Clearing Treatments
An array of clearing meditation audio treatments (mp3) to apply in a variety of purposes when undergoing ascension symptoms, psychic overload or attack, or with the neccessity to drop dense energy patterns and debris from the aura. Always prepare your clearing space with your personal 12D light Shield, and GSF boundary test. (GSF= I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!) See the ES Core Triad for daily use in the free Ascension Tools section.
Clearing Treatments
Clearing Negative Forms in Parallel
Clearing Negative Forms in Parallel - In this meditation we will address Negative form in more detail in the Parallel realities.
Clearing Pain Triggers
To send unlimited Loving Kindness and Compassion to any unhealed trauma or pain that results in mental and emotional triggers, that obscure my spiritual clarity.
Clearing Wounds of Christ
Clearing Wounds of Christ - We are addressing a specific inorganic architecture which we call Wounds of Christ, Stations of the Cross which are sub structures of the Planetary Crucifixion Implants.
Clearing YHWH Matrix with Blue Feather of Aquaferion
To clear our genetic record and ancestral record from the inorganic enslavement matrix, and all of its related fallen angelic, false Ascended master and artificial intelligence constructs.
Connecting Krystal Spiral in Personal Tree
To connect the Krystal Spiral in our heart with each of the dimensional spheres in our personal tree of life.
Connecting Lattice of Light in Rainbow DNA
To connect with our double strand DNA and clear AI distortions from the NAA and Breakaway Civilization Controller Groups.
Connecting with Solar Logos Gates
Beloved Holy Spirit, with my heart placed upon the altar of God, I am in Service to the One, please take me to the inner throne of God, within my holy inner sanctum, as God would have it be.
Connecting with Spirits of Air
To connect with the Spirits of Air, in order to deeply communicate the ways we can be of service to the air elements.
Consent to Align with Cosmic Sovereign Law of One
To affirm our intent, consent and authority to live in alignment to the Universal Laws, the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.
Correct Magnetic Alignment
To correct the magnetic alignment in our body to the highest optimum function.
Correct Symmetry, Proportion and Ratios
Correcting the Symmetry Proportion and Ratios of our Merkaba body and remove the lunar forces.
Correction for 2D-4D Schisms
We are addressing the holographic blueprint correction for the 2D-4D Split and its related shadow body schisms.
Cosmic Prototype of Sacred Union
The Seven Stars of the Rishis are awakening to SHIFT THE AEON through the Celestial Hierarchy working under the direction of the Highest Creative Intelligence, The Cosmic Trinity of the Godhead.
Dark Matter Template Krystal Encryption
To connect to and correct the function of our Rasha Body to align with Aurora Krystal Elements and God Flows.
Demagnetizing Past Timelines with Microcosmic Orbit
Leave behind and clear connections to past records that are harmful to our spiritual growth as we are moving forward in time.
Developing Self Awareness
To clear obsolete energies recorded in our three lower chakras or energy centers.
Diamond Anointed Sunship
To connect into the Krystal Cathedral of eternal living Spirit in the diamond heart matrix of Aqualasha.
Diamond Heart Transmission
Learn how to open and connect to our own inner heart, as a compass for navigation of the new Krystic energies.
Latest Products
Platinum Crystal Activation
In this meditation we will intend to connect with the Andromedan heart spiral and activate the platinum crystal within us, and in service to the earth and humanity, we offer to run the code for the ...
Solar Twin Michael-Mary Giza Activation
We intend to connect into the Sun Disc Network with the platinum crystal, and in service to the earth and humanity, we offer to run the code for the platinum crystal.
The Golden Cube
In this meditation we will be connecting with the inner solar temple and intending to connect with the outer solar temple and the Golden Cube in the seven higher heavens.
Ruby Sun DNA Reclamation Healing
We address the correction of Grail line Ruby Sun DNA genetic digression, and the genetic mutations and effects that this has made upon our diamond sun consciousness and human body template.
Spiritual Healing for Family of Origin
The higher purpose is to release earthly burdens of reincarnation, superimposed karmic loads or continued consciousness slavery in our family of origin, in so that we, and they, may be fully ...
Clearing Descending Serpent Fire
The Negative Sexual Fire force is triggered from the coccyx downwards and is the negative fire which gave birth and gives energy to the predator mind of the negative ego. It is important to ...
Hierogamic Twin Clock Chambers
There is a set of horizontal counter-rotating chambers that move clockwise to bring in energy from the Unified Field of God-Source and disperse it through the vertical Hara lines that impact all time ...
Microcosmic Orbit Scanning Exercise
To strengthen our central vertical channel and increase the energetic integrity within the core structure of our lightbody.
Returning Aspects from Metatronic Net Fields
WARNING!! Use care and caution. Ask guidance for affirmative before working with this meditation. This addresses abduction and Milab.