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Choice & Commitment
How the annual Electrical Peak on our planet is impacting us and moving us into a new timeline.
Life Review
Mastering Relationships Guidelines and spiritual initiation to apply greater wisdom in our actions and lifestyle to make positive changes.
At The Threshold
For those choosing the Ascension Timeline, we know that we are standing at the threshold of a major life and planetary change.
Buried pressures are erupting around us, both in our planet and lives. Learn how to be transparent within these environmental energies.
Communion to Confirmation
We are initiating our body to progress into the Unity Field of Inner Christ Light.
Pushing for Timelines
Timelines: what they are and how is this powerful tool being used to direct energetic fields and levels of consciousness.
The Mother Arc
Humanities Collective Emotional Body and how energies released into the mass field creates more unconsciousness and reactive behavior in the environment Midpoint cycle of the 6th night of the ...
Open Architecture
The Time of Restoration: Unity Source code and its open architecture is on the planet and it changes the core structure of our planetary system.
Maharata Combo Clearing
Learn how to reinforce the Christ frequency with the ma-ha-ra-ta mantra and clear vesica pisces, Thothian reversal black magic, sexual ritual and implants, distorted mystery school teachings, ...
Subconscious Mind Krystic Bonfire
Visualization exercise in a natural and peaceful setting to uncover subconscious programs and confront beliefs in order to recover personal power and inner spiritual power.
Code of Blue Nile
Humanities Collective Emotional Body and more on the Planetary Astral Body and Giza Stargate relationship.
Changing of the Guard
Activations Galore means Nervous System Calibration is helpful. With these geomagnetic shifts our brain/circadian rhythm is changing.
How Much are You Willing to Know?
Alien Agendas: The Alien Deception and Guidelines to Prepare for Positive Spiritual Contact.
Reuniting with Holy Father
We intend to Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair the subconscious mind aspects which inflict negative ego delusions, inflict mental bondage of pain and suffering.
Breaking Spiritual Bondage Loops
Intended to greatly support the reintegration and wholeness for the inner core spiritual being through breaking personal and ancestral hidden spiritual bondage loops.
Clearing Ancestral Miasma
Calling upon the Celestine Fire and applying its sanitizing properties throughout each of the 12 spheres.
False Ascended Master and 7 Ray Clearing
Clears and removes False Ascended Master Matrix and associated programs, holographic inserts and siphons, and associated False Ascension Matrix structures and cordings.
Inner Child Healing
To be applied when the body is in shock, trauma from emotional grief, to feel safe and supported in spiritual connection.
Four Living Creatures Meditation
This meditation will recalibrate Divine Heart to true Sun/Krystal Star of Eternal Self, and unify polarity.
Safe Passage
This process can be used prior to the passing from the body, knowing that the transition will take place at the appropriate time.
Umbilicus Reset
Resetting of the Soul Incarnation Transduction Sequence by observing the current 3D birth.
Khem Code Induction with Copper Roses
Participate with the induction of the Khem Code as re-encrypted with the copper rose gold failsafe of copper roses
Christ Archetype Healing
Witness the human collective unconscious polarity archetypes in the planetary body neutrally to release them from impacting your unconscious mental body.
Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea
Emerald Order Melchizedek Solar Templar shields for Universal Gender Principle corrections
Brain Integration Treatment
Brain balancing treatment to connect with the three levels of the Central Nervous System to integrate the hemispheres of the brain into a unified processing pattern.
Latest Products
Winter Solstice Meditation 2022
Cosmic Holy Mother in her Triple Solar Goddess Tara emanation
Alhambra Palace
Emerald Order Guardians brought to our attention the next stage of reclamation of Christos and Return of the Emerald Order.
Starry Night Dark Firmament
We entered the next stages of dark matter planetary initiation of the Starry Night Dark Firmament.
Confrontation in Malta
Cosmic Mother Dragon made her alterations in the dark matter fields with her organic Supermagnetism during the magnetic peak.
Cosmic Elohei
Inverted satanic architecture under the control of the Vatican’s NAA network have set off grid wars that also have had intergalactic repercussions.
Bone to Blood Corrections
We intend to make corrections to our instruction set that aligns our Bone matrix to support Blood Clearing.
Melchizedek Logos
The Melchizedek Logos shield and Universal Rod and Staff body parts began to reassemble into crystalline light symbol codes.
Featured Products
Rise of Arthur and Albion Lightbody
During this phase of the planetary emancipation, humanity stands on the precipice of mass global awakening in which the United Kingdom landmass plays an intricate and important part.
Clearing Beam Steering 5G Technology
Holographic blueprint correction for Beam Steering 5G Technology that is transmitting from the Satellites, Space Fence and the planetary ley line network.
Sapphire Diamond Shield
The planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle during the hierogamic event of the Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns.
Surpassing the Glass Ceiling
There are many possible new realities being birthed during this time in order to allow the maximum openings for all beings to heal genetically.
10th Stargate Network
In the ascension stairstep the 10D sphere or chakra in the individual is where we enter the Avatar level of embodiment.
Akasha Golden Aether Dodecahedron
To connect directly with the hand of creation blueprint of the akasha golden aether dodecahedron through our ninth and tenth dimensional axiatonal lines.