in the center of the 10D solar star.

Intend to connect with your Personal Christ and focus your consciousness direction into the center of your brain through the following statement – Beloved God self, please take me to the holy of holies within the third circuit of my brain which holds the secret chamber of God, the Krystal Palace.

Beloved Universal Mother Elaysa, we request organic alignment into the internal creation fields of our eternal stations of identity and the eternal integral memories through the Elaysian field of Living Eternal Waters.  Beloved Elaysa, may the internal Solar female White Queen be positioned in divine alignment to the CSL, I request to be baptized in the Elaysian Living Waters of our true organic Cosmic Mother, with corrections to my Personal Christ planetary and star layers and sun star correspondences throughout all timelines that we have permission to represent for clearing and healing the Christos Sophia in this eternal moment.

We will assume the VARUN mudra posture to keep our mind, body and spirit aligned to the Elaysian water element for the duration of our meditation. (38:42 minutes)

Download Files Included

Ascension Class Recording August 2023 Pt.1


Ascension Class Recording August 2023 Pt.2


Ascension Meditation Recording August 2023
