Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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This update is dedicated to the Galactic Warriors and Family of Michaels who will know what I speak of. During this timeline from the 9:11 to the 10:10 date stamp, there have been escalating conflicts over access in and out of the Solar Gate System, that appear to be the byproduct of vulnerabilities generated by the black hole systems, as we are gradually shifting into the planetary alignment in late 2017. Therefore, certain groups of Starseeds or gridworkers have been observing or dealing with reconnaissance work in the fields, as well as aggressive attacks designed to harass and even attempt to take hostage over members of the Family of Michael or Seraphim/Avian lines on the earth. In continuation of the discussion about the targets directed against the masculine, I am memorializing these experiences in this week’s blog, as I am very bothered by what is happening, and that my hope is this may help others and members of this spiritual family, that are undergoing similar experiences. This current stage of hiding intergalactic and planetary events from the public, feels to be an aggressive agenda to take claim and ownership over what seems to be, primarily the masculine aspects and male bodies, or women and children incarnated now that were connected to the Michael-Avian lines at the time of Luciferian Conquest There are big puzzle pieces revealing itself now over Michael family members having been taking hostage, and being held against their will, and it is very unpleasant and disturbing. I feel that this is very important to stay awake and aware to this potential, as we need to bear witness to this event in order to stop its manipulation in the male and masculine aspects of ourselves, as well as those of us that have male partners or family members that have been targeted for aggression.

Most of us are aware that the Fallen Angelic entities in the Solar System believe they are Gods over the people on the earth, and we call these groups False Alien Gods, and include them in the definition of the NAA. I feel that some of these groups are noticing that their territory in the Solar system is being encroached upon, and as a result, they seem to be more aggressive during this phase of planetary bifurcation to monitor, track and tag, and harass people. Lately, in my direct experience it is the harassment and aggression directed to male-female couplings and unions/marriages, and thus far, in my direct experience, it has been all male bodies that have connected to the Michael family or Michael histories with the Luciferian rebellion that have been targeted for body snatching, cloning or taking as spiritual hostage. This has opened an opportunity to track monadic bodies of the Michael family, and get more information on where they are deposited or frozen in some of these black hole spaces, that are connected to the earth body.

Something is occurring with the timelines that intersect with the Luciferian Rebellion histories at this time that is stirring up a hornets nest, and these factions of dark forces are agitated and trying to take claim and ownership over those people that these entities believe they "conquered" for territory, and thus they believe they have claim and right to ownership. The state of ownership is also relegated to picking those in the Michael group as play things and pets, and I have seen Belial entities put a claim on heterosexual men they believe is a status symbol and want to take as a sexual pet. It takes a lot of strength to stay neutral in this, as the mockery, degradation, humiliation that is intended for our Michael family is really disturbing. So please take in only what feels supportive for your personal knowing, and discard the rest. I firmly believe that the planet in its current state will catalyze a lot more males and people into spiritual emergency, and this concerns me greatly for those men who do not have a strong female presence or anchor in the ascension and spiritual awakening awareness. In this phase, I feel that the male aspect of this earth desperately need the prayer and spiritual power of the real feminine aspects of Mother to help strengthen and support them through a difficult phase.

Some key themes in the timeline are all around Luciferian Conquest and war timelines:

  • This impacts the male, horizontal ley lines of the Golden Eagle Grid, Gold Ray, Fallen Seraphim lines, which connects into War programming and war history, this has heavy military overlays with AI technology.
  • WW2 history with Nazi influence that got access to the East Gate, Taurus Constellation, Bull Symbology, by conquering and attacking Aldebaran. Aldebaran as a star and planet, and its interconnection with celestial holographic structures that connect from the ecliptic and into the earth from Taurus, and is one of the four royal stars and this is under conflict as it has a Solar Gate (SG) that can be used to leave this Solar System.
  • I get the feeling they have taken hostage a section of this (SG) area (Taurus area of Silver Gate) to demand access out of this gate, and it may be that they plan to take Michael family as hostages (those that they branded at time of Luciferian Rebellion) at this time as a bargaining tool. There is some kind of negotiation happening to leave the Solar System. I have not seen them be successful first hand, but I see that they are trying to accomplish this.
  • While they are negotiating this passage out of here, they are using a new AI technology, that I described earlier as Origami nano, a folding nano technology that is used as a capture harness or frequency fence. This technology can shape shift into a variety of geometric shapes that act as a program in the morph field to come in and out of physical realm, sort of like a acting as a temporary wormhole and passage, it opens into a cage apparatus and functions like an AI sphere. (Think sphere orb beings, but this is an AI replica of that sphere organic biology)

Those of us on the ground have a tremendous amount of power to stop this from escalating if we realize it’s happening to our Michael or male family members. During this time they have been more aggressive with consciousness wiping,  and they consciousness wiped me so that I would not remember this new AI tech and track it back to Belial groups, as this happened the night after I saw the Origami AI trying to capture someone in the Michael lines as his personal pet.

Additionally, when I was tracking these particular Luciferian ownership bonds being claimed upon the Michael family, it lead me to the Grail-keepers on the earth that were involved in protecting the Grail point or 2D gate in Temple Mount. The source of the claim is in the mouth of the gate at Dome of the Rock. Essene lines, Michael Lines, 2D tribes were all working together to protect the Grail point on the earth. There appears to be direct relationship between Michael Family 2D Orange Rod protectors and guardians of the earth, as they were going to activate the rod function of the earth and it was taken over by the GEG, so there is conflict on the earth Rod system and connectors to the Solomon Grid from the Luciferian Conquest factions.

Please do not let this upset you, but be informed and pay attention to people around you, as you may be able to help them. Please know that as you pray and consecrate your body to God, as you shield yourself, as you commit to GSF and Cosmic Sovereign Law, this puts a damper on their ability to interfere. The biggest issue here is taking your consent and authority back, standing in your spiritual power fearlessly, and reaffirming what you serve and what you stand for, which is GSF. They continue to harass, but they cannot take your rights away when you command them in the Law. Their leverage is always taken when we do not know what is happening and through Imposter games of deception and trickery.

As a GSF Being, you have rights to repeat and command the Laws of God in service to the greater good, and with your clear consent, you are powerful to claim other beings as free under human divine rights under Gods laws. All humans have this right, but they do not understand it, so you in many cases can act as their representative if you view them being harmed, trapped or enslaved by these forces, without their direct knowledge. This is more appropriate when it’s a person in your presence that you see this is occurring, or it is a family member or partner/spouse. Remember that speaking directly from your heart in your own words to express what you want to say out loud, is just as powerful. I provide a sample wording in case the words escape you, as many of us have been memory wiped so many times, we may blank on finding the best ways to verbalize what we are asking for help with. I suggest we bless and consecrate all those you may become aware of that are being harassed in this way.

Sample for Individual:

Beloved Holy Presence, In Cosmic Sovereign Law, I am your compassionate witness. In service to ______________(full birth name), I pray with all of my heart to bless them and protect them in the eternal light of God, and in the blessings of the Holy Spirit and Spirits of Christ, to be fully freed from the spiritual burdens and shackles that have been placed upon them, by those Impostors and Deceivers of Gods eternal light. Through the light of God I am, through the power of love in my heart, I consecrate and bless ___________ to be freed into their highest expression and true nature, that they may be God Sovereign Free in the eternal light of God, now and always.

For those who are married/partners (if so guided):

Beloved Holy Presence, In Cosmic Sovereign Law, I am your compassionate witness. In service to my partner/husband, _______________(full birth name), I pray with all of my heart to bless Him and protect Him in the eternal light of God, and in the blessings of the Holy Spirit and Spirits of Christ, to be fully freed from the spiritual burdens and shackles that have been placed upon him, by those Impostors and Deceivers of Gods eternal light. Through the light of God I am, through the power of love in my heart, I consecrate and bless my husband ___________ to be freed into his highest expression and true nature, that he may be God Sovereign Free in the eternal light of God, now and always. I take my husband to unite with me in the wedded garment of God, as my chosen sacred union and hierogamic partner, as my true spiritual husband, to protect, to love and to cherish as blessed in the eyes of God, and that our marriage and union be made in the authority of Gods laws, the Cosmic Sovereign Law. I renounce and disavow all legal constructs or falsified records by the Impostor, which have interfered with our ability to achieve true spiritual union, and with the love of God in my heart, I bless our union as sacred, as a holy alliance, of which we dedicate our entire individual and collective being, to be of service, entirely to the purposes of God. Beloved Holy presence, please guide us in our marriage/partnership to be a union of equals, that we may share and multiply our love, light and power in spiritual collaboration to serve the highest expression of our true nature, and that together, we may represent the true loving and spiritual expression that serves as the example of your unconditional love, compassion and mercy. I am the cosmic sovereign law made manifest!


For those who are not well versed in the Family of Michael, here is a brief summation to help understand the larger overview which is under conflict, while the planet is more vulnerable in its shift into the next harmonic universe.

Family of Michael

The Family of Michael are Blue Ray descendants of the First Order Founder Ray of Melchizedeks that are the Guardians of the East through the Four Royal Stars in Taurus constellation from the star Aldebaran. They were a part of the Guardian consciousness holders of the 3-6-9-12 Arc Portal system which has been at war between the many regressive and intruding races that want control of this access gate that leads out of the Universal Time Matrix. We could also refer to this gate as the 11:11 Portal which is capable to access into the network of Arc gate systems of which these lineages of Michael act as the consciousness portals,  as above, so below. Naturally, the Luciferian agenda intended to distort, capture and torture the Michael consciousness lines, for if they could gain hostages from the Michael Family, they believed they could eventually get control over that Arc Portal System or Mother Arc Hubs. The Family of Michael agreed to be a part of the genetic rehabilitation of the Fallen Angelic (Seraphim) races by agreeing to be the consciousness support as the Guardian of the Horizontal Grids of this Earth System, and this is known as the Golden Eagle Grid Network System. The Golden Eagle Grid is about 57% infiltrated into reversal code system (reversal 10 D Current or Reversal 55 Grids) as this current is run and instituted by the NAA Controllers or Reptilian Intruder Races. The major gate of the Golden Eagle stronghold infiltration is the 10th dimensional Gate located in Iran/Iraq. The war, strife and death of many humans in this area of the planet is used to keep the dark energy circulated to feed Satanic reversal networks and to maintain their control of significant portals in this area of the planet, that extends globally. The NAA controller agenda that hides behind the façade of the False King of Tyranny is and always will be divide and conquer through the Victim-Victimizer strategies of waging war and blood sacrifice. This area of the earth is the most prominent to institute False Michael sightings and broadcasts that may be usurped channelings that are being sent out from the Golden Eagle Grid Network.

Luciferian Rebellion

One of the heightened events of enemy patterning and militarized strikes that is buried in our cellular memory and hidden history is that of the Luciferian Rebellion, which reached its apex during the end of the Atlantian Cataclysm Root Race (human evolution) cycle. From the Guardian perspective this was the end result of our last Aeon or Astrological Age, approximately 26,000 years ago, by the precession of Equinoxes as the timeline measurement. What resulted in the Atlantian Cataclysm evolution experiment was quite a traumatizing cataclysm that set the events into motion as to what humans would experience in the next Aeon cycle. The last 26,000 years have been a dark cycle of evolution governed by dark rule on the planet, as the consequences from the last cycle. This is the current Dark Age that is coming to completion in 2012 and beyond. With the recent timeline intersection and bifurcation, a large chunk of this cellular memory recorded in history has been playing out in our planetary hologram and therefore it has influences upon our personal lives. We are given a spiritual task to complete this enemy patterning cycle started by the Luciferian Agenda, by connecting with new evolutionary potentials in future time.

Through the energetic enslavement of the Seraphim consciousness, the Fallen Angelics were bound to play out the mind control programs from the Luciferian Rebellion, as the Sons of Belial. And so they played their part as dictated by the planetary grid structures as they were controlled by the NAA. This was further capitalized by many other off planet sources, who understood what was happening and many of these Negative Aliens joined forces to take advantage of the vulnerability of humanity and the planet earth.

Atlantis Timeline

During the Atlantian Cataclysm and what is known as the Luciferian Rebellion about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids became controlled by the NAA Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the Annunaki, the Draconians. And this grid became, during this time, under the control of these extra-dimensional shape shifting beings who used these grids for reversed purposes from their original design and intent for DNA assemble and progression of the human race DNA Synthesis. This last 26,000 year cycle, has been a cycle of the dark age of human evolution and, as a part of the plan of coming into the seeds of darkness in order to return to the age of enlightenment. And, primarily the star gates, portal systems and grid systems have been under the control of the Annunaki Nibiru beings and the Draconian beings since that period of war and invasion.

NAA Invasion

When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had really happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation into the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities “purpose” actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is “alien” to the true nature of humanity.

Prayer for Family of Michael

Beloved God – Our Families of Oneness, Open All channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Living Light Code.

We call Upon Our Group Avatar God Selves, The God Force Guardians, Aurora Krystal Families and Guardian Mentor Band, those aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

Quick connect to fortify 12D Hub ( see 12D Technique)

We command this space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of the One Source Light.

Connecting to Inner Core

  1. Authentically declare your Intention from your Heart to resolve authority issues and defer your Ego to Serve God and Oneness.
  2. Declare lntention: My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power, fully, completely and totally, I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!
  3. Activate your connection with your Inner Spirit and core base Shield (12D field Hub and top and bottom lids)
  4. From within your 12D Hub, intentionally create the Hub Handshake with Unity Intelligence or the Krystal Star.
  5. Boundary Test with your 12 D shield pushing it outwards with spinning light and include the decree – I encrypt my shield with the GSF triad in “I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!”

In your mind or out loud as you feel guided, please repeat this command:

We set our Group Intentional Field, dedicated to the Law of One and that which stewards the Divine Plan in Universal Human Sovereignty and Unity. We are fusing our intentions with our own energetic integrity by committing to our God Service Mission with the Planetary Consciousness Fields here today to clear the pain and torture of the timelines of Luciferian Rebellion. We are connecting our group Intentional Field with the Power of the Natural Laws and Intelligence Forces operating on the Earth and by interconnecting to the Cosmic Consciousness of God present here. Our objective is to be the pure light channel of God Source in Oneness and by holding and embodying the stewardship of which we have been called to represent for all of Humanities sacred lineages, and we call forth to hold Christ consciousness power for the Family of Michael, and we pray for their freedom and sovereignty to be returned to them now in all timelines, past, present and future.

We pray and ask the Cosmic Intelligence of God to apply direct intervention for the Family of Michael, Aldebaran, and to reclaim the return to rightful owner in Cosmic Sovereign Law, with our heart and devotion to act in co-creation with the forces of Christ to experience higher reality system for our family, which we recognize in the Family of Michael.

As we come to witness the end of time, we see the Luciferian Rebellion and the harm it has created for our Family of Michael and Aldebaran, as well as the earth. We are intending with all of our heart and Avatar of Ascension to influence the return of consciousness and healing to the Galactic and Planetary Fields to collapse all timelines used by Armageddon agendas to inflict harm on the earth and humanity from these previous histories. We call upon the Power of our One Source Light to utilize the Forces of Nature in harmony and peace on this beloved body of the Earth to extend the love, light and power to our brethren, The Family of Michael.

As the 12 D Avatar and the Light of God that I Am, I choose to represent the power of God to release the Family of Michael to consciousness freedom in God’s Sovereign Power on the Earth and beyond. I ask that these words and intentions represent the Family of Michael and the planet and star system of Aldebaran in Cosmic Sovereign Law, for those who are incapacitated and unable to speak whom wish freedom and to live in peace.

For One, For All, we cancel all contracts and/or agreements that have been made with any entity, being, guide, in this timeline or in any reality, that are utilizing the Armageddon programs on the earth to harm humanity through Luciferian Rebellion. I terminate all false matrices, controllers, implants, or illusions that may have obscured my highest God purpose and soul mission, from the past, present and future connected to the Luciferian Rebellion and Aldebaran. I further declare that I represent the Family of Michael, and that on their behalf the cancellation of all such contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities in harmony with God’s will. We choose perfection to stand in the Eternal Light and represent full sovereignty, freedom and Peace for all human beings and The Family of Michael on this planet. I AM UNITY.

Beloved God Free Humanity of the Timeline of “Armageddon, Genocide and Enslavement “ and those agendas related to the Luciferian Rebellion on earth and Aldebaran, that are used to give power to any AI technology and military agendas to control the Earth. We command dominion on this beloved Earth to return to God’s natural laws, the Unity Consciousness in Christos and extend this to our off planet histories on Aldebaran related to the Luciferian Rebellion. Collapse and terminate through the Resignation of Programming any Armageddon software timeline related to Luciferian Rebellion, that are feeding the timelines of “Armageddon, Genocide and Enslavement “ and all related timelines connected to any false flag events.

In the Zero Point Field and Unity Consciousness, we command and reclaim our Presence of Perfection in One Source Light for all of the Human Race and the Earth. As a Guardian Representative - cleanse all of the Ancestral or Miasmatic Record through the human Holographic record through the Luciferian Rebellion, through the histories of Origin related to family of Michael and throughout the planetary interface records of cellular memory. Reinstate Divine blueprint record to all layers of our human families connected to the Family of Michael to be Unified in the truth vibration, liberated, sovereign and free, now.

Beloved Father and Mother Creator, Our Families of Christ, of the Krystal Star:

We ask Mother to amplify and fortify the Arc Pillar Gateway in our community as a transit gate for all energies and entities that are being routed to and through the Krystal Star Guardian Host to evict and clear inorganic technology with the intent to harm. We Ask Father to please ignite the True and benevolent King of Christ to override the False King of Tyranny and end this time cycle of Luciferian Rebellion.

Beloved Father please reanimate the heart of Christ in all males, please reanimate the Family of Michael the Male Christ principle to restore the earth to peace. Please end the war against the people of earth committed in deception by the False Kings sponsored through the Orion and Reptilian Patriarchy to manipulate the history of the Luciferian Rebellion. Please restore peaceful and loving hearts with wisdom of the Holy Father in the true love of compassionate actions made towards the earth, her people, her kingdoms. Please reveal the truth the light and the way in the hearts of Men, on and off planet. Please free the earth from the enslavement of the False Kings Deception, and ignite the Glory of Gods Image to be made in the hearts of Men, may the purity and consciousness of Michael return to us.

May all of our Light families be blessed and sanctified in the Peace of God. Beloved Mother please pour your Divine Light and Holy Spirit to each being’s heart, reminding them to know you directly, and know of your care, your comfort, your peace, your eternal and abiding love for their heart and wellbeing. Please Let those who are suffering to be held with you and to experience peace and happiness. Holy Mother please defend the Children of God on the earth.

May we hold in our heart a loving prayer for all those in our community to be joined together through peace and love, and to know brotherhood and friendship through our intentions, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. May we all intend to increase our goodness, our purity through our loving heart. Please extend your love to your brother and sisters in this community, to wish upon them peace, love, happiness and abundance in every way that grows their spirit.

Beloved God, Please comfort the peoples of the earth affected by these changes upon us. Bring their communities together in love, in prayer towards the Loving aspects of God, and help them care well for each other.

Let us here today be strong as the invincible and eternal spirit. May blessings and goodness come out of this transformative time of which many people feel fear, pain or sorrow.

Thank you God, Thank you God. Thank you God! And so it is. I LOVE YOU MICHAEL, NOW AND FOREVER!

May the Eternal Light of God be with you as your guiding light, in perfect peace and harmony. We are in this together.

Love, Lisa