Clearing Treatments
An array of clearing meditation audio treatments (mp3) to apply in a variety of purposes when undergoing ascension symptoms, psychic overload or attack, or with the neccessity to drop dense energy patterns and debris from the aura. Always prepare your clearing space with your personal 12D light Shield, and GSF boundary test. (GSF= I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!) See the ES Core Triad for daily use in the free Ascension Tools section.
Clearing Treatments
Ruby Sun DNA Reclamation Healing
We address the correction of Grail line Ruby Sun DNA genetic digression, and the genetic mutations and effects that this has made upon our diamond sun consciousness and human body template.
Reuniting with Holy Father
We intend to Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair the subconscious mind aspects which inflict negative ego delusions, inflict mental bondage of pain and suffering.
Returning Aspects from Metatronic Net Fields
WARNING!! Use care and caution. Ask guidance for affirmative before working with this meditation. This addresses abduction and Milab.
Restoring Sapphire Body
In this meditation we are addressing the holographic blueprint correction for restoring the 10D Sapphire Body.
Removal of Victim-Victimizer Software
Removal of Victim-Victimizer Software - In this meditation we will address the Victim Victimizer software program that have been used on this planet as mind control over traumatizing memories that ...
Removal of Crucifixion Implants
Remove Crucifixion seals and command to return all fire letters, jewels, wings, energies and parts of bodies that have been misdirected and return them now to the Rightful Owner.
Relationship Closure
Meditation for Relationship Closure. Includes two meditations "Relationship Closure" and "Cord Cutting."
Reconnect and Correct Nadial Structure
We will intend to reconnect with the corrected and upgraded nadial structure from our original diamond sun blueprint, to release any obsolete subtle energies that were running in Caduceus nadis ...
Reclaiming Mother and Child Bond
YOU ARE the true parent of your inner child, feel this role of being a parent and radiate all the love from your heart to this 6 year old child.
Reclaiming Christos Body
Preparing the body to receive Krystala tones in the Double Diamond Sun, Paradisian Son Talismans. Clear collective mind blueprint levels and their interactions of potential attachments of mind ...
Recalling Long Term Memories
You alone as a God-Sovereign-Free Being, are willing to know the truth in order to reclaim all longer term memories and aspects of the spiritual selves into unity and wholeness.
Ray Body and Ray Identity Healing
Radial Body code healing for each layer as it corresponds to each Ray identity Force.
Quickstep PDD
Quickstep PDD is a Guardian Mentor Assisted Healing Program for Chronic Physical Pain, Spiritual Disconnection or Energetic Disease.
Preparing for the New Timeline
Preparing for the New Timeline - session for support of clearing negative or past timelines during the bifurcation cycle.
Preparing for HGS Calibration (AIM)
Preparing for HGS Calibration (AIM). This is to attune to the Alien Implant Module, available for public use.
Platinum Crystal Activation
In this meditation we will intend to connect with the Andromedan heart spiral and activate the platinum crystal within us, and in service to the earth and humanity, we offer to run the code for the ...
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Solar Twin Michael-Mary Giza Activation
We intend to connect into the Sun Disc Network with the platinum crystal, and in service to the earth and humanity, we offer to run the code for the platinum crystal.
The Golden Cube
In this meditation we will be connecting with the inner solar temple and intending to connect with the outer solar temple and the Golden Cube in the seven higher heavens.
Connecting with Solar Logos Gates
Beloved Holy Spirit, with my heart placed upon the altar of God, I am in Service to the One, please take me to the inner throne of God, within my holy inner sanctum, as God would have it be.
Spiritual Healing for Family of Origin
The higher purpose is to release earthly burdens of reincarnation, superimposed karmic loads or continued consciousness slavery in our family of origin, in so that we, and they, may be fully ...
Clearing Descending Serpent Fire
The Negative Sexual Fire force is triggered from the coccyx downwards and is the negative fire which gave birth and gives energy to the predator mind of the negative ego. It is important to ...
Hierogamic Twin Clock Chambers
There is a set of horizontal counter-rotating chambers that move clockwise to bring in energy from the Unified Field of God-Source and disperse it through the vertical Hara lines that impact all time ...
Diamond Anointed Sunship
To connect into the Krystal Cathedral of eternal living Spirit in the diamond heart matrix of Aqualasha.
Microcosmic Orbit Scanning Exercise
To strengthen our central vertical channel and increase the energetic integrity within the core structure of our lightbody.
Addressing Fear of Death
It is important to understand that all of our spiritual practice today is to help us prepare for the next highest consciousness journey.