A. In terms of my connection with the guardian races, the Melchizedek lineage is not sourced from this Universe, yet it is a Universal consciousness. The name is a sound tone harmonic that is a word that we say “Melchizedek” in this density, yet the tone and geometric pattern is something our linear 3D brain does not process. There are families of the Melchizedeks’ and several layers of trees existing from within that lineage. One of them being, a type of “cosmic crisis management team” for the planetary systems that are experiencing genetic digression or possible annihilation. Many of these beings are ultra terrestrial that exist in ascended state meaning they are not in a form, they are a light being, they can shapeshift, etc. The Melchizedeks’ are the genetic lineage of the builders of the creative structures of holographic projections (The Architects) and know how to correct structural integrity issues in creational systems. When there is breakdown of a system i.e. a creation that is digressing instead of evolving since it’s integrity has been compromised, the Melchizedeks’ go into the Universal structure and attempt to heal and reweave genetic instruction sets into the holographic bodies of the celestial levels, merkabah field levels, at every level. In this sense, they are creator gods that work with instructional fields of hologram and have been inter-dimensional and will incarnate into the form body in order to support or assist bringing particular code with it. As an embodied Melchizedek, one brings the file instruction set into the planet from the Melchizedek lineage when it is appropriate to do so and the being has been trained enough to do so. This is so that the information can be relayed into planetary and creational field through the morphogenetic field, the consciousness instruction set program. When Melchizedek intelligence is woven throughout the species field and key coded throughout the genetic programs, it allows the entire species to receive the genetic code of intelligence being directed throughout that consciousness layer. At this level of comprehension, Jesus the Christ is a Melchizedek. Hebrews are a closer genetic relationship and through esoteric Judaism, the Kabbalah, brought through pieces of Melchizedek intelligence, through the knowledge of the Tree of Life. Due to patriarchal distortions brought through the hidden Negative Alien invasion, the tree of life was disfigured to ten spheres instead of the original mathematical base of twelve. Melchizedeks returning to the earth field at the end of the cycle, are attempting to correct and rebuild the distorted Tree of Life back to its correct formula base 12. The Tree of Life is the base holographic instruction set to all manifestation, which is the Twelve Tree Grid. Many of those in Guardian Christos consciousness (Oneness) are of the Melchizedek lines. However there are Fallen Melchizedeks seeking genetic rehabilitation during this ascension cycle also. (Source: QA June 2008)