Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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What if it was clear that the resolution to every problem that exists on this planet, economic, political or social, was fully resolvable by committing to and reclaiming your spiritual consciousness?  That all pain, suffering, sickness and atrocity, even cataclysms, are based in spiritual disconnection, whether that form is human or nonhuman? That in the big picture, it really does not matter what person is the President, what organization is spraying chemtrails, running the cabals, or financing negative alien “black op” projects. They are a symbol of a collective “mind controlled puppet” playing out their role as the unseen force manipulates their ego’s behavior to keep the same 3D structure feeding the same vampires. They will just pluck another spiritually disconnected and dominating ego from the masses to play out the same fear manipulation program, until humanity takes a stand and says they have had enough blood-letting. All of this drama is the “collective shadow aspect” that runs amok and hides behind the distorted smoke and mirrors to scare all of us. That disconnected shadow aspect has no “real” power over you, even when it inhabits a negative alien form, a demonic form, when you finally understand what it is, how it exists and why it is manifesting that way on the planet. It exists both as a “force” and as “entities” which are possessed by this force both en-souled and soulless. It can only exist as a vampire feeding on other “alive” human organisms. It lives for the instant gratification of its “desire” for hunger, never satiated, painfully addicted.  It lives because through our fears, we allow this “force” to feed on us, giving it a form, as a collective species. 

With a United Humanity, and with the courage to face our deepest fears, many of which will never come to pass, this shadow force and its boogey men would be vanquished overnight. 

Seeing the big picture and encountering this level of information, leaves all of us with a choice. How much are we willing to know the truth? How much are we willing to let go of our belief systems (b.s.) and see the lies being fed to us to keep us complacent, ignorant and fearful? Are we willing to finally face the disconnected shadow (boogey man) and refuse to let it control us as an authority? Are we willing to “know” that the bulk of humanity is completely and utterly mind controlled by “spiritually disconnected” Negative Aliens, with a patriarchal domination complex for blood ritual and war mongering, who are the symbolic allegory of “Satan”, “The Devil” and “Lucifer”? Do we, living on this planet, need to be terrified of this fact, Absolutely Not. Do we, living on this planet, need to be informed and aware of this fact – Absolutely Yes! This direct knowledge which has been hidden and subverted from humanity will continually expand to be available to those who desire to grow and embody their spiritual consciousness identity. The choice to see the big picture is with you in facing your fears, and will open rapid spiritual growth and protection. It will require an ability to let go from everything (in the small picture) you thought this “reality” was about. And in that “letting go” experience we will be challenged and pushed, until we finally have the direct “spiritual experience” with our inner self. To know direct spiritual experience (consciousness) as truth, one has to experience it directly to discern what is real (organic) and what is false. (Negative Alien artificial machinery propagating fear and enslavement agendas is not organic.) We are poised for more direct experiences of Positive Spiritual Contact and that has some requirements to be careful of discerning the manipulation agendas. Manipulation agendas are always imposing fears, threats and terror (and sometimes glamour and flattery) as a means of compliance or complacency. As long as we are scared of them they know exactly how to manipulate us. 

Higher Sensory Perception is that which allows us to see, sense and experience multidimensionality, and the presence of spiritual forces and intelligences. Many times when we have a context for what we are “sensing” we develop much faster, as comprehension of facts removes the “fear” and the confusion it causes.  We have been brainwashed to be very scared of what we do not understand, or that we will be punished by an angry god, and that blocks our positive spiritual experiences. There are more options being brought forward this year by Guardian Groups, however, our goal is to rid ourselves of mind control (free our mind) and their alien implants. There are many tools in the ES community now, to clear mind control, however, having context for how the ego/mind is being manipulated is as important.  One cannot clear or heal what they do not “know”. 

Guidelines to Positive Spiritual Contact

 1.         Be aware of the bigger picture to comprehend that Alien Agenda’s are influencing human events that we see every day in the material world. Behind the face of any major influential human figure, is an Alien Agenda. There is nothing that the Alien agenda does not influence in the human world today, as humanity has evolved from extraterrestrial sources, not apes. To not be aware of this fact does not serve any human being. Humanity cannot be free until made aware of this fact; that the Alien Agenda never left Planet Earth, and it has always been in existence and conflict here. This Alien Agenda has been concealed from humanity though mind control, frequency fences and the “half-truth’s knowledge” given through Mystery Schools (Religions). This knowledge was abused and distorted by Alien representatives to control and place fear in the human masses in order to create slaves.

2.         As individuals learning to inherit the freedom of Cosmic Citizenship, one can be empowered to learn how to secure personal “spiritual identity” and then choose how to participate with the larger global impacts these Alien Agenda’s bring to the table. Understanding that Freedom is God, and Fear is Bondage, and making the choice of where one places their priorities, empowers the individual.

3.         If one is willing to be open minded in order to be re-educated in the hidden human and planetary history as sourcing from Extraterrestial genetics and the Alien Agendas, through the progression of spiritual consciousness, humanity will be given access to heal damaged genetics and be immune to the possession, and mind control manipulation of these negative alien agendas. To be open to learn about this information without fear, using energetic discernment techniques, and by commanding dominion of one’s personal space in Gods Authority - allows Positive Contact to happen. Positive Contact will always interact with a human in the core principles of the Law of One or Law of Love - “I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free”. Manipulation Agendas reject that statement as a Truth. 

4.         Humans that are contacted (or have been abducted) have been chosen for their genetic relationship (hybrids) to that Extraterrestial Family. Being clear about who is contacting you and making that choice – whether to live in freedom or fear based manipulation – is the individual’s responsibility.  All damage from hybridized genetics can be healed through applied spiritual and consciousness development. Guardian or Krystal Hosts will help and support all sincere heart based requests for spiritual healing, although building your 12D shield to prepare for positive spiritual contact is mandatory. (Due to the frequency fences and mind control, Guardian (Krystal) Consciousness has difficulty connecting to this density unless one builds a frequency platform and requests for their contact and protection. Some Starseed’s have this built into their field automatically from their healed genetics, others need to build it with conscious participation. Every being has access to this 12D field - freely.)

5.         The more a human dedicates their energy and devotes attention to inner spiritual development (and is willing to overcome the fear of what they may find out) the more knowledge and information will continue to be provided to expand and support that individual. It takes courage to leave human order and to listen to divine order. This does not mean blindly accepting information as the “absolute truth” by listening to a Guru. It means researching and compiling levels of information that one integrates and feels energetically resonant with. Test and verify your spiritual sources continually. God forces do not need to use ego to control or manipulate any human being. Only one’s inner spirit knows the real pathway to God and needs to follow that inner guidance. Sometimes that requires facing the darkness “head on” in order to know how to become fearless. The courage it takes is infinitely spiritually rewarded, as an investment is made in the permanent and its eternal consciousness, for its future direction. Mind control promotes values to be given to the impermanent structures of falsehood, rather than the permanent consciousness structures that hold the integrity of the inner spirit.

6.         Become skilled at developing your inner spiritual identity by reclaiming your personal power and rediscovering your multidimensional spiritual anatomy. As you become skilled at focusing your mind and directing consciousness power, clearing fear based mind control, you will be empowered to heal your DNA, have Guardian positive contact and the incredible advantages of protection and consciousness expansion. The Hieros Gamos System (HGS) is one pathway of potential for that result.  

Being aware of the bigger picture happening now (during the Planetary Ascension cycle) and having the context and clarity for what appears so disturbing at the global level, brings one the peace of mind, and awareness, to make decisions to interact with the energies as one chooses. Empowered with information and an open mind, one can then shift consciousness to discern what agenda is running, and consciously shift the placement of inner authority; that where one places energies, attention and value. (Source: Newsletter March 2012)