Q. Is the frequency in our cells and brains being raised up and reordered causing us to take naps and feel ungrounded?
A. Yes. The frequency changes result in brain upgrades and the neural net which causes a conflict between the operating hemispheres in our brain, making us feel tired. The brain chemistry and the brain waves that we were used to having when we were “awake” and “asleep” are shifting frequencies. This changes what is called the circadian rhythm, the natural biorhythm and movement of our body in respect to planetary energies, such as when we are awake and when we are asleep. Sometimes the brain is operating with brain waves that the body remembers used to be when we were in a sleep state. The Schumann resonance of earth is changing and what we were used to had a certain phasing, this had a certain rhythm to it. The global brain, the magnetic field of earth is changing. Our interface and connection to the earth, our sleep state, our grounding mechanism is starting to change also, so many of us are feeling this disorientation during this time. We may require cycles of lots of sleep. (Source: QA, Sept 2007)
- Category: Q&A Transcripts
Q. Are some people here to just be Pathcutters just for the entire earth?
A. Yes. The Indigos and Star races came here specifically because they knew that we had an opportunity to bring this planet into Ascension timelines. We came here to be pathcutters for the earth by rehabilitating and healing the DNA imprints and its damaged architecture in the collective field. This group will sense and experience global energies moving through their consciousness, or parts of their own body. Many of them have specific expertise and are "sleepers", meaning that they do not know who they are and why they incarnated until they are awakened by their Star family. (Source: QA, Sept. 2007)
- Category: Q&A Transcripts
Q. Does Pathcutting always result in getting physically sick even if person shares healthy lifestyle?
A. Some people have an emotional emanation of it and there are others who have the physical side effects. Most people will have some kind of physical release or bodily symptom. When you physically take charge of your body, it does help and you will get guidance on what you need. Sometimes you need another being to hold space for you so your guides can do etheric surgery or body work for you. However the change in the cellular material is required to embody higher frequency, or light in the cells. In order to shift the frequency of the body, the body in one of its forms will find ways to “drop density”. Sometimes that means your body does not feel well, like the "ascension flu." (Source: QA Sept. 2007)
- Category: Q&A Transcripts