Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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There is so much energetic chaos and dismantling of people’s lifestyles happening in the planetary fields and its collective holographic layers, that in order to navigate these changes smoothly, we must develop our skill and cultivate our inner power that lies in the state of holding the Observer Point which allows greater Neutrality and Non-attachment.  When we attempt to apply this skill to our lifestyle, especially when we have intense ascension-kundalini symptoms, or have complex issues around relationships and their circumstances, it is very challenging for many people to remain in a state of non-attached receptivity. However, when one releases control to the attachment for the “need to know” all the details, such as in requiring people to respond or react to life circumstances as you want them to, this gives one a capacity of greater acceptance in the moment to find inner peace. Finding inner peace during the dismantling of old lifestyles and the upheaval it creates in our body, mind and emotions, helps to support an easier and rapid momentum to elevated states of awareness. It is what it is, now take a deep breath. 

As we move through this time of Ascension, we have been going through a tremendous amount of reconfiguration in the way that the holographic reality structure and their instructions sets interact with the planet and therefore impact us as human beings. This is radically shifting the lightbody, and body consciousness in relationship to its mode of communication with the earth and the earth kingdoms. Our body is undergoing changes in the way we communicate to the earth body, and the way we interface our communication with the earth body and her nature kingdom. This has required changes in the way we “ground” to the earth, and  for some of us in the extreme states of ascension symptoms, this has been challenging and even painful in the periphery and limb areas, such as the feet, legs, joints, arms, hands and head. Common symptoms for many people have been joint area problems, such as ligament sprains and dislocations, such as knees and shoulder problems. These are areas where the muscle joint is a location of smaller chakra or energy flow access point, and these areas are undergoing shifts and attempting to release blocked energies in the etheric layers that were coming in and out of the earth kundalini field. Axiatonal lines that connect into the earth are changing and commonly symptoms are felt in the soles and toes of the feet, and some of us may be feeling strange sensations, such as tingling, numbness and sparking sensations in our lower limbs, legs and feet and toes. This also has implication to the fingers and palms of the hand, which also may be activating. 

With an ascension symptom and clearing release, sometimes the joint areas needs to be reset in its position, and “unwound” in order to run the new activation of energies running in the axiatonal or meridian lines of the lightbody. A trusted loved one or conscious practitioner may be able to help by stretching the muscle and gently grasping the limb and moving the limb in a gentle circular motion, both clockwise and counter clockwise, making the consistent circular movement as large as possible in its range of motion in the joint without causing pain or applying force. This is called “unwinding” which allows a release in the joints area to allow the body to reset itself by finding the proper movement in the circular rotation which allows the joint to rearrange itself back to a flow and aligned position. One can practice unwinding with their finger, gently move the finger in a circular motion in the joint range of motion, move clockwise and counter clockwise circles, while relaxed and breathing deeply. If feeling pain or stiffness gently practice unwinding, on legs and arms, one will need a loved one to help. The key with this is to completely and totally relax the muscle, relax the body, mind in every area possible, and allow your body to be as fluid as possible. Do not resist the circular momentum, but allow the circular movement of the joints range of motion to extend as far as possible without pain. This is not to replace medical treatment that may be required on bodily injuries, but as a guideline to apply practical common sense to help the body move through painful and stiff areas, and help to circulate the intensity of kundalini energies and other forces that we are being increasingly exposed to on planet. 

Everything that appears as a reality is not truly manifest in its solid matter form, even when we feel so much in our physical body.  It only appears to be so from our level of consciousness experience, here in this density of the third dimension. These structures that have put in place the nature of our illusion in time within this holographic reality; are now being dissolved, collapsed, reconfigured, and recreated. This is going to change into many different vantage points of how we perceive the current reality structures, as they are constantly dismantling, changing and evolving. This creates many more different perceptions of the timeline and events taking place in time by different projections of consciousness and how our body may respond or react to those changes. This translates to a person experiencing the dismantling of old lifestyles, the old ways of being in relationship, our old jobs and social interactions and even bodily function and body consciousness. This is the sensation that now many of us are feeling, which is a quality of being pushed and pulled in many directions at same time and we are not feeling comfortable in many areas.  

Many of us on the ascension pathway have found our life pathway and former direction abruptly changed. This sense of collapsed life direction, collapsed life pathways, collapsed relationship directions, will be increased consistently as we move through these times with the various holographic time structures collapsing. This is the process of dismantling old lifestyles, and shifting these constructs to elevate personal and collective consciousness. For these reasons, to keep the mind calm, it is important to fully understand the state of being in non-attached receptivity. Developing this skill set to reprogram the mind to remain non-attached to the outcome, and to neutralize fear as your body mutates, allows one to maintain inner peace while moving through many life changes, thus, rapidly changing perceptions and experiences. 

When we are being pushed, pulled and stretched to the places beyond any sense of our mind or body can fathom, we must find the trust in ourselves to know we are connected to our highest power and all is as it should be. In the current intensity of great change, change that impacts our bodies, minds and everything we have ever known from the perspective of being human, it is supportive to call upon the Spirit of Diligence, one of the holy Spirits of Christ. 

The Spirit of Diligence is one of the seven main spirits of Christ. 

The Spirit of Diligence is required to evolve beyond base ego drives and instinctual addictions from controlling our bodies and Consciousness. We must identify the difference between the weak moral characteristics of the Imposter Spirit (darkness, deception, ego, fears, etc.) and the strong moral characteristics of the truth spirit (eternal self, transparent, Krystic values). 

In order to hold the spirit of Christos, as in acquiring ethics of spiritual virtues, the first step is in making sure that the body, the physical self, is grounded in strong moral character. 

The Spirit of Diligence helps us ground our consciousness in our body and is the antidote to Laziness and Discouragement. 

The Spirits of Christ are that which attract Virtues which are a form of the bestowal of Divine Grace. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a “spiritual force”. When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. These are the Spirits of Christ.

As the Universal Law of Structure states; we can build our house in so that the spirit we design it for can reside. This is what it means to create a House for Christ and to purify ourselves for the Spirit of Christ. The Spirits of Christ requires a House in which to dwell inside our mind and body. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. Where we focus our energy and attention its energetic form materializes. Thus, greatly increasing one’s relationship to God and experiencing energetic balance which returns us into feelings of self-love, peace and happiness.

The Spirits of Christ

Dismantle the House of Laziness/Discouragement: Evict the Spirit of Laziness and Discouragement and Call in the Spirit of Diligence. Ask God to help you build the House of Diligence and ground your body and mind to be aligned with Christ Spirit.

If our body and mind is morally weak, it is also very physically and energetically weak. These physical and energetic weaknesses translate into low moral character in most humans who are not aware of the Archontic Deception promoted as a value system. Since many humans are not taught to develop strong moral character, the mind and body are increasingly weakened when we are easily made consensual to low morals and low ethical standards. Many people cannot tell the difference between high ethical standard and low ethical standard as they are mind controlled through religion, gurus or other control mechanisms. To gain discernment of these qualities the Spirit of Diligence is required. 

We must put focus on the study of strong moral character, ethical conduct and demonstrating an exercise of these higher human traits in our day to day. This is putting into practice the Spirit of Diligence which is grounding our spirituality of our inner Christ consciousness.

A strong moral character is the physical ballast which is directly related to the capacity of embodying the personal virtue (frequency) created by the Spirits of Christ. So we could think of the physical body as the practical reality of grounding into our being a strong moral character in our actions every day, while the spiritual-energetic body expands relative to one’s ethical conduct. Together, this focused mind-body partnership attracts the higher virtues (spiritual gifts) of the Spirits of Christ. This is the key to embodying the Spirit of Christos while in a physical body, and releasing fear based control our mind has had over our body. May the Spirits of Christ be with you!