Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
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Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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This is a time where we must learn how to practically apply our grounded and focused spirituality into our day to day lives and our interactions. We must be disciplined and accept the spiritual maturity and wisdom that is required to accomplish our spiritual objectives in the material world. Integrated Ascension is achieved through the balancing of and inquiring upon the contents of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This is the task at hand for those on the Ascension pathway. This can only transpire if we have the discipline to hold self energetic mastery and mastery over the manipulation attempts of the dark forces, such as black magic (SRA), or the vampirism of the false architecture. One cannot be vampiric or parasitic to others, or self serving to a personal ego agenda and hold the sustainable Inner Light of God consciousness within. 

Anyone that has direct experience with the black magic grids and its astral slime know the feeling of dread, decay and repulsion that it contains. When in contact with this kind of decay, it feels like disease and sickness, and there is only so much the body can take without getting some of that slime. That has been thematic recently as these falling influences of these black magic grids are what we could also reference as SRA timelines. These are the structures that hold blood sacrifice records and feed lines and all the Satanic Rituals that are black magic on the planet. So one could say also that SRA timelines are surfacing now up front and center.

As we are installing the new unity source code and its organic architecture of Gods natural law's back into the planetary consciousness field, the hijacked and usurped code that has been used by the controlling forces is not as effective. They are losing control over the Starseeded consciousness that is embodying and installing the unity code. This means the controllers, black magicians, satanic ritualists, and those that have been using vampiric, sexual or parasitic means to control or use others - are beginning to feel a change in their power source. For those Starseed's that are "gridworker's" of these "unity code" fields, you will be feeling and experiencing psychic aggression, energetic interference, black magic phantasms and attempts to siphon or take over your consciousness power. Do not let it sway you. They are losing parts of their artificial architecture and they are mad as hornets. Stay calm, peaceful and rest as much as you can. Do not let them create any fear in you.

In certain stages of gateway or portal openings in the planet, the dark energies get agitated and extremely aggressive. Commanding your sovereign space, defending your light has been a full time job for us Starseed's recently. Our warrior training and our specific expertise in consciousness warfare is getting activated at this time. We as Guardian consciousness do not attack, however, we must defend our consciousness and spirit bodies. They cannot take it from us anymore. The Guardians explain why. 

Recently the Thothian controlled grid network (called the Phoenix Spike Site in the Egypt area that feeds on the Golden Eagle Grid) which is based in usurped creational code and its "Thelema/Ulema" language pattern has been made obsolete in certain areas of the planetary circulatory system. This means that critical areas where the Controllers siphon human energetic consciousness power and redirect it back into their artificial systems is failing in the percentage they need to power the mind control and other systems. The collective consciousness of BlackMagic Grids were controlled and installed by the consciousness of an Atlantian teacher and Solar Lord archetype – Aleister Crowley and his mentor Thoth. Crowley was a Negative Alien contactee and abductee. Thothian- Annunaki language (based on usurped language of the Original Creational God Code – The Law of One) was given to Crowley at the turn of the century in order for him to be the human embodiment that was necessary to bring this "black magic" language into the physical – which continued the Atlantian brotherhood war in this reality system. Crowley was manipulated through his own patriarchal slant, genetic elitism, sexual deviance and ego maniacal selfishness to install a vast circulatory system of control for Thoth, which is synonymous in explaining "black magic grids". He was started in the United Kingdom where government heads (reptilian central leaders, such as Winston Churchill) were grooming him to be in special operation of the black sun forces used in the British Secret Service. 

Crowley also was contacted in Cairo, Egypt by Negative Grey Reptilian Aliens to begin his indoctrination to support the negative alien agenda. He was instrumental infiltrating the Secret Society's of which he gave consciousness tools, rituals and artifacts to the Illuminati. This began the human history of black ops (shadow government), the military industrial complex which was shared negative alien technology in exchange for human souls, human abduction and genetic mutation experiments. In most cases these souls were ritualized and bound in the Thothian black magic grids to entrap them so they could be "siphoned". 

This dark history and its cellular memory are revealing to the planet in order to be witnessed by consciousness and free the bound souls. They will be returned to their appropriate time and space continuum. Many of us in this family will perform soul retrievals and service to this regard for humanity and the planet. It is important to not fear this level of darkness when it asks for help. And it will. 

You are God, You are Sovereign, You are Free! Do not forget the Truth of Who You Are when you are facing the darkness. It is what it is, and that is All. 

(Source: Es Newsletter, The Restoration November 2010)