Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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The current strong geomagnetic storms resulting from recent solar activity have deep repercussions at the quantum level which greatly impact and shift the state of electromagnetism upon our planet. The increase in the solar wind interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field and the transfer of accelerated energy potential is placed into the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is an important part of the Global Planetary Brain and is the inherent architecture that influences and creates the many complex identities and archetypes of the collective human mind. Its functions are directly responsible for what humans experience as a collective race identity along with an individual 3D conscious mind or egoic self.

As these various input factors accelerate change from the pressure these quantum forces place upon the planetary core, the physics governing those forces start to change on the planetary surface. The geo-physics governing these forces in this dimension are shifting and as such, have a great impact on the state of electromagnetic activity. Clearly this has an impact on all human beings and creatures of this planet during this time. It especially has impact on the collective mental bodies and the way the masculine energetic principle embodies in matter and form.

Electromagnetism is the interaction responsible for practically all the phenomena encountered in our daily life. Electromagnetism manifests as both electrical fields and magnetic fields. Both fields are simply different aspects of electromagnetism, and hence are fundamentally related. Thus, a changing electrical field generates a magnetic field and conversely, a changing magnetic field generates an electric field.

We are entering the timeline where the earth core is rapidly shifting the planetary magnetic field through the various levels of strength, speed and flux of geomagnetic storms and their larger events, geomagnetic jerks. Massive geomagnetic change also means massive change to the Global Brain and therefore the connection of the individual human mind relationship to that brain. Who we think we are in our thought-forms, what we believe we are a part of, is largely defined by the magnetic structure of the Global brain. When the Global Brain shifts our perception of reality and our thoughts radically; we have a choice, do we adapt, or do we fall apart?

Magnetic changes at these levels will unleash the forces of creation and destruction at the same time. Magnetic changes at this level will also radically shift time and space as we know it. Our relationship to time (timelines) will be moved forward, as a skipping forward quickly through time. The timeline we enter in the next 90 days is a massive change to our sense of identity, our life experience, what defines us, and everything we have ever known. We can consider this as a massive opportunity to change and adapt into a newer and more alive version of ourselves in the next timeline. However, this liberation will come with its larger truth, nothing from the past or that is obsolete can hang on or stay with us.  Therefore, “Relax and Release the Mind. Be Neutral. Breathe in GSF” is the mantra for all of us now.

Mental Deconstruction

As we learn about the natural cycles of Life, we know that to be recreated into something new, the current form and its foundation must be deconstructed. Resurrection illustrates that fact, for the alchemy of forces to work its miracle as a byproduct of God’s natural laws, we must die (ego death) to be reborn. This is transpiring rapidly now for many people, and it is amplified for the male bodies as the mental principle is synonymous with the male energetic principle. Whether male or female embodied, if one is over-intellectual or imbalanced in mental thought-forms, such as battling addictions, this time can be absolutely brutal. We are so sorry for that confusion. This fact has been an emphasis for years now that the necessity to overcome the ego mental body addictions would become dire, and indeed it has. The death of the ego is the phantom death we experience as we face desperate darkness, and one must remember this is not the real eternal self.

As the planetary magnetic field is increasingly disrupted, the majority of the collective mind consciousness fields also become extremely agitated in the planetary body. Along with many extra-dimensional forces acting upon the planetary fields to manipulate these collective energies, the amplified chaos becomes even more extreme. Additionally, as the dimensional spaces (time vectors) collapse in the lower frequency fields, (1D-2D-3D) the impact creates a compaction and compression in the field at that specific level of frequency. As a result, the frequency of the (1D-2D-3D) collective mental bodies and where it was connecting to those frequency broadcast fields is undergoing rapid compression and may even split apart. The compression of these lower fields is necessary, as they are moving to the next higher octave system, otherwise called the future time field.

This changes the frequency levels of what our brain and neural net receives as impulses sourcing information relays from the planetary collective mind field. It also severely reduces the parameters of the lower frequency that our brain and nervous system is used to connecting to as a part of our individual thought-form. So if we still have a sense of identity with thought-forms existing in the lower vibrations mentioned, those areas of our collective 1D-2D-3D mental body (personality matrix) are being compacted. This compaction is at such high level pressure, that without context, this feels like being pounded mentally with an energetic gavel over and over again, in the form of fearful, anxiety ridden, obsessive or looping thoughts.  Because the physical body is elemental and being impacted by these same mental forces, the pressure may also be felt as intense symptoms in the lower centers of the body impacting survival fears. This part of the lower identity is being pounded into submission to the higher frequencies, and is the process of mental deconstruction. If we can re-contextualize this process as necessary part of the Ego Death, we can more easily navigate and neutralize the pressure of these elemental forces acting upon our body.

It is important to remember that this stage of Ego Death symbolically, as unpleasant as it is when it is acting upon our life, is about letting go of Mental Bondage. When the mind is released the bondage is removed, therefore the sense of despair stemming from the mental body and how that impacts our physical state, is only temporary. When we learn to let go and train the ego to not be in control of our mind, body and consciousness, we are freed from that bondage. That freedom is assured if one stays awake through the dark night of the soul when this level is being experienced as a part of the ascension process. Absolutely No One gets away from enduring this part of personal spiritual development, at some point in the process, so know you are in good company.


The best way to understand what is happening to the lower mental bodies on the planet is to apply the context of a computer hard drive file storage system that requires a file maintenance defragmentation. This “defrag” process scans to find all broken links, fragmented or corrupt files, and organizes them in the most efficient way to recover and retrieve the hard data into usable formats. If the internal data is not repairable or usable (i.e. appropriate for the next stages of the evolution journey) it may be effectively deleted. This may change our life in a radical way, as things that were supporting the use of those old file systems, may no longer be there or available for continued use. This forces our transformation to progress us forward whether we like it or not.

When great mental fragmentation occurs, as it has within these human collective lower mental body fields, the accumulation does not allocate enough space to store a complete “mental file”, but puts large gaps (holes) in between these mental body file units. (Otherwise compared to memories) Essentially what this means in the individual experience is people in 3D start to “lose certain thought-forms”, or lose coherency in their thought patterns.  If they do not know how to retrain how they think and process multidimensional reality, they can revert to more infantile or primitive behavior. (This is what happens with Alzheimer patients, the mental body fragmentation is so severe that the brain reverses its frequency pattern to pick up unconscious collective base thought-forms. Note the high rage present in the advanced deterioration of an Alzheimer patient. They are no longer an individual they are at the mercy of the collective unconscious mind in utter chaos. This is mental torture and torment.)

The place where their linear mental file memory is stored is either no longer there for retrieval from the ego level, it has been moved, or destroyed. This happens with short term and long term memory.  Without spiritual ascension context to release the linear ego thought patterns, and clear its sub personalities and fragments, this can manifest as everything between bi-polar to manic episodes. The latter is when severe fragmentation of the identity of that being has occurred, which is also the result of possession and mind control manipulation. The use of alien and inorganic machinery to control the behaviors and thoughts of a natural person, creates destructive side effects to the brain, neural net and CNS.

So as these dimensional spaces are being moved to the next higher octave in frequency, which overall reduces the amount of mental body fragmentation, the organization of the collective and individual mental body is being moved to a future time and space. This requires integration and efficiency of matched vibrational thought-forms that are coherent with the new higher octave space. This is very similar to a reformatting of our internal hard drive and performing an upgrade to our personal software. This higher octave does not support the lower frequency thought-forms (programming) and will require the re-patterning of the thought-forms from linear formats to circular formats. This means in all of the ways we have been linearly programmed to think, problem solve, perform critical analysis, make decisions, go from point A to point B, is over. We have to learn how to process data in our higher spiritualized mental body in a completely new way, and we are being forced to transform now. This changes our perception of reality where we must be in the “now presence” at every moment. The now is a circular format.

The parameter of frequency that existed as a plane of existence as a time/space location within a spectrum of broadband is compressing, therefore, shrinking and even spitting apart. As it compresses, the particle or matter present in that space undergoes a departiclization process to transform into a substance base unit that can be assimilated into the higher octave frequency spaces that are replacing that specific parameter of frequency.

This is happening to our physical reality now and impacting all of our bodies, especially the masculine principle and mental bodies.

The mechanics of the planetary ascension process are fundamental to the known and unknown physics governing these spaces. These energetic spaces are changing therefore the physics governing those spaces in time are changing. The lower dimensional spaces (1D-2D-3D) that are currently undergoing compression are being assimilated in order to effectively “roll up” into the higher dimensional spaces. A part of Universal, Galactic and Planetary Ascension is the merge of the particle and anti-particle double. The anti-particle double merging with the particle dimensions are 1D merge with 15D ( red is merging with pink), 2D merge with 14D ( orange is merging with light gold) and 3D merge with 13D ( yellow is merging with Aquamarine). Many of us are sensing more of the Aquamarine and Aurora lights in the physical etheric layer spectrums, from the change in magnetic field. This is also the causation behind the new female principle source energies present in this physical dimension.

This means when a person is operating their consciousness at the lower mind frequency and is attempting to access a place in that field as it is “shrinking”, they will have a direct experience of that mental body compression and this will feel painful. In the unprepared masses, this event will most likely be sensed as frustration, confusion, blockages, burdens, identity conflicts, a descent into insanity, etc. For those still operating at this mental level at base thresholds, they can be thrust into the unconscious collective fields of chaos to be used by the controller fear agenda. The culling of that military agenda presses on, and as we observe it with compassionate witnessing, we are able to support the planet and help those caught in its jaws. Being informed while observing the drama neutrally, without entanglement, is many times the best choice. We all have the power within us to make the choice of freedom from mental bondage, therefore total freedom from this controller agenda. However, we may observe unpleasant side effects of such agendas on our human family, as a part of the transformation is heavily pressuring us now.

Staying with our meditation practices, holding inner core strength and fortitude in our devotion to serve the highest expression of Love for all, is a great service to this planet. Clear all negative ego thoughts while refocusing on your eternal and peaceful connection to Universal Oneness.

Stay Awake and Informed

As we become more familiar with the negative alien controller game on earth, it is clear that the divide and conquer strategy is used to create external distractions based on fear and military agendas. Not only is the Ascension mechanics and E.T. involvement kept from the public, so is the use of advanced off planet psychotronic technology aimed at the masses. This strategy is continually used to capitalize on the mass confusion of mind control and attempt to get as many people on the surface, especially males prone to episodes of violence, to play out destructive scenarios.  Since there is so much chaos and confusion in the collective planetary mental bodies based on recent magnetic changes, which can radically alter the brain wave state, there are recent attempts to capitalize on that mass confusion. We all have unique soul memories (conscious memory but mostly unconscious) of those experiences that have been repeated events in this timeline “played out” again and again, during these end times stemming from the Luciferian Rebellion or Galactic War histories.  Global events are used to stimulate certain destructive mindsets, behaviors and emotional states in the human beings “unconscious memories” from previous events that happened on the planet. Remember that in every situation, no matter how dire it appears, we can each be empowered to shift the event and its field residue into a positive and empowering stance. When we are informed and awake, we can progress with living and returning personal sovereignty to ourselves, and live as that example for others.

Mind Control Scripts

First, be aware that a psychotronic technology being used in some places in the field where military agendas are aggressive to capture males to install a Mind Control (MC) Program with Viral loaded Scripts. If you are a conscious and awake male, if you an ex-military or MILAB you are like a prize possession they want to corrupt. They do not want human males to reconstruct into their new mental bodies, where they will be freed from False King of Tyranny mind control programs. If one is disciplined in their ego this will be a mere annoyance and easily overcome with conscious participation. The secondary influence this has is on a mental body (either male or female) that is undisciplined and the result is your thoughts will feel chaotic with intense pressure and anxiety. I have included some information below to better understand scripts, so that if you feel this has influenced your brain and nervous system, to be aware of and observe it for what it is, without fear and without taking it personally.

There is a tool to IDENTIFY – LOCATE – REMOVE – REPAIR any MC program or script that has been loaded (unconsciously) into your nervous system.

Post Hypnotic Commands in Mind Control Scripting

This is a type of psychotronic warfare aimed at the Autonomic Nervous System to run scripts into the Neural Net and Brain. If you are feeling especially depressed, messages of suicidal acts, hopeless, and related negative feelings, please know this is not organic and is a scripted messaging system placed in the planetary fields, and aimed towards those of us building, strengthening and anchoring this Aurora Guardian and Indigo Shield. These hypnotic commands may be introduced while we are asleep, so be aware and secure your sleep time space. There may be importance when you wake up to pay attention to how you feel and immediately clear any residue imprints from impacting you throughout your day.

Please so not let this disturb you, bring your mind back into the peace of knowing that you can dismantle and destroy any script virally loaded to impose on your nervous system. Further dis-identify with these feelings and emotional states, as not a part of the real “you”, it is the inner child / body that is feeling it, as it picks up the broadcast from the larger field of this network.

It is good to feel the emotion of the experience, however if the feelings are descending into extremely negative and painful states that are increasing, rather than abating, then one may have a positive affirmation that a script is loaded and influencing your body. Sustained states of hopelessness, despair and depression are not good to maintain, we must learn to shift that feeling off of us, and clear its impact from continuing to interfere with our highest purposes.

If this is resonating with you, please consider the following support offered from our Guardian Teams:



1. CALIBRATE with the 12 D Shield and recite the Unity Vow or I AM UNITY.

2. Ask the Question of God self – Do I have Mind Control Scripts or Artificial Intelligence programs that need to be Cleared from my body? IF YES, CONTINUE.

3. Beloved God, Guardian Families of Aurora, Please Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair the following:

4. Terminate Mind Control Programs and their Loaded Scripts from Armageddon Software targeting False King of Tyranny archetypes. Remove all inner and outer violence mind control programming from my Central Nervous System now.

a. Terminate Posthypnotic Commands

b. Terminate Posthypnotic Suggestions

c. Terminate REM Deprivation Programs from my required SLEEP PATTERNS to function optimally

d. Terminate Script Identifier

e. Terminate Script Locator

f. Terminate Script Trigger

g. Terminate Script Content

h. Terminate Script Time Code or Duration Code

5. Please Repair All Bio-Neurological Systems to organic Diamond Sun Body and reboot my 12 Tree Grid to the GSF Ascension and Aurora Krystal Star Guardian Code Sequences. Correct my Spine and strengthen my Coccyx through my Spinal Cord and leading into my Brain. I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.

6. Please generate Krystal Star Master Number Code if needed to lock down Repair Sequences.

7. Please clear all related Traumatic Memories and their Influences of the False King of Tyranny histories from my Central Nervous System, Brain through the Inner Levels, In Between Levels, and Outer Space levels. I am Perfect Peace within the heart, mind and body of the One Self.

8. End your Session and thank the teams as appropriate.


(ES News -Masculine Reconstruction, October 2012)