Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Dear Ascending Family,

There are stages of awakening when we undergo the uncovering of deceit, lies and manipulation, in order to uncover the truth. We may begin to see the complex gaslighting tactics that were covering up true and accurate facts to appear as something they are not. When a person finally awakens to see the true facts that were hidden beneath a web of lies and deceptions, and they realize these deceptions are being perpetrated to manipulate and control them, they can suddenly react with intense and raw emotions of anger, grief and sadness. Great feelings of betrayal may arise, and are the next stage of the Controller set up, as these situations are intentionally designed in the collective consciousness to harm our hearts, damaging our trust with others.

As the crack of light appears in the center of the dark shadow, for some in the collective consciousness as the inner light turns on they can see more that was hidden in the dark room that they did not see before. When people can see this darkness moving in the shadows, there is a scrambling to make sense of it and verify what it really is, during the realization of the great manipulation or deception. Maybe it is the fact they had been deceitfully used by another, or abused in ways they did not fully understand previously. No one feels good being used and manipulated, it is a tactic of the dark force impostors to gain control over others. This event can also open another octave of light to illuminate our inner vision, to see what had been hidden in the dark closet or held in situations that may have been deeply denied as a truth, by the people involved in those circumstances. Or the complex subconscious contents in these events or situations had remained unseen and unknown to our current awareness, and after many years and much effort expended, we discover that our energy was being directed for unsavory or unethical purposes.

Naturally as a consequence, as conscious people we may ask, what is our responsibility to this moment? What is my moral or spiritual obligation to be in the face of such awkward and challenging circumstances where this deep revelation of deception, manipulation, and intended harm towards the broken or innocent ones, people I know - what is the best course of action? What is in my power to do and what is not? For many people that still think with 3D thoughtforms, the first reaction will be to take aggressive or purposeful action against the deceiver, manipulator, or situation that has been used to take advantage over others.

Yet, taking outward aggressive actions are generally the least beneficial thing one can do in these moments. The inner strength is built upon being able to compassionately witness and be willing to see the entire truth as it is, to integrate the information into your knowledge base, and to remain still and able to observe even more.

In these cases wisdom is very hard earned, there is high art in the skill of truly knowing when to take action and when to hold space in non-action and continue to gather intelligence.

Many times the hard truth is that you will observe the very people that were being abused or manipulated, may refuse to acknowledge what is actually happening in the form of harm or deception. They may seek to stay asleep in their astral mirror of delusion, as they are unwillingly to change or take responsibility for any of the realizations that are surfacing. Many times when you try to relay this truth they will fight back with hostile reactions, shutting down any further dialogue or potentially verbally attacking the messenger. When we can see this overview and it’s very common, it can feel painful, confusing and hard to reconcile or navigate conflicts that involve other people. All we can be responsible for is our own personal conduct and behavior, we cannot exert control over anyone else or change anyone’s thinking or belief systems. If a person refuses to acknowledge the existence of the darkness or cannot recognize the evil being committed in a methodical agenda to destroy the human race, it does not mean those things do not exist. It is the denial of the truth which continues to feed these same seeds of deception and harm.

There is an elevation of this deeper realization occurring in the collective consciousness that is present in the environment and field. This is being observed as a reflection of the challenging stages of processing collective anger and grief during the planetary Dark Night of the Soul.

Misplaced Trust and Usurped Intent

One of the biggest questions awakening people are asking themselves is, how do we feel when we wake up one day and we deeply realize that we had been completely deceived and used in some way? 

  • We trusted someone who was not who they appeared to be (misplaced trust),
  • We were serving some outer intention happily, only to discover that it was false, harmful or inverted (usurped intent),
  • We fully embody the knowing to see how pain and torture of our fellow humans is occurring daily as normal occurrences (conditioning abuse),
  • We have spent our time and hard earned resources to play a prominent role in the Controller game that feeds into the decaying system of human enslavement (world slavery),
  • We see warped leaders taking advantage of broken people which is producing even more pain, trauma, and fragmentation setting up the dark entity feeding frenzy (NAA set up),
  • We can see blatant power abuses playing out that intentionally hurt others that are unaware that this agenda is occurring (reinforcing abusers and predators),
  • We interact with 3D people that have no meaning behind their words, people that do not follow up with what they said they would do (the empty promises and words of superficialism. materialism and bs),
  • We see those manipulating over and over again to gain a position of strategic advantage that is meaningless in the overall (control and power mongers),
  • We witness death, trauma or tragic events that appear to be senseless, reckless or idiotic (carelessness and no reverence for life).

Raw emotions like shock, sadness, confusion and sometimes momentary feelings of anger, can leave us feeling extremely depleted and extremely exhausted. This may rise into sensations of feeling broken or having a break down, even if its temporary.  When emotions are intensely raw like this, they’re unprocessed, they’re fresh and you’re trying to understand how you feel. They’re like open wounds that have just been cut. And recent events have opened into the Yeshua Timeline and these histories and the wars against humanity are like an open wound. It cuts to the core. These events go into the most intense levels of the pain that are held within the truth of our fall, the truth of our gender split, the truth of what horrors have been carried out in the name of God and Christ. When you’re processing this kind of raw emotion, most of us know that you cannot hurry it along, you can’t fast-track it. This is something many of us may have a challenging time with, because we have to get comfortable with internal discomfort. And many times in our mind, a part of us is seeking a quick solution in that we want to feel better immediately, we want to accept whatever it is that is causing discomfort and move on. We want to be able to rise above these seemingly impossible feelings, in terms of how do we resolve this in our heart?

And yet knowing that these are the awakening states of our consciousness experience and processing this raw emotion is deeply connected to the alchemy that shifts our consciousness into even higher elevation. We are attempting to just be with it, attempting to accept it as it is now, attempting to take special care of our physical body as we move through it. When I am processing raw emotion, I attempt to do a body scan. I attempt to observe myself from head to toe and notice where inside my body that I’m feeling this pain or discomfort. I don’t need to do anything with the information that I may get from this body scan. I just allow it, I just take it in, I just surrender to it. I sit with it in the Observer, in pure awareness. Knowing that when we’re undergoing intense, raw and challenging emotions during this time, we may be in a sensation of suspended animation. When processing deeply, one does their best to not make really important decisions while in this state because chances are the decisions may not be optimal. When our emotions are raw it can bring up momentary tidal waves, like a momentary wave rolling up into grief, fear, sadness, and possibly moments of frustration or anger. So observing the oscillation of those emotions when we’re processing something very challenging, very raw, very much as if it is cutting us to the core, knowing it is what it is. All of us have to learn how to hold space for these difficult feelings inside ourselves and possibly others, to work through them the best way we know how in the moment, knowing that this is how we spiritually grow. This is how we evolve. As we shift through this particular story line and are willing to observe and know the truth, but not becoming fixated upon it. Not allowing the story line to gain control over our mind, placing our thoughts into any kind of dogma or fixated belief. We look at it through the observation and perception of our inner compassionate witness, the pure awareness of source that resides in our heart. Then, we can shift and change this timeline that includes the story.

Currently, what I’m speaking of is the Yeshua-Mary Timeline as it is surfacing in the New Aeon to reveal more truths to us. All that grew out of that timeline is in play today in controlling our world through the tyranny of lies, controlling the collective consciousness into consciousness traps and spawning the Negative Alien distortions. These distortions feed into the world religions, feeding the anti-Christ lodged in the Vatican, the power and control that has been spawned from this timeline in all of its impostor aspects and reversals. In order to change this story line and the reversals generated from it, in the perpetration of continual lies and deceptions, we have to awaken and see it first.

We don’t want to be stuck in the past but we want to know the truth. Gaining awareness of larger truths happening in our world is a part of reclaiming, retrieving and honoring those that have gone before us. We have to see or know or be willing to observe what really happened, and what is happening now. So when we’re working with this feeling of being emotionally raw, whether it’s recently, whether it’s in the future, knowing that we can manage these emotions through personal expression and by allowing what we feel to surface and be witnessed. Certainly expressing our feelings, being honest about being cut to the core with deep pain in the realization and acknowledgment of what has happened in the Christ timelines, what has happened on the earth, and the war being waged against humanity. Certainly it’s cathartic for many of us on the awakening path to know that we’re not isolated or alone in these feelings. As we express our feelings, we gain more clarity and there is a release of inner pressure in our body. This helps us to process what we’re going through, to deeply discover what we are actually experiencing. Sometimes just doing trauma release through stretches or postures, can help us release these difficult emotions from the subconscious layers, moving the content from inner to outer. I find in myself that I look to understand the sensation through insight and focusing my awareness. That may not help everyone immediately, but it is my most important tool. To deeply understand and track what the emotion, the rawness, the pain, the feeling, the sensation- what is it telling me. What is it about? When we can track the feeling and get to the source of it immediately, this reduces and resolves a huge percentage of the tension, pain or sensations and sometimes even a full hundred percent emotional release.

Through our insight, through our observation and awareness, through the open heart of compassionate witnessing, we can transform these emotions. And through the transformation of these raw emotions, we reclaim our spiritual power and it shifts us into the Light, illuminating that darkness, bringing a sensation of enlightenment, joy or even immediate happiness in the moment having released it. We transform these feelings when we experience them fully. And clearly this timeline is a very difficult one. And I can say I’ve been experiencing it fully and it’s not been pleasant. However, I know by bringing this from darkness into light, from lies and deceptions into transparency and truth, we bring this into our present awareness and that emotion then has spiritual power for us. There is information, there is insight, there is knowledge, there is self-awareness, there is self-realization contained within it. And it is possible to process emotions and do this in a loving way towards ourselves and towards others. Doing what we can to create that safe space for ourselves, taking care of our heart while we are processing extremely difficult raw emotions.

Observer and Present Moment Awareness. Get still and create the conditions for a safe space to relax and breathe. Allow the raw feelings to surface and inquire on why they are there. Ask for the lesson or skill that you need to achieve in mastering this emotion and its relationship to your higher purpose.

Manage Stress and Tension. Do not ignore tension or raw emotion when it arises. Take the time to intend to find out where the feelings are coming from and to resolve the built up tension. Find skills to manage your stress and work these tools such as; meditation, breathing, music, massage, soaking in warm water, finding the best ways to relax your mind and body.

Compassionate Communication. Our life is filled with the necessity of resolving an assortment of conflicts. Learn tips for improving Compassionate Communication skills so you can communicate much more effectively and easily, when addressing difficult situations and raw emotions. This includes one’s self talk, to speak lovingly and compassionately to ourselves.

Open Heartedness. When we are openhearted we are loving and kind and we naturally grow empathy and compassion for ourselves and others. Remember that our heart is truly a sacred space, it is our direct connection with God Source. When we are in our heart, we can access truth much more easily, and retain our personal power even when navigating in difficult situations. True compassionate love naturally brings unity, which synthesizes polarities and genuinely resolves many conflicts much more easily.

May loving kindness overflow in your open heart,
