Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Our ES community has been asked to begin group collaboration for grid work and transits on Twelve (12) weekly assigned planetary networks in partnership with Krystal Host. We have been asked to invite the public that finds resonance with these words to offer another consciousness ring of heartfelt prayers to support the Krystal Host Planetary Emancipation Gridwork (PEG) Project. These “prayers for emancipation and peace” assignments can be completed within the seven (7) day period which is dedicated to a specific key area that has been directed for support from off planet Krystal Star (Christ Consciousness) families connecting with the earthly family at this timeline. This will be published for the public in the weekly Timeshift Blog here, which is every Tuesday to Tuesday. 

Week NINE Planet Gridwork: Inner Gate of Westbury England in the Valley of the White Horse (South of Bath) and its underground linkup into the Tibet Autonomous Region, Bam Co Lake, (North of Lhasa and Bhutan) for the period of Tuesday July 2nd to Tuesday  July 9th.

White Horse : 51°15′49″N 002°08′49″W
Bam Co : 31°15'10"N 90°34'43"E

Week NINE Intention: Set up HGS Session space that is dedicated to the Purposes of the Krystal Star Host communication networks for Inner Gate 9 in Westbury England in the Valley of the White Horse (South of Bath) and its underground linkup into the Tibet Autonomous Region, Bam Co Lake, (North of Lhasa and Bhutan) Building the architecture required for Krystal Hosting for Planetary Soul and Humanity Tribe 9.
Ways to Help Support the weekly PEG Project: 
  1. Dedicate your 12D shield practice at the end to send love, peace and liberation to the area of the planet assigned within that weekly period. Visualize that area of the Earth, clean, peaceful, abundant and loving for all humans and earthly creatures. Send your love and peace offered in brotherhood/sisterhood towards all humankind. Here is the 12D Video.
  2. Command your personal space as God-Sovereign-Free being and Meditate on your own as it feels resonant, imagine peace and freedom available to all on the Earth, and specifically at the area of assignment.
  3. Read outloud your favorite prayer for peace on the Earth and dedicate that prayer to the assigned area.

As we move forward with this project, there is not expectation or attachment, learn to relax and be in the flow. There is no way this is wrong or right, all there is – is what is perfect for you in the now moment when it happens. Allow your heart to lead the way and feel your inner resonances, organically. 

May all of us together as one heart, hold the highest expression for all involved and support the strength, endurance and truth of our planet project together in Unity!

May all of us be blessed and protected though the divine grace of the eternal light, and all of the Christos families surround and be as our brothers and sisters in peace and love. 


Histories of the Viking Invasions into the land mass of England, Norse mythologies and their archetypes, Nordic Alien invasion, Sacrificial worship and blood ritual (killing people dedicated to Gods) , elemental bindings to various Nordic archetypes, ie. Water and nature spirits bound to Nordic programs saying they are “evil spirits”. Black Sun pre-programs for the Germanic peoples to evolve into Nazi related theories.

The UK history timeline with Tibet and China, and the many reasons those relationships are maintained “publicaly” though secrecy, deception and double dealing. UK has a history of “making friends” with Tibet only to use its people and resources for political and other agendas. The UK superimposition of Reptilian mind control against the Tibetan peoples (divide and conquer) to destroy their legacy of guardianship with ancestral and genetic held ancient knowledge. So the NAA programs over control to the 9th gate are prevalent.

Love in all ways, Lisa