Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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As we began our next projects, in alignment to the planetary “Mothers Mitochondria source code” transmissions, the planetary body had a series of magnetic influxes and events that energetically manifested as a part of the change in the core architecture in the atomic levels of the planetary body. Many of these events on the surface were at cost to human lives and create terrible destruction through the chaos and confusion which is generated from a lack of comprehension of the nature of consciousness evolution and the process of ascension. 

These painful global events are shouting at us that we must adapt to these new frequencies and change our behavior and actions which promote intentional harm to others. We cannot continue to survive as a species while acting out horrible acts of brutality and cruelty against humanity. The only chance we can survive is to collect our human and natural resources and expand our consciousness to learn to live in harmony and principles of Unity with each other. It must start with each of us in the most simplest of ways, however being mindful of harmlessness every day, promoting behaviors of kindness as we interact with the inhumane structures in 3D. 

Most humans on this planet do not understand that the collective consciousness fields on planet hold extremely dense bodies of negative ego thoughts, as well as primarily selfish materialistic motivations that are used to mind control us every step of the way. Humans are manipulated by the very negative thoughts we create, by the Imposter Spirit and the NAA forces, in order to generate destruction to sabotage personal development and create further levels of division between each other. Certain patterns of psychologically warped Tyrannical Despots and their abuse of power continue to explode onto center stage to be observed showing us what must be dismantled, while the earth and water elementals adjust to reflect accumulated human abuse recorded in the surrounding land mass. Life as we know it on this planet is being altered and adapting to transformation is mandatory without one’s personal ego choice, we must learn how we can consciously participate. 

Most of the Power Elite and collective have been ignoring the message to evolve our personal value systems and respect the “natural laws” for way too long. The choice has been given to us in how we could experience our evolution in relationship to the ongoing planetary evolution. However humanity’s actions (whether manipulated though mind control or not) demonstrate we consistently choose devastation and cataclysm in order to change our intrinsic behavior and values. God punishes no one, we make causal choices that have an energetic consequence to our collective actions, whether human beings are coherent about this fact or not. 

As the planet is now evolving into an open architecture with an open operating system, it means larger and more frequent exchanges with other intelligent life streams in our Universe (and Multiverse) is ready to happen more frequently. We have created new energetic frequency as a type of new currency for the planet. Advanced cultures that exist all over the Universe, do not have a monetary system of enslavement as we do on planet earth. Higher knowledge, consciousness and technology is the accepted currency, and many cultures are extremely interested in the genetic diversity as well as the influences of most of the hidden extraterrestrial influences upon this planet. 

The Conflict of Hidden becoming Revealed

What has transpired is a huge change in the core Cosmology of our Universe, and heralds a change that evolves many levels of Hierarchies, and there is now an incredible level of support from the Hierarchies of Compassion and Unity, which are serving the Christos and God Forces. 

One of the results of this Cosmological and Hierarchal Shift created a large tumultuous conflict and confusion with multiple planetary and stellar bodies and those entities that have been “administrating to them” at consciousness and energetic levels. There are disagreements and resistances to the Open Architecture and the relocation in time fields that is required to establish the best alternatives of ascension and achieving true unity consciousness in the GSF timeline. This conflict is also being demonstrated below in the physical earth plane in a variety of ways as power conflicts. It requires subservience to the evolutionary ascension and GSF God plan, and to be of service to others beyond yourself. 

There are two main hierarchal lineages that are a part of the Original Prime Creators of this Universe, namely the Luminaries of the Arcs – The Architects and Inspirers of Form, (The Heart of Cosmologies of Christos, The Ascended Arc Lights) and the Builders of Form in the lower worlds that are within a total conflict of authority and power in the matter worlds. (The Descended Arc Lights or the Mind Cosmologies and its Lower Manifestation– what is seen by external senses and not experienced directly through the inner senses of the heart consciousness.) 

For eons those that have been the Builders in the lower densities have also been the holders of esoteric knowledge, and have prevented its hidden knowledge from becoming exoteric and generally known to the common man. Many of us understand the tyrannical abuse of power (i.e. Atlantis, Egypt, Now) and the negative ego that distorted most of these Law of One teachings to be subverted into selfish motivation or parceled into twisted half-truths in violent religions. It is believed in many of these building hierarchies, both human and non-human that exist in multiple planes, that only the “entitled” races are able to access such esoteric truths, and that has been the practical understanding of the teaching of Mystery Schools through the ages as the levels of “dark evolution” were upon us.. Competent Mystery School’s always emphasize the importance of the comprehension and direct experiencing of the material, and the unifying concepts of its value to know the Nature of Humanity as a unified God being. As one chooses and delves into esoteric studies on the spiritual pathway, it is the nature of the Universe, the nature of the core essence, the nature of the True Self as the Inner God self is slowly revealed to the inspired and disciplined devotee. 

This is why it is mandatory to purify your heart to expand consciousness and to be disciplined to moral and ethical objectives to support humanity as a whole, as these are not mere judgments of character - they are imperative understandings to not abuse the power of knowledge that has been hidden in the esoteric Sacred Spiritual Sciences. The Law of One is that such Sacred Spiritual Science and it has been revealed to our planet in dispensation as a part of God’s plan - to the common human, and to those who would consider themselves the elected or entitled ones to dictate and control its usage or content. Without comprehension of the teachings, without the heart being the foremost priority of its application, the study is immediately corrupt and limited to the planes of the egoic mind. 

This is where the two hierarchies of “Architect” and “Builder” are now represented in current physical forms and within this conflict of revealing esoteric truths are attempting to merge the polarities of ancient conflicts which stem all the way from the Orion Wars and invasion histories of Lyra and Vega. It is one major reason of purpose of multiple manifestations of bodies of work that are supporting the Law of One on planet earth to integrate the forces of polarity. The Three Principles of Creation must Merge into One Unified Expression within these lineages, One that is free of elitism, exclusivity and mind control by Impostor Spirits. The truth must be told. Both Hierarchies are required to build matter, and the conflict between these two lineages is Ancient. The Builder decided they did not want to build by the laws of Architect and set forth their own hazardous creations, which promptly died. These dead creations required others energies to live, which is the basis of consumptive modeling, the parasitism of others to create. Those on the ascending timeline are unable to continue to feed others creations, and are being extracted from those circumstances which encouraged parasitism. 

The Law of One - the Natural Laws of God - ultimately supports the eternal Heart consciousness as the true creator, and renders everything else as finite to nonexistent. Any supposed sacred knowledge rendered from the mind will ultimately die, digress or distort. The open heart of expanded consciousness will enliven knowledge throughout eternity – as God Spirit is the Cosmic Heart of our Universe and the compassionate witness to all. 

We are building the diamond heart intelligence fields through our Mother of God principle in new levels now. More of us in human bodies are able to meditate, be inspired to receive ancient words, comprehension of larger truth about our relationship to the Universe, connect with vast intelligences, and this all is a part of the plan of this Ascension Cycle. 

God excludes no one whom asks for self-knowledge and spiritual communication and in this evolutionary cycle will not accept exclusionary models. However, the caveat to this open source connection is that self-responsibility and accountability for one’s direction is mandatory, and without it, the doors to self-knowledge slam shut. At certain thresholds of spiritual and self-knowledge the training wheels are removed and one must stand on their own merit and source field. 

More levels of the esoteric and hidden are designed to become exoteric to be revealed now to more people that are being offered a choice point. Many humans and other beings are still confused and angry about this truth revealing in those things that were previously hidden in one’s life. As those people may try to regain portions of control through manipulation of the ego games, the dark attacks increase and in such cases continue to escalate in destructive ways. The more we seek to control people and things, the worse it’s going to get as the days of these energetic hierarchies existing in these same ways as sucking other people’s energies cannot continue.  Those still enmeshed in these parasitic relationships will have a choice point or exit point in their learning cycle.  

How Can We be of Service? 

The dedication and discipline to maintain the higher focus of non-judgment and an attitude of service to others - beyond all human fears and frailties - is more than a full time job. It requires every last drop of our essence to be dedicated to serve God Spirit and truly accountable to our own consciousness power. Truly many of us are emanating the new supernal luminescence from the realms of the Superhuman, the Inner Christos. It is our destiny to be Superhuman, as the Inner Christ Spirit is the emanation of the miraculous by product of God-Spirit. Our God Spirit is a Consciousness Technology Supreme that overrides all lesser technologies. These recent events give us lots to ponder and meditate upon as change starts from within us. As we move forward with the intention of being a GSF sovereign model of service to others, we commit to continue to purify ourselves to become the experience and comprehension of greater truths that emanate from within our own inner light. That we seek to share unselfishly what we have been given that has shown us abiding love and inner peace, with others around us.

(Source: Newsletter, Open Architecture, April 2011)