Solar Feminine: 2020 Timeline
During this phase of great bifurcation, the Planetary Logos and humanity are primarily focused upon the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ through the newly available embodiment levels of the Christos-Sophianic template. The ongoing themes for the reclamation of the Christos mission in 2020 include the retrieval of Solar Feminine Melchizedek aspects from the black hole system, the repair of the Mother’s code language made through the reassembly of planetary Cathar architecture, the corrections made in the instruction sets in the field designed to fully embody the Sophianic template, and the mass spiritual healing of the true female principle returning to the earth. The Archons aka NAA are not amused, hence massive retailiation ensues.
Timeline 2020 - Solar Feminine
Honoring the Emergence of Divine Feminine
We call upon the authentic and true Holy Mother presence, the Sophianic consciousness, to honor and respect the emergence of the divine feminine restoring her true identity and reclaiming her divine ...
Aquamarine Crystal KA Activation for Plasma Rings
Clear out inorganic elements from the sacral centers with the aquamarine crystal, ignite the upgrades in the Lotus Points.
Unifying with the Core of Creation
Connect with the inner light seed of the Cosmic Christos template in the Azura point and stand in the cave of creation, to connect directly with the Violet sun.
Clearing Universal Shadow Timeline
To address the Universal Shadow body timeline at the causality point in the 11th dimension, and clear out its shadow aspects in which generated the shadow selves.
Safe Passage for SRA’d Children
We call upon the spirits of Christos to ignite profound spiritual healing to flood into all persons in the spaces and places which are involved in human trafficking.