Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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This summer has been leading us through another one of those Spiritual Ascension developmental phases of feeling that some area of our life is under construction, and every item is being continually evaluated for its energetic resonance and future direction. Many of us have to stand back with detached observation while the invisible demolition derby shows up with a wrecking ball and a bulldozer, revealing in the moment, what’s staying and what’s going. For others, we have been waiting patiently for the right time and the right place to join into the new energy stream and dive into the waters of change. The rearranging of energetic power that exists in the foundation we have built all things, has an massive impact to shift our life circumstances, such as rearranging our relationships, and reconfiguring any other type of situation that had been previously running an imbalanced energy system. We cannot exist in these imbalances anymore, and everything is getting streamlined or being aligned to serve larger purposes. The collective energies, astrologically, cosmically, planetary or otherwise, are forcing transformation into a new base setting that shifts where we operate from and how we nourish ourselves. For some of us, this is a real testament to our skill in totally letting go and trusting the lit up path that is leading us into the temporarily unknown. We are being pushed hard to change the power imbalances that were running in our life, change their emotional patterns, and that can make us feel emotionally raw when we are pushed to confront everything in our path, but this inner and outer confrontation is necessary.

We have to move out from any physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stagnation, all things that hold us back. If something or someone is an oppressive influence on our spirit, that situation is being dismantled and fizzing out. Most people have a hard time handling the stress and awkwardness of situations ending, so positive communication or congenial behavior is not generally present. People cannot explain why things have to end, they just feel it inside, and many of us can be at a loss for words.  It is especially difficult when we have formed bonds with other people that we care for and love, and this emotional connection generated stories that included them in our future landscape, and then we have the realization that storyline is not going to happen. This time cycle is similar to a hard-drive reset, we are rebuilding the inner foundation and outer foundation of which our lives are based upon or built around. Any interactive dynamic that existed between people, places and things, that is now rendering obsolete in this current energy level, is getting an overhaul, evaluation, and massive transformation to become something different. Connecting with our inner spirit through daily reflection and spiritual support for navigation through these changes is mandatory for maintaining sanity, as there are certain unpleasant tasks we may have to finish up and accomplish now. Shifting our perspective to look at these tasks as opportunities to learn, strengthen and grow beyond our current belief systems to expand personal consciousness, is what the purpose of this time cycle really means. In many cases, we are rebuilding a new foundation for ourselves now, and when the dust settles from the demolition phase, then we start to see the next step we must take to move through these life altering changes.

The more adaptable, flexible and fearless a person is in the face of massive transformation and change, while riding out into the unknown, is the relative experience of how much stress and pressure that person feels. Our goal is to better accept changes into the unknown as inevitable during the planetary Dark Night of the Soul, and do our best to not fight or resist the changes we are confronted with, but find ways to peacefully adapt.  The change occurring to our personal and collective hologram is similar to a set change or location change on a movie production set. Massive electromagnetic reconstruction is happening in the collective planetary field, and that lends to multidimensional bleed-through of timelines with more surreal, weird and unusual experiences. However, many of us that are seasoned on the Ascension path, are not new to this type of paranormal phenomena, it’s another day in the life of a Starseed, Indigo or Light-worker. However, these powerful forces bring a new sweeping wave of people getting a fast shake down into the awakening fold, and many people are desperate for context or something they can grab ahold to better understand what is happening to them. This intense magnetic change and shift in electromagnetic current on the planetary ley lines is moving very fast and as a result, it requires spontaneous acceptance of massive life altering changes that can happen in the moment. In fact, spontaneous may be an understatement in these times,  we are required to operate in the present time when now moment life changes can and will happen in a split second, of which directions are laid out to you on the spot. What are you doing with these sudden internal messages?  Some of us are still trying to register in our brain what is actually happening, but by the time it registers mentally, the change is already been made, come and gone. Those of us that have developed the ability to listen to guidance, stay in the flow and follow our inner spirit without hesitation, may marvel at the energetic efficiency of the new changes being made.  For those dedicated to the spiritual path, the amount of energy available to us now makes interaction and boundary testing with people, places, or things quick, rapid, efficient and crystal clear! It either is or it isn’t, and we cannot force anything to be something that it is not.

However, many humans that are not aware of the planetary awakening process are not well equipped to counter and neutralize the kind of high pressured stress that these immediate changes and their events, may exert on the individual person. These types of life altering patterns without evolutionary context and tools can be experienced as traumatic and painful, which is very painful for many of us to witness and feel in our brothers and sisters on this earth. How can we best help to support them to find comfort in their awakening process, when they have no idea what is happening to them is the result of planetary Ascension?  That means the spectrum of emotional fear, chaos, despair and trauma are very high in the collective human fields, and we have many confused people wondering if everyone and everything on the earth is going crazy. Many people feel what’s happening in the collective soul body of the earth, and they may identify with the externalized fears, negative emotions, and dark forces as sensations that are stemming from their own internal misery and confusion. When a person is not self-aware or conscious of the world of forces and their energies, they can become conduits of dark forces that are created from the collective human race expression, as they have not developed the higher sensory ability to feel what is inside them and what is externalized by others. The collective human burden of pain is an energetic weight that can feel like its crushing the individual body and mind,  without some development of strong inner energetic foundation and inner clarity. This collective force confusion is also transpiring in many extra dimensions that exist outside of the earth body,  which adds more variations of intensity to the entire melting pot of transformation that is impacting humans, nonhumans and offworlders.

The fiery heat of the melting pot is the alchemical process of synthesizing the opposing forces that operate in our consciousness and in our life, as we move through this end time cycle, we undergo the forging of our inner mettle that is required in the remixing of our internal and external consciousness forces. Like hot metal being forged by the highest red hot flame in order to bend into new shapes, the spiritual forging of a human being produces a host of new characteristic human strengths and skills. The spiritually forged human that adapts to transformation and change, has the potential capacity to evolve into a divine superhuman, which is made possible through conscious participation with the bio-spiritual ascension process.

Through the spiritual ascension process, we are continually exposed to great internal heat and fire, as well as, environmental shifts and many energetic catalysts to affect deep chemical changes to our body, changes so profoundly impactful on our human being, that it has molecular and atomic consequences. Ultimately, the consequence of all of this applied pressure in all of its many forms, as the pressure is applied internally and externally, has a profound impact on shifting individual and collective consciousness. As an example, to understand this archetypal pattern that follows natural laws, the tarot card of Temperance represents the same alchemical mixing and blending of the polarities of forces in order to finally achieve equilibrium, ultimately made as the result of the merging of the opposing forces marrying into one. Those that are feeling the weight and density of these life altering changes,  may feel empowered and lifted to reflect or meditate on the meaning of Temperance in our life. Many times when we have context for life altering changes that we previously did not understand were necessary, the suffering we had in that process is replaced with greater feelings of trust and acceptance.  

“Temperance is almost invariably depicted as a person pouring liquid from one receptacle into another. Historically, this was a standard symbol of the virtue temperance, one of the cardinal virtues, representing the dilution of wine with water. In many decks, the person is a winged person, angel, usually female or androgynous, and stands with one foot on water and one foot on land.”

This most certainly is our theme in achieving inner sacred marriage and hierogamic union, the necessary return to balance the inner and outer forces existing inside ourselves and in the world, and that process of rebalancing our expenditures and accumulations of energy, this is especially being rearranged and reconfigured now, in every area of our lives. The Law of Conservation is showing us where we obey the law or where we do not. If there is a relationship or organization that we are involved in that is not flowing in the same energetic stream, that situation is gearing up for completion and the redirection of its energetic resources. This is also serving as an energetic alignment and convergence of congruent timelines, for each being and its circumstantial level of spiritual growth. The areas that we are not balanced or in congruent flow with in our internal energies, are generally viewed from the perspective of feeling pain and suffering. Physical pain, mental pain, and emotional pain, is very present in the imbalanced human body now, and that gives each person the opportunity to address that pain and do the spritiual work necessary to transcend that pain by finding energetic balance. With an evolutionary context for Ascension and some basic emotional clearing tools, this pain will lead us back into finding energetic balance within ourselves, as we apply a proper mental perception with a positive attitude.

With an evolutionary context for Ascension, we can begin to comprehend our larger interconnection to the macrocosm, our interconnection with the Universe, and we can allow ourselves to relax into the stream of Universal flow, leading us into radical change. Once we can see that our existence as a higher self is a point of perception that exists within a larger group consciousness, our individual issues fall away, and we cease to be so overly self absorbed in our perception of negative emotions and personal suffering. Yet, the suffering experience can be spiritually productive, when the person is willing to inquire on the nature of the pain that is being experienced. Where are the areas in your life that you feel pain or suffering, and what message is this pain giving you? Let this inquiry of deeper reflection lead you to explore a new version of yourself, a self that is fully freed of emotional and internal fear, a self that is free to choose to move away from all experiences of suffering. This emotional freedom allows us to converge with others who are sharing the same energetic alignment path towards Ascension, which creates more balanced energy and appropriate value exchanges through the interactions that are made between more energetically congruent parties. There is no bad or good label that is needed, it all comes down to energetic resonance, inner congruency and the proper alignment of mutuality in our exchanges.  We must plant seeds that can be sown from where they can grow and flourish. We do not expect to plant seeds and grow a harvest from the bedrock of stone. Each person must till their own soil, and there is no other person that can do that for you.

(Source: ES News -, September 2012)