The NAA or Archons can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings. They regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to create intentional harm and violence for their own amusement. Some of these negative groups have access to advanced technologies that have been developed over many millions of years in other Universal systems or Galaxies, however, most of their technological advancements have come from the creation and use of Artificial intelligence, hence they are considered AI Prophets. As AI Prophets they are behind the propagation of all forms of Transhumanism as a method to steal an individuals autonomy and sovereignty via addiction to all things technological, as well as propagating technological abuse of the Soul. They work to control the thought leaders in advancing bio-technology to move the masses into accepting the post human movement of Transhumanism as inevitable for the human species, and through the glamorization of synthesizing AI technology with the human biology, they are the earth bound representatives of the AI Prophets. The earth AI Prophets are working on a timeline to create a society completely dependent on technology that will hand its sovereignty over to this “AI God” because they believe that AI is the only thing that can rule the world from a neutral perspective and bring world peace.
The way to dismantle and deactivate Artificial intelligence and Nanotechnology Alien Implants is to develop your heart center and spiritual human qualities, such as increasing deep emotional feelings of Loving Kindness, Compassion and Empathy. Learning how to meditate and perform spiritual cleansing (Spiritual Housekeeping) for your Lightbody is of critical importance to clear AI
- Category: Transhumanism and AI
Unity intelligence is the access into the Zero Point Field consciousness field, the central point of union within our Universe that is a non-polarized. It has neither an electrical or magnetic spin charge, it is a balance of both unified into a neutral field. The Melchizedek Guardians (and others from the next Universal System) are a part of the consciousness teams that have been working to repair Planetary Grid Networks and the Ley Lines grid structure by overriding reversal codes on this planet that feed Bi-Wave Influences. The Bi-Wave Influences are that which split apart the higher Spectrum of Frequency so that the higher access into the “neutral” fields are not accessible. This manifests a closed energy system on our planet and therefore controls all life force energy and power source within a small parameter which the Controllers direct for their personal agenda.
The planet has been surrounded by an Artificial Machinery that prevents access to certain higher forces, higher frequencies, and maintains the collective Mind Control through a “Controller” frequency fence. These “frequency fences” are the Mind Control fields that propagate and feed into “anti-life” structures that power the Imposter Spirit entities and their Anubian Black Heart circulatory systems. They have impaired and controlled human consciousness evolution for thousands of years. (See Luciferian Rebellion).
Frequency Fences
What happens to a person who is on the spiritual path and they really truly are devoted and they really want to do this Ascension work they hit up against that Frequency Fence and it shocks them. When it shocks them they're thinking, 'What's going on I thought when I was connecting to God I would become more at peace, I would become more at one, I don't understand that I'm hitting something like a glass ceiling!'. Every time it's returning karmic dusts and karmic exhaust back to me! That's exactly what this NET is doing it's called a bi-polar field or Reversal 55 Grid and it's a reversal pattern so that when a being starts to get at a certain development of their spiritual lightbody (Monad and above levels) they hit this frequency fence the frequency fence sends back karmic exhaust and the person is basically pummelled to the floor with the Miasma waste that has basically been laid upon them. That is what's happened to a lot of the Starseeds and Indigos on this planet that have been attempting to work through these fields and most of them that have encountered that have been really confused. They really have not understood what is going on, let alone not feeling too happy about every time you stand up you get hit and you know or every time you try to move into this next level there's something electrocuting you and saying get back in that pen because you're not supposed to be out of there. It takes a lot to get past that Reversal 55 Grid field that how that particular field is generated there's a particular circuit programme that the guardians call Nephilim Reversal NRG and this has to do with the histories of hybridisation and intentional genetic splitting.
- Category: Transhumanism and AI
The Nephilim Reversal Grid (NRG) is an alien AI machined structure that is active in the United Kingdom. In order to dismantle the NRG, the various hubs feeding it from all over the planet need to be dismantled systematically, while freeing the soul enslavement of the collective consciousness of the earth humans that is used to power up these grids. This dismantling and grid rehabilitation has been transpiring with the Guardian teams since my awareness of this project in 2008.
The NRG is responsible to break apart hybridized genetics by reversing any synthesis of alchemy that happens organically between the male and female principle (electron-proton balance), as well as repelling any healing for the DNA of reverse pair bonds that are connected to nephilim DNA or based in the reptilian genetics. This is desired by the Reptilians because their human representatives on the earth have been bred as Nephilim (genetic hybrid between Oraphim and Reptilian) and thus are easy to possess and Mind Control for carrying out the negative alien agenda NAA. The Reptilians Negative Aliens do not want to heal their genetics, thereby integrate into human society as an equal, they want to rule humanity as an absolute authority as the False King of Tyranny. The Illuminati plan and the infiltrated monarchy are based within these genetically controlled factions, that are considered the royal bloodlines. Many of these royals are not human any longer, but have been partially or fully possessed by the interdimensional entities in order to make the carrying out of the agenda more convenient. The NRG is a massively complicated alien machinery that has interfered with true spiritual marriage or Hieros Gamos, the union between the inner male-female principles in the original human DNA, making this embodiment nearly impossible for most human beings on the planet. We are continually working on embodying the unity template of Spiritual Marriage in No Time, in order to create the foundation for Hieros Gamos which unites the male-female consciousness units, and requires the alien bi-wave systems fail to run on the earth grids in the future Timelines. The NRG system keeps electron distortions feeding the Patriarchal Domination archetypes that are superimposed upon the males and females given power and influence over others, in the socially accepted roles of identity. This results in a bevy of highly destructive mental belief systems and emotional body schisms that split the male and female principle apart from each other. The strategies of splitting the pair bonds is outlined in the Archontic Deception Behavior. These schisms promote the Predator Mind and anti-human thinking, which is highly dysfunctional to the point it generates genetic damage in the lightbody, especially in the 2nd Chakra and 4th Chakra layer functioning where there is the 2D/4D Split. These archetypes were once creational myths that the souls could play out in the polarity game on earth, but the archetypes were synthesized into AI mind control machinery in order to become a massive source of energy food to be harvested for the controllers, especially with the use of the Victim-Victimizer software. As these archetypes became AI controlled, they were used to gain access to the human energy fields, and control people with Mind Control software, thus the person regressed into aggressive anti-human, robotic and disconnected behavior, losing all feelings of Empathy and spiritual connection. Spiritually abusive behaviors that disconnect people from their Soul Matrix are known as Archontic Deception Behaviors.
- Category: Transhumanism and AI
Extreme forms of Lust is stemming from Mind Control miasma that was programmed into levels of the human genetic material from many hidden histories of forced Breeding Programs with reptilian based races or Refugee Races. This is related to both distortions of Blood Lust and Sexual Lust genrated by the vampire species. These forced breeding programs initially were attempting to create attraction to have sexual relations with a species that was not desirable to your own race in addition to creating hybridization races. In the ancient days, on other planets, in many cases people were not sexually nor physically attracted to a being that was not of their specific race or genetic material. This was not necessarily discrimination, it was the natural energetic composition that existed (or differed) between the gene pool, which is a form of collective Consciousness. The consciousness of specific genetic material was not designed to hybridize with other species and would naturally repel itself from the desire to do so. This is similar to understanding that a human being would not want to have sex with animal species and procreate with that animal. So the answer was to combine genetics in a laboratory setting in order to continue the experimentation of interbreeding with different species for a range of enhancements designed for specific purposes.
It is similar to say that the Royal Lines of Humans from the times of Lyra did not have any attraction or desire to have sex or children with invading reptilian races. Timelines of this related trauma around breeding programs, forced sexual relations and the problems with hybridization, are all entangled in the Sexual Misery programming. This posed a severe problem on earth with Moon Chain lineages, the creatures that digressed into the energetic fields of lusting entities in the earth, and the demonic hierarchies that feed upon them. These multiple hierarchies are used by the NAA off planet to enforce, promote and spread the NRGsexual distortions. This manifests in forms of deviant, disconnected, violent sexual relations connected to lust, which leads to sexual addiction. Any person who is controlled by lust will be a hand puppet for the NAA.
The Dracs sought out revenge and went to the Lemurian continent to finish out the genocidal massacres in Kauai later 22,000 years ago, to kill off all the Lemurian Race Matriarchal influence and Essenes, Christos Templars influence on the earth. They took some of the women for their forced Breeding Programs. This was the final genocide of the Lemurians, that was aided by the Annunaki negotiations and agreements, and the last stage of the Lemurian Holocaust.
Eieyani or Essene Massacre
During the Eieyani Massacare the female high council members and females that had higher DNA codes were taken to Nibiru by Thoth and Annunaki for forced breeding. This was the time Thoth broke the emerald covenant agreement with the Guardians and stole one of the cd plates; he translated the cd plate and wrote the well known (distorted) emerald tablet.
- Category: Transhumanism and AI