Ascension Support - Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about your spiritual or Ascension process and experiences?
Here are the Options to Receive Answers:
1. Participate in the monthly Teleclass Ascension Q & A.
The most common themes are discussed every month and Lisa answers your questions. Find out the date of next Teleclass.
2.. Explore the Ascension Resources and Ascension Tools pages for a huge array of free Ascension materials.
3. Join the ES Ascension Community! Here you will find a growing Ascension Library and Forum with planetary updates, clearing treatments and a supportive group of people who share various ascension experiences, from ET contact to and all variations of awakening information among ourselves. Our goal is to create a safe haven to openly speak about paranormal experiences and related phenomena as it becomes more common on our ascending planet. You can also read Lisa Renee's Adventures of a Starseed in the forum. More info about joining.
4. For an Introduction to Ascension, we have compiled a Few Frequently Asked Questions here:
What is Ascension?
Ascension is a change in frequency and a change in the focus of our consciousness. Ascension is about moving our consciousness from one reality to another. Since reality is a dimension and a timeline, what we are undertaking is essentially a full dimensional shift into another timeline. To go through this shift we must adjust our way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with our inner energetic core, our soul purpose and true divine essence.
Currently we are enduring a phase transition of expansion into the realms of experiencing higher consciousness as “multidimensional” human beings living on this planet. Humans now need to learn what being multidimensional means, and that many symptoms we are having are from becoming multidimensional humans. This is the end of a human evolution cycle on planet earth, also known as the end of the Mayan Calendar, The End Times or the 2012 and beyond, time cycle. During this phase of the Ascension cycle, human beings will experience many varied degrees of physical, mental and emotional symptoms as we shift our cells into higher frequency patterns. Without having a context for these changes our planet is undergoing, and how that impacts us in our personal lives, these symptoms can appear confusing and even frightening. Being informed of the larger events on planet is being empowered, making your personal ascension process and your life much easier. Instead of contributing to the escalating planetary confusion and chaos, one is able to bring peace and harmony to the self, thus, share that inner peace with others on the planet. This is the time when freedom and self-sovereignty is possible.
What are the Ascension Cycle basics?
Ascension is about the bringing of frequency layers of light, the force existing within the levels of our spiritual bodies (our Multidimensional God Selves) by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into the physical plane of reality. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic frequency patterns held in a dimensional space which, when absorbed and activated into the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field, activates its DNA template instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and programs held in the energetic templates of the Human Soul’s journey within a cycle of evolutionary time. When activated, these patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the bodies. When activated into awakening process, higher sensory perception may come online and new senses and perceptions of reality start to develop. Many times people feel something is wrong in their life, they are discontented or feel they have a special purpose but they cannot figure out what it is. Some people begin to sense extra-dimensional beings, such as ET contact or other forms of intelligent life communication, but have no context for what is happening to them. Many people will perceive number codes, or different symbols being repeated in their daily awareness. Many people are terrified people around them will believe their awakening or ascension symptoms will make them appear insane or crazy. Clearly this is why what is happening on planet needs to be disclosed and made aware to the larger public.
Why is understanding Ascension important?
To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with the soul purpose and true divine essence. “Surrender” and “Acceptance” are two main characteristics we will need to allow to permeate through us to facilitate an easier time. In order to shift the old behaviors and thought patterns not serving the soul purpose, we will become aware of the beliefs and behaviors that exist as imbalances within us and we must take the appropriate steps to integrate or clear them. This process will bring our deepest fears, beliefs of limitation and old pain patterns to the surface through events that trigger them into our awareness so that we can consciously acknowledge, resolve and heal them. These issues will be will be manifested in your daily life, in your relationships, career and in all areas of your lifestyle. Sometimes this means relationships end, careers change, and major life altering transformation happens to radically change one’s personal identity. When this happens many people feel depressed, terrified, confused and alone. Without ascension context and tools many people feel isolated and do not know how to empower themselves through the required changes that awakening forces into your life. This does not need to happen, and we can change that by being open and honest about the ascension and awakening process with others.
How will Ascension improve my life?
The goal is to inform you of these dynamics that we are currently experiencing, and as the energies accelerate to prepare you even further by clearly discussing the various possible physical, mental and emotional symptoms from a position of having a “neutral” association. Utilizing what works for you personally by cultivating intuitive discernment with an informed awareness is the intended support of this website and its continuing discussion. When we live in confusion with a cluttered mind we are generally suffering and miserable. No one needs to suffer, with proper ascension context, re-education to reprogram the mind, and the many tools available on this website.
How Finding Your Soul Purpose relates to your Ascension.
To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with living in the soul’s purpose and being directed from the true divine essence. The ego personality has to be sublimated from its control over your natural person, and the dismantling of ego and emotional healing becomes an awakened person’s primary job on the earth. One cannot split their spiritual self from their material self, the two must integrate and become in cohesion and alignment with each other.
As one enters the awakening process, what that means is that your soul intelligence and its frequency are starting to entrain and initiate its intelligence field into your personal energetic aura. When this happens you will start to sense and perceive your reality much differently. One will not feel aligned to soul and divine purpose until recognizing the discernment between the ego mind chatter and the soul intelligence. The soul communicates in sensory feeling, direct cognition and not from the lower mental body. For most people in the earlier stages, this ego confusion is experienced as running after something or someone your mind tells you is your soul purpose, but it really is being fueled from the ego personality and not the soul’s heart intelligence. We all must learn that it is not our personal ego will but divine will that is really driving the physical vessel. The soul will always guide you to learn heart communication and develop yourself from the place of tough love. The only way to lose the ego’s desire to keep mind control running your life and manipulating its outcome, is to have direct experiences learning how to let go of everything you are attached to and to put your complete trust in God. If you are not comfortable with the word "God" from religious programming, then insert the word you are comfortable with to represent the direct relationship to your higher power and your improved relationship with yourself.
However when you learn to become ego humbled to your real spiritual nature, your ascension process goes much easier as no resistance is present to the ever changing terrain. Once you align to your heart and discipline the ego's control over your life, the soul purpose becomes clearly defined without any effort. It shows up at your door and now your task is to follow your guidance and listen to your heart. Many times this guidance will defy all logic and you will learn to discern and trust in order to follow your inner spirit without hesitation
end faq
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We wish you a peaceful and loving ascension process.
With Love,
The Energetic Synthesis Team
- Category: Support
I'm a member and I can't access the community site
There are several reasons why this could happen. First make sure you're logging into the correct site.
- If you're using the SAFARI browser, please try using something else. We have numerous reports from many members stating that Safari does not allow them to log in, while other browsers work without issues.
- If you're a member of the blue Energetic Synthesis site, log in here, and if you're a member of the green ES Foundations site, make sure you're loging in here.
- Then be sure that your username and password are correct (with all the sites we log in these days it's easy to get confused. You can request a password reset from the "Forgot Login?" link.
- Also make sure that your PayPal account is still current and your subscription hasn't expired. Please don't re-subscribe if the last payment on your subscription was successful. We've had issues with PayPal (out of our hands) creating duplicate subscriptions which go undetected when users re-subscribe while their current subscription is active.
- Lastly, delete cache and try again.
If you still can't log in, please contact us here.
I've paid but the system says my subscription has expired
If this happens please make sure to double check your subscription in PayPal/Stripe and if the last payment request was successful.
IMPORTANT: Don’t click on the reactivate or renew button until you're certain your current subscription has expired.
If you still have issues contact us here.
I've been away for a while can I reactivate my old account?
Yes, you can reactivate your old account if it's still on our system, even if you never finalized your subscription method. However, very old subscriptions may have been deleted, but to find out just try to log in and see if your account is still in our system. You can use your username or email to retrieve your account information by using the "Forgot Login?" option. Remember user accounts are independent of the method of payment or PayPal/Credit Card account. You can change those while keeping your same ES profile account with us. You can use a different PayPal/Credit Card account to resubscribe with your old membership if you'd like to.
How do I change the way I pay for my membership? Do I need to create a new ES account?
You can change payment methods and even PayPal accounts while keeping your same ES member account. Your ES account is separate from the PayPal subscription.
This is something you do through your PayPal account. At this point all our memberships are handled through PayPal. While it is not ideal, it is the best way for us so far.
Here is the best way I know how to do this (new PayPal instructions), but it might change at any time:
- Log in to PayPal
- Click on the icon at the top right to go to your profile information
- Click on the “My money” tab on the left side
- By “My Preapproved payments” click update
- Now you’ll see a table with your recurring payments (including old ones).
- Click on the one that says “Avatar of Ascension, LLC”, if you have more than one click on the one that says Active. If you have more than one AOA subscription active Please let us know right away as this should not be the case.
- Under “Payment method” you have a primary and backup payment method, the primary is probably “PayPal Balance” and you can’t change that, but for the backup method you can click change and make sure that it is the up to date card you’re using and not something that will not work.
- Make sure to save your change.
If there are no other funding sources available, add a new credit card:
- Click on the Profile subtab
- Choose the Credit Cards link from the Financial Information column
- Click Add
- Follow the on-screen instructions to add a new credit card to your PayPal account
To use a different PayPal account all together, you'll have to cancel the subscription, or wait till it expires and then renew with the new PayPal account.
Forgot user name or password. What can I do?
If you forgot your password click on "Forgot login?" at the top of the page and follow the instructions provided.
This will take you to a page where you will choose if you lost your user name or your password, then enter your email address and you will receive an immediate email with instructions on how to reset your password.
How can I change my password and other personal info?
You can change your password and all your personal info by first logging in and clicking on "View My Profile" at the top of the page. Scroll down and click on "Update Profile", then on the appropriate tab to update your information. You can change all your information including your password.
How do I cancel my membership?
If you wish to cancel membership, please go to your PayPal/Credit Card account and cancel the recurring Energetic Synthesis (Avatar of Ascension) membership payments. This is the failsafe way you stop any further withdrawals of your recurring fees. After cancelling your subscription in PayPal, your access to our site will continue until the last paid term of your membership has expired. We had an easy cancellation from our site, but it not always worked, so we had to discontinue it.
Here is how to cancel an automatic payment with a merchant
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Profile at the top of the page.
- Click My Money then click Update beside My preapproved payments to find your payment.
- Select the payment, and then click Cancel.
A subscription can be cancelled up until the day before the next scheduled payment in order for you not to be charged. If you have issues canceling the recurring subscription, please let us know and we'll make sure it's cancelled.
Can I use my Android, iPhone, iPad or Tablet to view the site?
Yes. However some functionality might not be available. The site is constantly being updated and is adapting to mobile devices and the complex technology it uses. You'll find the site getting easier to navigate if you're using such devices, especially small screens. Still, a mobile device has much more limited capabilities than a laptop or desktop computer, so you might encounter issues with such devices. Please know that Apple Inc. does not allow direct downloads from the internet to their devices as you must go through iTunes, there are some ways around it, but this means that you probably won't be able to directly download any of the meditations directly to your iPhone or iPad.
The live monthly class may be listened to directly from Android devices, iPads and iPhones.
Unfortunately, downloading files from the Platinum Archives directly to an iPhone or iPad is not possible.
If you have issues, please post a comment below and we'll answer as soon as possible.
How can I download my purchases from the shop to my iPad?
iOS devices such as iPads and iPhones, do not inherently allow you to download and save files directly to your device. Apple requires you to download them to your computer first and then sync the files with iTunes. However, some people have found a workaround. This is not an issue for Android devices which can download directly and save to the device.
Download issues
We've tested the site thoroughly and we've eliminated previous download issues. If you're using an iPad or an iPhone, please see the questions above on that matter. Please make sure your browser is up to date and that your internet connection is stable (you can check this by going to
If the problem persists you may contact us here, indicating your problem in detail, so that we may try to reproduce it.
I have trouble viewing some of the info. What can I do?
Please check to make sure that your browser is up to date. Restarting your computer may help as well. We have installed a robust system on the new server to handle all audio and video which is more adaptive to the various systems out there. Adobe Flash Player is no longer a must to have installed but it's still a very good option to have.
I didn't get the link for Items I bought in the Shop
Once the order has been completed you'll receive an email from us with all the details of your purchase including the download links in the form of an invoice, with an attached PDF invoice. In this confirmation email from our site (not the PayPal confirmation email), you'll see the products that you purchased listed there. Underneath the description, any items that are downloadable will have a link saying "Download Link for:" and the name of the file. Click on that link to download it. Please don't use an iPhone or iPad to do so as it will not work and will generate errors, due to iOS's restrictions.
Alternatively you can go to the Shop on our site and click on "View Your Orders" on the bottom left, enter your order number and the pass code sent to you (ie p_xxxxx) in the confirmation email and you'll see your order details and any download links. This helps if you have trouble downloading from your email client. There's also a "View Your Orders" link in your confirmation email.
The confirmation email is an automated response and you should receive it within a couple of minutes after you've concluded your payment. Please make sure your email is correct and always check you junk folder if you can't find the confirmation email.
If you're a member remember that you can download everything that's in the shop and more from the Platinum Archives.
If you don't get the email from us within the first hour, please let us know here.
What is the best browser to use with the site?"}
Google Chrome and Firefox are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and can be downloaded and installed alongside with any other browser. They are currently the best browsers for use with the Energetic Synthesis site in terms of how pages are displayed and how well the functionality of the site works overall. Both of these browsers are being constantly updated, so often there can be issues that pop up unexpectedly. For this reason it is a good idea to keep several of these browsers installed and up to date, as they can alternate as to which one works best at any given time.
The most popular browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. Which ones are available by default will depend on the operating system. Computers running older Windows software will have Internet Explorer installed by default and Macs will have Safari. In both of these cases updates to the browsers happen as part of the general operating system updates, which typically happen automatically. As of the Windows 10 release, Microsoft launched a new browser called Edge, which should be closer to the performance of Chrome and Firefox in terms of feature implementation and rendering.
Firefox and Chrome also have mobile versions that can run on the Android and iOS platforms. Using these can often resolve issues with the browsers that come installed by default.
Firefox and Google Chrome are open source. Internet Explorer/Edge, Opera, Mercury and Safari not open source browsers.
All of these browsers offer capabilities to install extensions or add-ons. Because these can be developed and published by just about anyone it is recommended that one exercise caution when installing add-ons and only do so when the add-on is coming from a trusted source.
How do I create a permanent signature for my posts?
You can specify a signature that will automatically appear on all your posts. The signature can use BBCode, which is the markup code used in forum posts to format text (bold, colors, size) and insert content like images, links, emoticons, etc.
The easy way to craft your signature is to start a post, and experiment with what you want to create. You can view the results by pressing the "Preview" button. When you have it as you want it to be, copy all the text in the post window (without hitting Submit), then click Cancel, or open another browser tab and go to your profile, edit and paste the text you copied in the Forum Signature box (under the Portrait tab). Click Update to save.
How do I subscribe to receive forum posts via email?
There are 2 ways:
1- Go to the page for the topic you wish to subscribe to and click on the "Subscribe" button at the top of the messages list.
2- When you reply to a topic, check the box requesting to subscribe to it.
You can also subscribe to a category and receive emails for all the topics under that category.
How do I unsubscribe from receiving forum posts via email?
You can see all your subscriptions from your user profile page. First select the Forums tab, then the Subscriptions tab. There is a trash can icon for each entry and one on top, in the header row, which can be clicked on to delete all subscriptions. You can also go to the particular topic your are subscribed to and click the "unsubscribe" button.
I am not receiving some or all of the emails sent from ES
You can take the following actions to ensure email will be routed correctly:
Find any email from us in your spam folder and mark it as NOT SPAM (this sends a trigger to the server and if there are enough of these hopefully it will make a difference)
Create a filter for
How do I change the title of a topic I started?
Just edit one of the posts and the title becomes editable along with the main body of the message.
How can I include images in my posts?
Images can added to posts by first uploading as an attachment to the post and then inserting anywhere on the post (the image will be placed where the cursor is located). When you upload an image, if it is bigger than 1600 pixels (width or height) the system will re-size the image to 1600px on the biggest length.
How can I include videos in my posts?
If it is a YouTube video you can just paste the link directly in the edit area and when submitted a video window will appear on the post, or use the YouTube icon which pops up a menu where you can also paste the link into. If the link is to any other video site the link will just appear as a regular hyperlink.
What is the size limit on images/attachments in posts?
At present it is 3.9MB.
I wrote a post entry and when I submitted it the entry was lost. What happened?
Most likely it is an issue with a timed out session. Sessions are timed out after 60 minutes. It is recommended that you save your progress for posts that are likely to take more than a few minutes to write. You can do this by highlighting the text and copying to the clipboard (Control C on a PC or Cmd C on Macs). You can also write your post on a text editor and paste into the forum edit box when you are ready to post.
I've been trying to make a post and it would not let me submit it saying I had too many links
The issue is probably not the amount of links, but, most likely, that at least one the links is not formatted correctly. The limit on the amount of links in a post is 50.
I am getting a message that I reached the download limits on the Platinum Archives
Download limits are placed to protect the server. The limit for members is 7 recordings per day. However, if you reach the limit, you can let us know and we'll reset it for you.
A very common issue is that downloads attempted from an iOS device (iPhone, iPad, etc.) will pull from the server but not actually save to the device, so it continues to make the request until reaching the limit imposed by the server. Audio content can be streamed and listened to by using the web player located on the download page but if you want to download the file to the iOS device you have to download to a computer and sync with iTunes. (is there another workaround for this?)
How do I search?
There are two separate search functions, one for content on the ES site and one for posts in the Community Forum.
To search content on the ES site go to the bottom of the page where there is a search box and enter your search term there. Results will be displayed from all the content in the ES site, except the community forum. Note that at the current there is no way to specifically specify an area of the site to narrow the search to, but you can often add that to the search term and get, more or less, the desired effect. For example if you want to search for Krystal Aegis but only in newsletters, you can type in "Krystal Aegis newsletter."
To search posts click on the Search tab of the top menu bar in the Community page and enter the search term in the Keywords box. Note that there is a difference between using multiple keywords and a phrase. For example, putting in Krystal Star is different from putting in "Krystal Star."
How do I download the podcasts?"}
Podcasts can be listened to directly on the ES site via the web player located with each newsletter. Podcasts are also published as news feeds (RSS feeds) so they can be accessed with news feed client/media player programs, such as Apple iTunes or Google Play. Podcasts can also be downloaded directly to your computer by right clicking on the podcast link on the podcasts page and selecting "Save As."
I downloaded a video but I am having trouble playing it
Try using the VLC player. It is free and open source and handles most video file formats better than any other player.
Why is the page looking weird?
Try closing the browser (all open browser windows) and opening it up again. This may help to reset it.
How can I contact you?
You may
Energetic Synthesis
104 R NC Highway 54 #330
Carrboro, NC 27510
However, be aware that we receive hundreds of emails a day and simply cannot respond to all of them.
You may also want to ask your question in the comments below and we'll answer it, or another member will answer it (wink, wink!) this way we can have an organically expanding FAQs.
(Comments are ONLY available for REGISTERED MEMBERS)
- Category: Support
Ascension Support - Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about your spiritual or Ascension process and experiences?
Here are the Options to Receive Answers:
1. Participate in the monthly Teleclass Ascension Q & A.
The most common themes are discussed every month and Lisa answers your questions. Find out the date of next Teleclass.
2. Explore the Ascension Resources and Ascension Tools pages for a huge array of free Ascension materials.
3. Join the ES Ascension Community! Here you will find a growing Ascension Library and Forum with planetary updates, clearing treatments, and a supportive group of people who share various ascension experiences with each other -- everything from ET contact to any and all variations of awakening experience and supportive information. Our goal is to create a safe haven to openly speak about paranormal experiences and related phenomena as these become more common on our ascending planet. You can also read Lisa Renee's Adventures of a Starseed in the forum.
4. For an Introduction to Ascension, we have compiled a Few Frequently Asked Questions here:
What is Ascension?
Ascension is a change in frequency and a change in the focus of our consciousness. Ascension is about moving our consciousness from one reality to another. Since reality is a dimension and a timeline, what we are undertaking is essentially a full dimensional shift into another timeline. To go through this shift we must adjust our way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with our inner energetic core, our soul purpose and true divine essence.
Currently we are enduring a phase transition of expansion into the realms of experiencing higher consciousness as “multidimensional” human beings living on this planet. Humans now need to learn what being multidimensional means, and that many symptoms we are having are from becoming multidimensional humans. This is the end of a human evolution cycle on planet earth, also known as the end of the Mayan Calendar, The End Times or the 2012 and beyond, time cycle. During this phase of the Ascension cycle, human beings will experience many varied degrees of physical, mental and emotional symptoms as we shift our cells into higher frequency patterns. Without having a context for these changes our planet is undergoing, and how that impacts us in our personal lives, these symptoms can appear confusing and even frightening. Being informed of the larger events on the planet is empowering, making your personal ascension process and your life much easier. Instead of contributing to the escalating planetary confusion and chaos, one is able to bring peace and harmony to the self, and thus, share that inner peace with others on the planet. This is the time when freedom and self-sovereignty is possible.
What are the Ascension Cycle basics?
Ascension is about the bringing of frequency layers of light, the force existing within the levels of our spiritual bodies (our Multidimensional God Selves) by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into the physical plane of reality. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic frequency patterns held in a dimensional space which, when absorbed and activated into the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field, activates its DNA template instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and programs held in the energetic templates of the Human Soul’s journey within a cycle of evolutionary time. When activated, these patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the bodies. When activated into awakening process, higher sensory perception may come online and new senses and perceptions of reality start to develop. Many times people feel something is wrong in their life, they are discontented or feel they have a special purpose but they cannot figure out what it is. Some people begin to sense extra-dimensional beings, such as ET contact or other forms of intelligent life communication, but have no context for what is happening to them. Many people will perceive number codes, or different symbols being repeated in their daily awareness. Many people are terrified people around them will believe their awakening or ascension symptoms will make them appear insane or crazy. Clearly this is why what is happening on planet needs to be disclosed and made aware to the larger public.
Why is understanding Ascension important?
To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with the soul purpose and true divine essence. “Surrender” and “Acceptance” are two main characteristics we will need to allow to permeate through us to facilitate an easier time. In order to shift the old behaviors and thought patterns not serving the soul purpose, we will become aware of the beliefs and behaviors that exist as imbalances within us and we must take the appropriate steps to integrate or clear them. This process will bring our deepest fears, beliefs of limitation and old pain patterns to the surface through events that trigger them into our awareness so that we can consciously acknowledge, resolve and heal them. These issues will be will be manifested in your daily life, in your relationships, career and in all areas of your lifestyle. Sometimes this means relationships end, careers change, and major life altering transformation happens to radically change one’s personal identity. When this happens many people feel depressed, terrified, confused and alone. Without ascension context and tools many people feel isolated and do not know how to empower themselves through the required changes that awakening forces into your life. This does not need to happen, and we can change that by being open and honest about the ascension and awakening process with others.
How will Ascension improve my life?
The goal is to inform you of these dynamics that we are currently experiencing, and as the energies accelerate to prepare you even further by clearly discussing the various possible physical, mental and emotional symptoms from a position of having a “neutral” association. Utilizing what works for you personally by cultivating intuitive discernment with an informed awareness is the intended support of this website and its continuing discussion. When we live in confusion with a cluttered mind we are generally suffering and miserable. No one needs to suffer, with proper ascension context, re-education to reprogram the mind, and the many tools available on this website.
How Finding Your Soul Purpose relates to your Ascension.
To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with living in the soul’s purpose and being directed from the true divine essence. The ego personality has to be sublimated from its control over your natural person, and the dismantling of ego and emotional healing becomes an awakened person’s primary job on the earth. One cannot split their spiritual self from their material self, the two must integrate and become in cohesion and alignment with each other.
As one enters the awakening process, what that means is that your soul intelligence and its frequency are starting to entrain and initiate its intelligence field into your personal energetic aura. When this happens you will start to sense and perceive your reality much differently. One will not feel aligned to soul and divine purpose until recognizing the discernment between the ego mind chatter and the soul intelligence. The soul communicates in sensory feeling, direct cognition and not from the lower mental body. For most people in the earlier stages, this ego confusion is experienced as running after something or someone your mind tells you is your soul purpose, but it really is being fueled from the ego personality and not the soul’s heart intelligence. We all must learn that it is not our personal ego will but divine will that is really driving the physical vessel. The soul will always guide you to learn heart communication and develop yourself from the place of tough love. The only way to lose the ego’s desire to keep mind control running your life and manipulating its outcome, is to have direct experiences learning how to let go of everything you are attached to and to put your complete trust in God. If you are not comfortable with the word "God" from religious programming, then insert the word you are comfortable with to represent the direct relationship to your higher power and your improved relationship with yourself.
However when you learn to become ego humbled to your real spiritual nature, your ascension process goes much easier as no resistance is present to the ever changing terrain. Once you align to your heart and discipline the ego's control over your life, the soul purpose becomes clearly defined without any effort. It shows up at your door and now your task is to follow your guidance and listen to your heart. Many times this guidance will defy all logic and you will learn to discern and trust in order to follow your inner spirit without hesitation
end faq
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We wish you a peaceful and loving ascension process.
With Love,
The Energetic Synthesis Team
- Category: Support